Is it possible for me to grow an inch?

  • Thread starter pakmingki
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In summary: Most people don't stop growing until the age of ~21, although you may have stopped growing up a while before then.In summary, it is possible to get an inch taller within the next few years if your growth plates have not closed. However, this is a risky procedure and should only be done by a doctor if it is necessary for your health.
  • #1
I would just like to be around an inch taller.

Im 19 now.
Is it possible to get an inch up there within the next few years?
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  • #2
It is possible if the growth plates on the ends of your bones have not closed up.
  • #3
You can get a reasonable approximation of your growth potential by observing your immediate family i.e. siblings, parents, aunts & uncles. For example, when I stopped growing I was the very same height as my dad. My brother however is 2 inches taller than me. So there is some variance (give or take a couple inches).
  • #4
There are medical interventions available, but I certainly wouldn't recommend any of them unless this is something that's necessary for your quality of life (and that doesn't include vanity).
  • #5
I stopped growing when I was 16 and it even seems as if I have lost a 1/4 inch or so in the last couple decades. :cry:
  • #7
I stopped growing when I was 16 and it even seems as if I have lost a 1/4 inch or so in the last couple decades.
My symapathies. Same is my condition. I have not grown a millimetre since I was 14, and I am 17 now. :cry::cry::cry:
  • #8
Yes you can grow an inch, in medieval times they used the wrack to achieve surprising quick growth rates :smile:

Most people don't stop growing until the age of ~21, although you may have stopped growing up a while before then.
  • #9
pakmingki said:
I would just like to be around an inch taller.

Im 19 now.
Is it possible to get an inch up there within the next few years?

Actually, what matters is, how tall are you?
  • #10
pakmingki said:
I would just like to be around an inch taller.

Im 19 now.
Is it possible to get an inch up there within the next few years?

Growth hormones can be administered by a physician. Its too dangerous mind you because you don't know what kind of cells will be benefited by this treatment...namely, mutated (cancer) cells. Usually an oncologist will want to administer anti-growth hormones to combat mutations.

I have seen growth extend into the 30s for some people so I wouldn't give up hope just yet. Associates of mine have shot up to 6'3" by the age of 16 then gone on to make 6'8" in their late 20s... there's no magic age where we stop growing. You will find your foot size will continue to grow well into middle age. (Of course, the standard shoe size may be gettng smaller:mad:)
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  • #11
i have grown 1/2 inch since i was 10 and i am 15 now but my muscle mass is greater, my feet continue to grow, genetically my family is short (except my cousin who is taller than both his parents and most of his relatives

FAQ: Is it possible for me to grow an inch?

1. Can I really grow an inch?

Yes, it is possible for individuals to grow an inch. However, this growth is typically seen during adolescence when the body is still developing and growing. After reaching adulthood, the chances of growing an inch become significantly lower.

2. Is there any way to increase my height after reaching adulthood?

Unfortunately, there is no scientifically proven method to increase height after reaching adulthood. Our bones stop growing by the time we reach our early twenties, so it is unlikely that you will be able to grow an inch at this stage.

3. Can exercise or stretching help me grow an inch?

While exercise and stretching can improve posture and make you appear taller, they do not directly affect the growth of your bones. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle through exercise and proper nutrition can help you reach your maximum potential height.

4. Are there any supplements or medications that can help me grow an inch?

There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that supplements or medications can increase height in adults. In fact, some supplements may even have negative side effects on your health. It is important to consult a doctor before taking any supplements for this purpose.

5. Can genetics play a role in my ability to grow an inch?

Yes, genetics play a significant role in determining your height potential. If your parents are tall, you are more likely to be tall as well. However, it is important to remember that genetics is just one factor and there are other lifestyle and environmental factors that can also affect your height.

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