Do enzymes tranfer energy to break substrates?

In summary, the person is asking why the enzyme is needed to break down the molecule if the molecule already has the energy it needs to break itself down. The person suggests that this is illogical, and that if the person is pushing a boulder off a cliff, they would need to be there to help because the boulder already has the energy it needs to push itself down.
  • #1
I'm new to the subject and i have an intuition that during the time the substrate and the enzyme are together energy is transferred to the substrate (from the enzyme) to break the bonds and to release the substrates energy*.

But alas i have been met with opposition to this understanding, both times being presented with what seemed to be a quote, saying:

"Why would the enzyme be needed to break down a molecule if the molecule it was breaking down already had the energy it needed to break itself down?"

Which i think is completely illogical because its like saying:

"Why would a person be needed to push a boulder off a cliff, if the boulder already has the energy it needed to push itself down?"

Could anyone help enhance my understanding?

*The reason i believe this is possible is because after the enzyme gives energy to the substrate the substrate thus releases even more energy which somehow "recharges" the enzyme.
Chemistry news on
  • #2
In order to understand what is going on with the enzyme and the substrate, you need to know a few basic concepts of chemistry regarding chemical equilibrium, chemical kinetics and the thermodynamics of reactions. I would suggest you first read these pages

and then move on to read about the page on enzymes
  • #3
But that will take along time and i might not find the answer i seek so easily..
  • #4
if that takes too long then how do you expect to work in industry? are you going to tell your boss "sorry boss that's just going to take too long"? You'll get booted out the door instantly.

to answer your question: it depends on the enzyme. if you want more details, read the papers.
  • #5
I-copeland said:
But that will take along time and i might not find the answer i seek so easily..

Truly finding out the answer involves understanding the underlying mechanisms. From your OP I sense that you need to begin from the basics. If you really want to understand something, you should be willing to invest time in study.
  • #6
(clears throut)... yes... i guess that's why I'm here...
  • #7
Ok i'll wiki it....
  • #8
I-copeland said:
(clears throut)... yes... i guess that's why I'm here...

There is quite some terminology and many concepts that need to be understood before you can even talk about stuff like that, all of which cannot be effectively explained in a forum post. Even better than reading the wiki would be to pick up a basic level biochemistry textbook or even a chemistry textbook.
  • #9
Ya, I'm doing AS level bioloy, that's why I'm talking about it but they don't go into the "how of it".

FAQ: Do enzymes tranfer energy to break substrates?

1. How do enzymes transfer energy to break substrates?

Enzymes have a specific active site where the substrate binds. This binding causes a conformational change in the enzyme, allowing it to better fit the substrate. This interaction between the enzyme and substrate results in the transfer of energy, which is used to break the substrate into smaller molecules.

2. What type of energy is transferred by enzymes?

Enzymes transfer kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion. This energy is used to break the bonds between the atoms in the substrate, resulting in the formation of product molecules.

3. How do enzymes speed up chemical reactions?

Enzymes lower the activation energy required for a chemical reaction to occur. This is achieved by bringing the substrate molecules closer together and orienting them in a way that makes it easier for them to react. This reduces the amount of energy needed for the reaction to take place, thus speeding up the reaction.

4. Can enzymes transfer energy in both directions?

Yes, enzymes can transfer energy in both directions. In a reaction where the enzyme breaks down a larger molecule, it transfers energy from the substrate to the products. However, in a reaction where the enzyme builds a larger molecule from smaller ones, it transfers energy from the products to the substrate.

5. Are there any factors that can affect the efficiency of enzyme-mediated energy transfer?

Yes, several factors can affect the efficiency of enzyme-mediated energy transfer. These include temperature, pH, substrate concentration, and the presence of inhibitors or activators. Any changes in these factors can alter the enzyme's shape and affect its ability to bind to the substrate, thus affecting the transfer of energy and the speed of the reaction.
