Question about polarized capacitors

  • Thread starter Bararontok
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In summary, there are two types of capacitors, non-polarized and polarized. Non-polarized capacitors hold equal amounts of charge in each of its two plates, while polarized capacitors have one plate with excess charge compared to the other. When a load is connected to a non-polarized capacitor, electrons flow from the charged plate to the load and back, until both plates have equal charge. In contrast, polarized capacitors must be connected in the correct direction, as the dielectric film will break down if the polarity is reversed. This is due to the chemical reaction used to build the film. Polarized capacitors can be used in DC circuits but may fail if subjected to too large of a reverse current
  • #1
There are two types of capacitor, non-polarized and polarized. The non-polarized capacitor holds equal amounts of charge in each of its two plates so that a difference in charge is only achieved when electrical current from a power supply transfers electrons from one plate to another to cause a potential difference, storing electrical energy in the process. When the power supply is cut off and a load is connected to the non-polarized capacitor, the electrons flow from the charged plate, to the load, and back to the other plate until both plates hold an equal amount of charge and the capacitor once again becomes neutral. But in the case of polarized capacitors where one plate has excess amounts of charge compared to the other plate, will the plate with excess amounts of charge not spontaneously transfer electrons to the other plate if connected to a load or shorted, even without the aid of a power supply because there is already an imbalance of electric charge? And will this transfer of electrons not balance out the charges on the two plates and cause the polarized capacitor to become non-polarized?
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  • #2
Polarized just means the capacitor has to be connected a certain way.

It does not already carry a charge when you buy it from the store.

If you charge it, it has a charge which you may then discharge if you wish.
  • #3
So why does the polarized capacitor have to have a positive and negative terminal designation if the capacitor uses two plates that both have the same capacity to store electric charge? Is there something in the structure of this type of capacitor that will destroy it if the polarity of the supply current is reversed?
  • #4
Bararontok said:
So why does the polarized capacitor have to have a positive and negative terminal designation if the capacitor uses two plates that both have the same capacity to store electric charge? Is there something in the structure of this type of capacitor that will destroy it if the polarity of the supply current is reversed?

I think your "polarised capacitors" are what I know as "electrolytic capacitors".These capacitors have a very thin dielectric film which is maintained by connecting the power supply the right way round.If the power supply is connected the wrong way round the the dielectric breaks down and the capacitor blows.
  • #5
Why does the dielectric film breakdown when the current travels in the wrong direction?
  • #6
The film is built up by electrolysis and by use of a suitable electrolyte and a d.c. current.If the power supply is connected the wrong way round the electro/chemical reaction reverses and the film breaks down.
  • #7
So, does the supply current used to build up charge go into the metal plate or into the electrolyte plate?
  • #8
There is an electrolyte between metal plates and the thin film makes the dielectric.The plate with the film deposited on it can be considered as the anode and the plate plus the unreacted electrolyte can be considered as the cathode.The charge is numerically equal on both electrodes one side being positive and the other side negative.Try googling for constructional and other details
  • #9
So that means that sending the supply current into the plate with the film will reverse the electrochemical reaction, causing the film insulation to breakdown and short the capacitor.
  • #10
Bararontok said:
So that means that sending the supply current into the plate with the film will reverse the electrochemical reaction, causing the film insulation to breakdown and short the capacitor.

The current flows through both plates and it is a current which is responsible for building the film in the first place.Any supply current flowing in the right direction helps to maintain the film but a current flowing in the opposite direction will cause the film to break down.
  • #11
Exactly, the current must flow from the anode to the cathode and not in the reverse direction. Otherwise the film will break down.
  • #12
That's right.Take care when you use them.
  • #13
So when the electrolytic capacitor is manufactured, there is a designated side with the cathode plate and beside this plate is the microscopic metal oxide layer, followed by the absorbent spacer material soaked in electrolytes, then the dielectric insulator and lastly the anode plate.
  • #14
The dielectric is the oxide layer.I'm assuming that the easiest manufacturing process would be to form the oxide layer by means of a current after everything else has been constructed.The direction of the current chosen determines what side would be the anode.
  • #15
There is a diagram specifically stating that there are two dielectric layers on each side of the electrolyte, one is an aluminum oxide compound placed beside the anode and the other is an air oxide compound placed beside the cathode. At the very center of these layers of material is the absorbent material soaked in electrolyte. The diagram is shown below, courtesy of
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  • #16
There are two layers but only one of these,the aluminium oxide,is labelled as the dielectric.
  • #17
Dadface said:
If the power supply is connected the wrong way round the the dielectric breaks down and the capacitor blows.

Does that mean that a polarised capacitor can't take an AC current?

Is this, from the PF Library, wrong …
Polarised capacitor (or polar capacitor):

This has one metal and one electrolyte plate (instead of two metal plates), and its dielectric is the oxide of the metal.

It has nothing to do with polarisation current.

It simply means that it behaves as a capacitor in one direction only (with the metal plate at the positive potential), and as a conductor in the other direction.

So it only works one way round in a DC circuit, and behaves as a rectifier in an AC circuit.​
  • #18
tiny-tim said:
Does that mean that a polarised capacitor can't take an AC current?

If too large a reverse current flows for too long a time the chemical reaction that built the oxide dielectric reverse and the film breaks down.This results in a short circuit,overheating and the problems associated with that.I'm guessing,therefore, that the answer depends on the voltage and the frequency of the supply and the characteristics of the capacitor such as the maximum reverse voltage it can withstand and the time limitations of this.I think that higher voltage AC supplies can be used if the circuitry is such that there is a d.c. component that maintains the integrity of the film.

Is this, from the PF Library, wrong …
Polarised capacitor (or polar capacitor):

This has one metal and one electrolyte plate (instead of two metal plates), and its dielectric is the oxide of the metal.

I would add that the second plate consists of the electrolyte and the metal plate that makes contact with it

It has nothing to do with polarisation current.

It simply means that it behaves as a capacitor in one direction only (with the metal plate at the positive potential), and as a conductor in the other direction.

So it only works one way round in a DC circuit, and behaves as a rectifier in an AC circuit.

I agree it works one way only in a dc circuit but I am not so sure about any rectifying action.

I should add that my comments in this thread have been with reference to electrolytic capacitors and before reading the opening posts I did not know that these could also be referred to as polar capacitors.After doing some searching I found that there are also non polar electrolytics which can stand the rated current in both directions.

Sorry tiny-tim.I've added some of my comments in your quotes.I don't know how to fix it and have to go out now.
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  • #19
Hi Dadface! :smile:
Dadface said:
I agree it works one way only in a dc circuit but I am not so sure about any rectifying action.

I got that from what may be a "bible" for capacitors, (it's in the "See Also" links at the top of the Library page).

The electrolytic capacitor can only be used with a flow of current in one direction. The aluminum electrode must therefore always be connected to the positive side of the applied voltage, and the electrolyte must always be negative. With the current flowing through the capacitor in this direction, the current intensity is small. If the direction of current flow is reversed, a large current will flow through the capacitor and the capacitor as such becomes useless.

From this, it can be readily seen that the system exhibits the characteristics of a rectifier, and an electrolytic capacitor does not then differ in any way from the well known electrolytic rectifier.

(I know nothing about electrolytic rectifiers :redface:)
  • #20
Thanks tiny-tim,
the faradnet article is really interesting.I have yet to check out the other links.I am not sure how the rectifying action works but I have a few initial ideas.
Firstly the oxide film may be semiconducting and the interface between anode and oxide film may be acting as a rectifier.Please note that there is no interface between oxide film and electrolyte for the non submerged part of the anode.I don't know if this is significant.
Secondly,the electrolytic cell shown in the article seems to be of sturdy(and open) construction (unlike the flimsy electrolytics using aluminium foil) and can probably withstand the high currents resulting from any film breakdown.If so the capacitor action slightly resembles rectifier action.In forward bias the current stops when the capacitor is charged and in reverse bias a "high" current can flow.There are time limitations,for example a reverse current can start to build up an oxide film on the opposite electrode.
The more I look at this the more I realize how little I understand about electrolysis and such things.:confused:
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  • #21
So which polarized electrical capacitor structure is correct? The one with the metal and electrolyte plate, in accordance with the PF library article, or the diagram posted in the previous page?

Additionally how can the polarized capacitor behave as a rectifier when reverse current operation can short the capacitor and make it explode?
  • #22
Bararontok said:
So which polarized electrical capacitor structure is correct? The one with the metal and electrolyte plate, in accordance with the PF library article, or the diagram posted in the previous page?

Additionally how can the polarized capacitor behave as a rectifier when reverse current operation can short the capacitor and make it explode?

1.Are you suggesting that only one is correct? Both should work as capacitors.There are several different designs.

2.I addressed your second question in my post above.It all boils down to the structure of the capacitor.

I have done some searching and have found no reference to the air based oxide layer labelled on the diagram you posted.It seems to make sense that there should be some sort of reaction at the cathode because in the electrolyte oppositely charged ions can move in opposite directions.But what is the significance of this layer and what effect,if any,does it have on the capacitor action?Perhaps you could enlighten us or provide a reference to look up.
  • #23
The following link shows the full article where the diagram of the capacitor was taken from:

Go to the table of contents of the article and click on the link to the following section:

4.) Development of electrolytic capacitors with water-based electrolytes
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  • #24
Thanks for the link.Have scanned it really quickly and didn't see anything.Have to go now.Will look at it properly later on.
  • #25
The image is in section 4 of the article. There might be a problem with the internet browser in loading the image. Try loading it again later.
  • #26
Since the previous consultants who have answered questions in this thread are currently busy, can another consultant provide an answer to this question: is the diagram on page 1 of this thread a correct design configuration for a polarized electrolytic capacitor? The link to the source of the image and information about electrolytic capacitors can be found on post #23.

Additionally a possible explanation for the use of the air oxide layer beside the cathode foil could be to add an additional layer of insulation to the capacitor besides the paper spacer so that the capacitor does not short circuit. A possible explanation for the polarization of this type of capacitor could be that sending the current into the anode will cause an electrochemical reaction between the anode and the aluminum oxide dielectric beside it which could degrade the capacity for insulation of the dielectric layer and cause the capacitor to short circuit.
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FAQ: Question about polarized capacitors

What is a polarized capacitor?

A polarized capacitor is a type of electronic component that is designed to store and release electrical energy. It consists of two conductive plates separated by an insulating material, with one plate coated with a polarized dielectric material. This design allows the capacitor to only function in one direction, as opposed to non-polarized capacitors which can function in both directions.

How does a polarized capacitor work?

When a voltage is applied to a polarized capacitor, the positively charged plate attracts negative charges from the other plate, creating a potential difference between the two plates. This potential difference is what allows the capacitor to store electrical energy. When the voltage is removed, the capacitor will release the stored energy.

What are the common applications of polarized capacitors?

Polarized capacitors are commonly used in electronic circuits, particularly in power supplies, audio equipment, and radio frequency (RF) circuits. They are also used in power factor correction, motor starting, and smoothing circuits.

What are the advantages of using polarized capacitors?

One of the main advantages of polarized capacitors is their ability to store large amounts of energy in a relatively small space. They are also more efficient at filtering high-frequency signals and have a higher capacitance compared to non-polarized capacitors of the same size.

What are the limitations of polarized capacitors?

Polarized capacitors have some limitations, including a limited lifetime due to the breakdown of the polarized dielectric material, and they are not suitable for use in AC circuits. They also have a lower tolerance for overvoltage compared to non-polarized capacitors.

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