Noninertial/fictitious forces (Movement on a rotating Earth)

In summary, the weight of an apple (mass = 200g) at rest is 1.96N. On the train traveling east, the weight would increase to 1.95406578 N due to the Coriolis force pointing towards the axis of rotation of the earth. On the train traveling west, the weight would decrease to 1.95245009 N due to the Coriolis force pointing outward from the axis of rotation of the earth. Therefore, the difference in weight of the apple between the two trains is 0.00161569 N, and it is lighter on the train traveling west.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Two trains are traveling east and west on the equator at 50km/h. What is the difference in weight of an apple (mass = 200g) in each train? In which train is it lighter?

Homework Equations

x denotes vector (cross) product, bold denotes a vector quantity. Subscripts rot and in denote the rotating and inertial frames of reference respectively. Ω is the angular velocity of rotating earth. r is the position vector to a point on the equator (magnitude here equal to Re, the radius of earth)

The apparent force due to motion on a rotating Earth is:
Frot = marot
= main - m[2Ω x vrot + Ω x (Ω x r)]
= F + Ffict

The fictitious force Ffict consists of two terms, the Coriolis force and the Centrifugal force:
Coriolis force F = -2mΩ x vrot = -2mΩvrot
Centrifugal force F = -mΩ x (Ω x r) = -mΩ^2 * Re

The Attempt at a Solution

On the train traveling east, the Coriolis force points toward the axis of rotation of the earth, increasing the weight of the apple:
Frot = mg + 2mΩvrot - (mΩ^2 * Re)

On the train traveling west, the Coriolis force points outward from the axis of rotation of the earth, decreasing the weight of the apple:
Frot = mg - 2mΩvrot - (mΩ^2 * Re)

At this point, I am stuck. Is what I have correct so far? How do I calculate the weight of the apple given the two equations above? Do I just plug in these values?
m = 0.2kg
Ω = 2π rad / 86400 sec = 7.27*10^-5 rad/s
Re = 6378.14 km @ equator
vrot = 50 km / h = 13.89 m/s

Thank you!
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  • #2
Two comments
1) The problem wants the difference in weights.
2) How is "weight" normally measured?
  • #3
Well I would assume that it would be using the gravitational definition of weight, weight being the force exerted on a body by gravity, so weight would be equal to F = mg, and would be expressed in Newtons (kg * m/s2)

So the weight of the apple at rest would be F = main = mg = 0.2kg * 9.8m/s = 1.96N

On the train traveling east, the weight would be:
Frot = mg + 2mΩvrot - (mΩ^2 * Re) = 1.96N + 2(0.4kg)(7.27*10-5 rad/s)(13.89 m/s) - (0.2kg)(7.27*10-5 rad/s)2(6378140m) = 1.95406578 N

On the train traveling west, the weight would be:
Frot = mg - 2mΩvrot - (mΩ^2 * Re) = 1.96N - 2(0.4kg)(7.27*10-5 rad/s)(13.89 m/s) - (0.2kg)(7.27*10-5 rad/s)2(6378140m) = 1.95245009 N

Thus it would be lighter on the train traveling west. Does that all look right?
  • #4
Typically scales measure the normal force, by seeing how much a spring compresses. So really you should have Frot-N=0, but Frot=N, so you're good.
  • #5

I would first commend the student for their attempt at solving the problem and using the appropriate equations. However, I would also point out that the equations provided may not be necessary for solving this particular problem.

To calculate the difference in weight of the apple in each train, we can use the equation W = mg, where W is the weight, m is the mass, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. In this case, we can assume that g is constant and equal to 9.8 m/s^2.

Using this equation, we can calculate the weight of the apple in the eastbound train:
W = (0.2 kg)(9.8 m/s^2) = 1.96 N

And in the westbound train:
W = (0.2 kg)(9.8 m/s^2) = 1.96 N

Therefore, the difference in weight is 0 N, and the apple will have the same weight in both trains.

It is important to note that the equations provided in the problem may be relevant in other situations, such as when calculating the weight of an object at different latitudes on a rotating Earth. However, for this specific problem, the difference in weight can be easily calculated using the basic formula W = mg.

FAQ: Noninertial/fictitious forces (Movement on a rotating Earth)

1. What are noninertial/fictitious forces?

Noninertial/fictitious forces are forces that appear to act on an object due to its motion in a non-inertial reference frame. These forces are actually a result of the frame of reference itself and do not stem from any real physical force.

2. How do noninertial/fictitious forces affect objects on a rotating Earth?

On a rotating Earth, objects experience noninertial/fictitious forces such as the Coriolis force, which causes objects to appear to curve in their path of motion. This is due to the rotation of the Earth and the difference in velocity between different latitudes.

3. Are noninertial/fictitious forces the same as centrifugal forces?

No, noninertial/fictitious forces and centrifugal forces are different concepts. Centrifugal forces are real forces that arise from an object's inertia and its circular motion, while noninertial/fictitious forces are not real forces and depend on the reference frame of observation.

4. How do noninertial/fictitious forces impact our daily lives?

Noninertial/fictitious forces have a significant impact on our daily lives, especially in fields like meteorology and navigation. They affect the flight paths of airplanes, the rotation of hurricanes, and the trajectory of missiles. They also play a role in the Coriolis effect, which influences the direction of winds and ocean currents.

5. Can noninertial/fictitious forces be ignored in certain situations?

In most cases, noninertial/fictitious forces can be neglected and do not have a significant impact on the outcome of a situation. However, in certain situations where precise measurements or calculations are necessary, such as in space missions or advanced weather forecasting, these forces must be taken into account for accurate results.

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