Find Voltage VX in the Given Network Circuit

In summary, To find the voltage VX in the given circuit, the equivalent resistance must first be calculated by simplifying the network. Once the equivalent resistance is found, Ohm's law and mental arithmetic can be used to determine the voltage across each resistor. The current in the 10 ohm resistor is 3 amps, which is the same for the 5 ohm resistor since they are in series. The voltage across the 10 ohm and 5 ohm resistors is 45 volts. The current in the 15 ohm resistor is also 3 amps. Adding the current in the 15 ohm resistor to the total current, we get 6 amps for the current in the 30 ohm resistor. Using
  • #1
In the network given below find the voltage VX .
Please check the link for the circuit diagram. And Kindly explain the method?
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  • #2
I can help. but I am mindful of your need to learn, so I want to see some effort. What have you tried so far?
  • #3
arithmetix said:
I can help. but I am mindful of your need to learn, so I want to see some effort. What have you tried so far?

I am not understanding that how to find this Voltage in the given circuit?
because which i learned is v.easy circuits
  • #4
What is the current in the 10 ohm resistor?
So what is the current in the 5 ohm resistor?
What is the current in the 15 ohm resistor?

What else do you know that would help here?
  • #5
This network may be simplified. Notice first of all that a 5 ohm resistor is in series with a 10 ohm resistor in the left-hand (LH) branch of the cct. The total resistance of the LH branch is then 5+10=15 ohms.
This 15 ohms is in parallel with the middle branch, also 15 ohms... the combined resistance of these 2 branches is then 15/2=7.5 ohms.
Now we see that an equivalent resistance of 7.5 ohms is in series with the 30 ohm resistance, making 37.5 ohms in all. Hence whatever potential is supplied by the power source is divided by 5 to discover the potential on the lower equivalent resistance of 7.5 ohms, because 7.5 is 1/5 of the resistance in the equivalent series cct.
The potential of 1/5 the supply is applied to a series cct (the LH branch) comprised of a 5 ohm and a 10 ohm resistor. 2/3 of the 1/5 is expressed across the 10 ohm resistance. By multiplication we see that 2/3 x 1/5 = 2/15.
Now we know that the 30v measured across the 10 ohm resistor is 2/15 ofthe supply voltage. We can proceed by recognising that if 30V = (2/15 )*(Vsupply) then supply voltage must be: Vs=30V/(2/15) or 225V.
Everything else should be easy enough from here. However if you need more help to understand what is going on, please speak up.
(I hope I have not over-helped you, it really is good to bang your head aganst the wall until you find the door... that way you don't forget where the door is and you get some confidence that you can find solutions to physics problems by yourself.)

I really hope that once you have understood this circuit you will go out of your way to find lots more homework problems and keep practising until they become easy and you can show your classmates how to do them. If you do this there will be great rewards for you, if you don't it will be a great, missed, opportunity.
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  • #6
Thanks buddy... for this useful post... But after finding equivalent resistance which formula you have used?
  • #7
You can do this with OHMS law and some mental arithmetic.

Just work it out one bit at a time.

What is the current in the 10 ohm resistor?
I = V / R
It has 30 volts across it so the current is 30 volts / 10 ohms = 3 amps

So what is the current in the 5 ohm resistor?
It is in series with the 10 ohm resistor so it also has 3 amps flowing in it.

What is the voltage across the 10 ohm plus the 5 ohm resistors?
V = I * R = 3 amps * 15 ohms = 45 volts

What is the current in the 15 ohm resistor?
I = V / R = 45 / 15 = 3 amps
So the 15 ohm resistor will also have 3 amps flowing in it.

What is the current in the 30 ohm resistor?
It is the total of 3 amps plus 3 amps = 6 amps

What is the voltage across the 30 ohm resistor?
V = I * R = 6 amps * 30 ohms =

Now, add this voltage to the 45 volts we got earlier to get Vs.

FAQ: Find Voltage VX in the Given Network Circuit

1. What is voltage VX?

Voltage VX refers to the voltage drop across a specific component or node in the given network circuit. It is measured in volts (V) and represents the potential difference between two points in the circuit.

2. How do you find voltage VX in a network circuit?

To find voltage VX, you can use Ohm's Law which states that voltage (V) is equal to current (I) multiplied by resistance (R). You will need to know the values of current and resistance at the specific component or node where you want to find voltage VX.

3. Can voltage VX be negative?

Yes, voltage VX can be negative. This indicates a reverse polarity or a voltage drop in the opposite direction of the current flow. It is important to pay attention to the sign of voltage VX when analyzing a circuit, as it can affect the overall circuit behavior.

4. How does the placement of voltage sources affect the calculation of voltage VX?

The placement of voltage sources does not affect the calculation of voltage VX. Voltage sources simply provide a constant potential difference in the circuit, and the voltage drop across a specific component or node will still be determined by the current and resistance at that point.

5. Can voltage VX be different at different points in the circuit?

Yes, voltage VX can be different at different points in the circuit. This is because voltage is a measure of potential difference between two points, so the voltage drop across different components or nodes in the circuit will vary depending on the current and resistance at those points.
