How to discharge a clear plastic film roll ? : (

In summary, the conversation discussed the issue of a roll of clear plastic film becoming charged and difficult to work with. Suggestions were made to test for higher humidity, connect the film to a grounded cable, and use anti-static rolls or conductive brushes when unrolling the film. It was also mentioned that the stickiness of the film is due to a cling agent, not static charge.
  • #1
Hello !

Firstly, i'd like to say that I have nothing to do with physics - and everything I've learned in school - has been forgotten and I really hope you can help me with a small problem I have ..

I bought a roll of clear plastic film (100 m) one like this - for packing .

After two weeks I noticed that the roll got charged ?! When I want to cut some film from the roll - the film itself seems to be like a magnetic sheet - If I pull the film and then release it- it will wrap back on the roll like a magnet - and is quite difficult to work with it.

Any help would be gr8kind regards
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  • #2
You might charge the film by pulling it. You could test a higher humidity.
I don't think electric charge is the main problem, however - if you rip it off, the film will try to roll itself as well. It is just the shape of the material.
  • #3
no is not the shape - as is just a thin film .

Even after cutting a square meter from the roll - that square will tends to stick to my body , or to any wooden door etc . I will try to cut another square today and leave it on the side overnight - and i'll check in the morning if anything has changed .

thanks a lot
  • #4
Even after cutting a square meter from the roll - that square will tends to stick to my body , or to any wooden door etc .
Oh, that size and effect. That is an electric charge, right.
  • #5
Put nearby a cable connected to Earth (e.g. through a tap). A spark discharge should occur even without touching the roll with the cable. The length of the spark will be indicative for the potential difference (1 mm spark corresponds to about 3000 V).
  • #6
I don't think the plastic has a net charge. I think that when you pull it, the side you are pulling develops one charge and the side you are pulling away from develops the opposite charge.
  • #7
Even if there weren't net charge but only imbalance within the roll it should be equilibrated by connecting to earth.
  • #8
You could build some kind of foil dipenser and place a metal wire or several wires such that the foil passes by them when you unroll it.
Does it matter if the foil gets wet? If not you could just put the whole roll into a tub of water and then unroll it there.
  • #9
Anti-static roll might suit you purposes, depending upon what you are doing with the shrink wrap.
  • #10
The static charge is usually a desirable trait, acting like adhesive, for wrapping up things in the kitchen. You might need to arrange that as you draw out the film it passes over conductive brushes so they can collect/equalize the charge from both sides.
  • #11
The foil is adhesive because of polyisobutylene that's mixed into the LDPE. It serves as a cling agent that makes the foil sticky. It has nothing to do with static charge.

FAQ: How to discharge a clear plastic film roll ? : (

1. How do I discharge a clear plastic film roll?

To discharge a clear plastic film roll, you will need to use an anti-static solution or a grounding wire. First, make sure the area where you will be working is clean and free of any dust or debris. Then, apply the anti-static solution to the roll or attach the grounding wire to the roll and a grounded surface. This will help dissipate any built-up static electricity and prevent it from sticking to other surfaces.

2. Can I discharge a clear plastic film roll without using any special products?

While using an anti-static solution or grounding wire is the most effective way to discharge a clear plastic film roll, you can also try using a humidifier. Increasing the moisture in the air can help reduce static electricity. However, this method may not be as effective as using the recommended products.

3. How often should I discharge a clear plastic film roll?

The frequency of discharging a clear plastic film roll will depend on the environment in which it is stored and used. If you notice the film becoming increasingly clingy or difficult to handle, it may be time to discharge it. It is also recommended to discharge the roll before using it for critical applications to ensure the best results.

4. What are the consequences of not discharging a clear plastic film roll?

If a clear plastic film roll is not properly discharged, it can lead to problems such as clinging, jamming, and poor print quality. This is because static electricity can cause the film to attract dust and debris, which can affect its performance and appearance. In some cases, the film may even cause damage to electronic equipment if it is not properly discharged.

5. Can I reuse the anti-static solution or grounding wire for multiple clear plastic film rolls?

Yes, you can reuse the anti-static solution or grounding wire for multiple clear plastic film rolls. However, it is important to make sure the solution is still effective and the wire is clean and properly attached each time you use it. If the solution becomes contaminated or the wire becomes damaged, it may not effectively discharge the roll and could potentially cause more problems.

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