Modding My Road Bike for Aerodynamics: Ideas & Suggestions?

In summary, this person is thinking about modding their road bike for increased aerodynamics, but is not sure if it is worth it or if there is a better way to do it. They suggest looking into CFD software or a CAD program to model the bike.
  • #1
I have been toying with the idea of modding my road bike (pedal) for increased aerodynamicy;
for starters of adding a small fiberglass shell on the front to channel the air around my legs and lower bike frame
possibly eventually adding a shell to control the flow around my shoulders more
does anyone have any ideas/suggestions/comments
i am interested to hear anything
Engineering news on
  • #2
Shawnzyoo said:
I have been toying with the idea of modding my road bike (pedal) for increased aerodynamicy;
for starters of adding a small fiberglass shell on the front to channel the air around my legs and lower bike frame
possibly eventually adding a shell to control the flow around my shoulders more
does anyone have any ideas/suggestions/comments
i am interested to hear anything

I have a road bicycle too. But I think you are not going to take advantage of any modding about increasing aerodynamics. Maybe Lance Armstrong or Jan Ulrich who rides at 60 km/h counter-cronometer will take advantage of it. But if you are not a professional cyclist (like me) don't think too much about it.
  • #5
i meant CFD sorry about that
i honestly have never used one before
is there one that is easier to learn for beginners?
  • #6
I use Fluent( ) though it is by no means easy---very powerful though. I've played with solidworks Cosmos ( ) it's fairly easy to use and is integrated rather nicely into solidworks.

There are some F/OSS CFD packages out there too. What you decide to use will be determined by how accurate you need you flow model to be, how much you want ot spend, and how much time you want to invest in learning how to use said software.

Just as a frame of reference, I work in engine controls so the extent of flow modeling I do is to put my sensors( airflow meters mostly for new designs or thermocouples in exhaust systems) into the intakes and exhaust headers in locations that give the Data Acq units representative samples with as little flow disruption as possible. CFD helps me do this but most of the flow analysis is done by different groups.
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FAQ: Modding My Road Bike for Aerodynamics: Ideas & Suggestions?

1. How can I make my road bike more aerodynamic?

There are several ways to make your road bike more aerodynamic. Some suggestions include adding aero handlebars, using aero wheels, and installing aero frame covers. Additionally, reducing the number of exposed cables and using a sleeker seatpost can also improve aerodynamics.

2. Will aerodynamic modifications affect the weight of my road bike?

Yes, aerodynamic modifications can add weight to your road bike. However, it is important to find a balance between aerodynamics and weight. Adding too much weight can negatively impact your bike's performance, so it is best to consult with a professional or do thorough research before making any modifications.

3. How much of a difference does aerodynamics make in cycling performance?

Aerodynamics can significantly impact cycling performance, especially in high-speed rides or races. Studies have shown that even small changes in aerodynamics can result in noticeable improvements in speed and efficiency. However, the effectiveness of aerodynamic modifications can vary depending on factors such as wind conditions, rider position, and bike design.

4. Are there any budget-friendly options for improving aerodynamics on my road bike?

Yes, there are budget-friendly options for improving aerodynamics on your road bike. Some affordable options include using aero tape on exposed cables, adding aero clip-on bars, and using an aero helmet. It is also possible to make DIY modifications, such as covering gaps in the frame with electrical tape or using aero bottle cages.

5. Can aerodynamic modifications be easily reversed if I change my mind?

In most cases, aerodynamic modifications can be easily reversed if you change your mind. However, it is important to carefully consider the impact of these modifications before making any changes. Some modifications, such as cutting the seatpost or handlebars, may not be reversible without purchasing new components.

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