How to transform 2vdc to 240vac

  • Thread starter ajbwarrrior
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In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of converting 2 volts DC from a Peltier device into 2 volts AC and then using a step-up transformer to increase the voltage. However, it is noted that there will be significant losses and a decrease in available current as the voltage is increased. The conversation also touches on the practicality and potential applications of converting low DC voltage into high AC voltage. A basic DC to AC inverter circuit is briefly explained as an example.
  • #1
i have just recently discovered peltier devices which make electricity from the Seebeck effect. one video on you tube showing peltier device producing about 2 volts from a flame. i would like to know how to convert this 2 volts DC (if it is actually dc) into 2 volts AC then put it through a step up transformer to get higher voltages.
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  • #2
hi there
welcome to PF

well you could take the 2VDC and with an oscillator produce an AC Voltage, then feed that into a transformer. There will be losses in the transformer to consider.
the other thing to consider is that every time you double the Voltage you will halve the available current. ie. say your original 2VDC has 500mA ( 0.5 Amp) capability, you double that to 4V and you are only going to have 250mA. You can see that by the time you get it to a really high Voltage the current capability at that Voltage is going to be VERY low

  • #3
thanks Dave, so what could actually function at 240vac at a really low current?
  • #4
ajbwarrrior said:
thanks Dave, so what could actually function at 240vac at a really low current?

Yes, but practically it wouldn't be of much use other than an experiment.

now lift your DC voltage and current supply up a bit and you start to get something more useful like this example...


just a quick explanation...

T1 and T2 are part of a multibivrator oscillator circuit. They are connected respectively to 2 pair of driver transistors, T3,4 and T6,7. Those pairs of driver transistors control the 2 x 2N3055 power transistors, T5,8.
The 12VDC supply is connected to the collectors of T5,8 via each half of the transformer windings. T5 and T8 are switched on and off alternately by the oscillator, this produces a low voltage square wave oscillation in the secondary of the transformer of roughly 18V peak to peak resulting in a ~ 220V output in the primary of the transformer.
This is a square wave inverter and for many applications its quite useable. However some equip requires a clean or at least relatively clean Sinewave 220 (110)VAC.

I just present this to give you a bit of an idea of what is involved in a basic DC to AC inverter :)



  • 12DC to 220VAC inverter.gif
    12DC to 220VAC inverter.gif
    15.3 KB · Views: 569
  • #5
ajbwarrrior said:
thanks Dave, so what could actually function at 240vac at a really low current?

E.g. a flash light where you just have to charge a capacitor.
Or ionization chambers. With about double the voltage (>400V) you can also run a Geiger Mueller counter.
  • #6
thanks for the explanation. it would be great if the 2VDC could be turned into a useful 240VAC.
  • #7
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FAQ: How to transform 2vdc to 240vac

1. How does a transformer work?

A transformer is an electrical device that works on the principle of electromagnetic induction. It has two coils, a primary and a secondary, that are wound around a shared iron core. When an alternating current (AC) flows through the primary coil, it creates a magnetic field which induces an alternating current in the secondary coil, thus transforming the voltage and current levels.

2. How do I transform 2vdc to 240vac?

To transform 2vdc (direct current) to 240vac (alternating current), you will need a transformer with a step-up ratio of 120:1. This means that for every 120 volts of input, the transformer will output 1 volt, resulting in a total output of 240 volts when the input is 2 volts. Make sure to use a transformer with the appropriate power rating for your specific needs.

3. Can I use a DC-to-AC inverter to transform 2vdc to 240vac?

Yes, a DC-to-AC inverter can also be used to transform 2vdc to 240vac. However, the inverter must have a step-up ratio of 120:1, similar to a transformer. Inverters are often used for portable or low-power applications, whereas transformers are more suitable for high-power applications.

4. What are the safety considerations when using a transformer to transform voltage?

When working with high voltages, it is important to take proper safety precautions. Make sure to use a transformer that is rated for the appropriate voltage and power levels. Avoid touching any live wires and always use insulated tools when working with electricity. It is also important to follow proper wiring techniques and to have a circuit breaker or fuse in the circuit to protect against overloading.

5. Are there any other ways to transform 2vdc to 240vac?

Aside from using a transformer or an inverter, there are other methods for transforming voltage levels. One option is to use a voltage multiplier circuit, which uses a series of diodes and capacitors to multiply the input voltage. However, this method is not as efficient as using a transformer and is typically used for low-power applications. Another option is to use a voltage regulator, which can adjust the output voltage to a desired level, but it cannot transform voltage levels like a transformer can.

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