Wavelength and Image Resolution

In summary, the wavelength of a wave acts as the limit of the resolution of an image due to the diffraction limit. This means that we cannot see details smaller than the wavelength of the light used to image them. This is because only a certain range of spatial frequencies can propagate in a vacuum, and higher spatial frequency components are needed to resolve smaller objects. The resolution limit for diffraction is given by the formula 0.67*wavelength/NA, where NA is the numerical aperture of the imaging apparatus.
  • #1
I have been trying to find the explanation why the wavelength of a wave is the limit of the resolution of an image (i.e. one cannot see the detail smaller than the wavelength), which is sited as the reason why we cannot see an atom using visible light. I don't think I really understand why this is so. can someone please explain to me the physics behind resolving detail with wave and the reason behing this limit? Thank you.
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  • #2
Firstly, the diffraction limit is wavelength/2 (approximately) - actually a more precise formula is 0.67*wavelength/NA where NA is the numerical aperture of the imaging apparatus and has a practical maximum of about 1.4.

When we image something, the light we collect is spatially modulated. That means if I measured the field as a function of distance, in the x direction for example - call it E(x), E(x) would vary with x, as opposed to being a constant. The best resolution we can get actually depends on the Fourier transform of E(x) - what is sometimes called the spatial frequency spectrum in the direction of x, and the label we give to spatial frequency is k (so the Fourier transform E(x), would be E'(k_x) since we are concerned with the x direction only).

To further illustrate the above point - take transmission through an aperture at z = 0. E(x) will be a rectangular function at z = 0, and it's spatial frequency spectrum, E'(k_x) will be a sinc function. If we decrease the width of the aperture, the width of the spatial frequency spectrum increases. This is because higher spatial frequency components are needed to "resolve" smaller objects.

So where does the diffraction limit come from? It comes from the fact that only a certain range of spatial frequencies can propagate in a vacuum. Take the dispersion relation of free space;

[tex]c = f\lambda[/tex]

which can also be written

[tex]c = \omega k[/tex]

Where omega is the angular frequency and k is the wavevector. If we rearrange the previous equation thus;

[tex]k^2 = \frac{c^2}{\omega^2}[/tex]

Remember that k is a vector and can be broken down into its constituent components;

[tex]\frac{c^2}{\omega^2} = k^2 = k_x^2 + k_y^2 + k_z^2[/tex]

Only components of k that are real will reach the far-field. Imaginary components result in evanescent waves that die off exponentially with distance and thus do not reach the far-field. From the above equation, it is easy to see that;

[tex]-\frac{c}{\omega} < k_x < \frac{c}{\omega} [/tex]

The resultant image of a sub-wavelength object (obtained by taking the inverse Fourier transform of E'(k_x)) is therefore the Fourier transform of the rectangular function of half-width [itex]c/\omega[/itex], which is a sinc function of width [itex]\pi.c/\omega[/itex]. It is then noted that;

[tex]\frac{\pi c}{\omega} = \frac{\pi f \lambda}{2\pi f} = \frac{\lambda}{2}[/tex]

Which is the resolution limit for diffraction. To get the more precise expression, one needs to simply repeat the above process with the 2D case.

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  • #3

I can provide an explanation for why the wavelength of a wave is the limit of the resolution of an image. In order to understand this concept, we must first understand the properties of waves and how they interact with matter.

Waves, such as visible light, have a certain wavelength which is the distance between two consecutive peaks or troughs of the wave. When these waves interact with matter, they can be absorbed, transmitted, or reflected. This interaction is what allows us to see objects, as the light waves are reflected off of them and into our eyes.

Now, when we try to use visible light to see an object, such as an atom, the size of the atom is much smaller than the wavelength of visible light. This means that the light waves cannot interact with the atom in a way that allows us to see it. The light waves are simply too large to resolve the details of the atom.

This concept is known as diffraction, which is the bending of waves as they pass through or around an object. When the size of the object is smaller than the wavelength of the wave, the wave will diffract and spread out, making it impossible to see the details of the object.

To put it simply, the wavelength of a wave acts as a limit for the resolution of an image because it determines the size of the smallest details that can be resolved. If the object is smaller than the wavelength, the wave cannot interact with it in a way that allows us to see it.

I hope this explanation helps to clarify the physics behind resolving detail with waves and the reason for the limit in resolution. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.

FAQ: Wavelength and Image Resolution

1. What is the relationship between wavelength and image resolution?

The shorter the wavelength, the higher the image resolution. This is because shorter wavelengths are able to capture smaller details and produce clearer images.

2. How does wavelength affect the quality of an image?

Shorter wavelengths result in higher image quality as they are able to capture finer details and produce sharper images. Longer wavelengths, on the other hand, can result in blurry or distorted images.

3. Can we control the wavelength used in imaging?

Yes, the wavelength used in imaging can be controlled by using specific types of light sources or filters. For example, using a blue filter will result in a shorter wavelength and higher resolution image compared to using a red filter.

4. What is the significance of wavelength in microscopy?

Wavelength is crucial in microscopy as it determines the resolution of the image. A shorter wavelength allows for higher magnification and better visualization of smaller details in the specimen.

5. Does increasing the wavelength always decrease image resolution?

No, increasing the wavelength does not always decrease image resolution. The quality of an image also depends on the type of imaging technique used and the quality of the equipment. In some cases, a longer wavelength may be more suitable for a specific type of imaging and result in a higher resolution image.

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