Free piston engine modification

In summary, the idea proposed is to simplify the design of a free piston engine by using a hollow cylinder made of heat resistant material and a large permanent magnet for movement. The use of magnet bearings would eliminate the need for lubricating oil and potentially increase efficiency. The main challenge would be developing a sophisticated cooling system for the high temperatures involved. Further research is needed to address feasibility and potential limitations of using high temperature resistant magnets in an engine.
  • #1
I think that we may try to simplify free piston engine and it may look just like hollow cylinder
made of very heat resistant material in which big cylindrical permanent magnet is moving back and forth horizontaly.The most heat resistant magnets could withstand temperatures up to 800°C (curie point).Using big magnet allows to implement some kind of magnet bearings and avoid using lubricating oil.I think such construction could have very high efficiency because any gases which will escape to other part of camera will be ready to give up power again.So this is self- turbocharged and self-compressed.Only problem that I see is a cooling system.Probably it will require some sofisticated holes through which coolant will be squirted.
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  • #2

Thank you for sharing your idea about simplifying a free piston engine. It is always exciting to see new and innovative ideas being proposed in the field of science and engineering.

Your suggestion of using a hollow cylinder made of heat resistant material with a large permanent magnet moving back and forth horizontally is certainly an interesting concept. The use of magnet bearings to avoid the need for lubricating oil is a clever idea and could potentially increase the efficiency of the engine.

I agree with you that the biggest challenge with this design would be the cooling system. As you mentioned, the engine would need some sort of sophisticated cooling system to prevent overheating. One possible solution could be to incorporate a liquid cooling system with strategically placed holes through which coolant could be circulated.

Another aspect to consider is the feasibility of using such high temperature resistant magnets in an engine. While some magnets can withstand temperatures up to 800°C, they may not be suitable for use in an engine due to factors such as cost, availability, and potential degradation over time.

Overall, your idea presents an interesting concept for a simplified free piston engine. However, further research and development would be needed to address the challenges and feasibility of implementing such a design. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and contributing to the discussion on free piston engines.

FAQ: Free piston engine modification

1. What is a free piston engine?

A free piston engine is a type of internal combustion engine that does not have a traditional crankshaft and connecting rods. Instead, the motion of the pistons is directly converted into electrical energy.

2. What are the benefits of modifying a free piston engine?

Modifying a free piston engine can increase its efficiency and power output, as well as reduce emissions. It can also allow for greater flexibility in fuel options and reduce the overall size and weight of the engine.

3. How is a free piston engine modified?

There are several ways to modify a free piston engine, including changing the combustion process, altering the fuel delivery system, and adjusting the piston design. These modifications can be made through computer simulations and physical modifications to the engine components.

4. What are the potential challenges of modifying a free piston engine?

Some potential challenges of modifying a free piston engine include the complexity of the design and the need for specialized knowledge and equipment. There may also be limitations in terms of available materials and technology for certain modifications.

5. Are there any real-world applications of modified free piston engines?

Yes, there are several real-world applications of modified free piston engines. They are commonly used in hybrid vehicles, power generation systems, and military applications. They are also being researched for use in aircraft and other transportation vehicles.
