Proving (-1 + i)7 = -8(1 + i) Using Polar Form: Complex Number Question

In summary, this is a simple problem that can be solved by proving that (-1 + i)7 = -8(1 + i) using the polar form of complex numbers. This can be done by converting the complex numbers into polar form, finding the magnitude and angle of each number, and using the properties of complex numbers to simplify the equation.
  • #1
This is a simple problem. Show that:
(-1 + i)7 = -8(1 + i)
where i = sqrt(-1)

I'm able to prove this result by expanding the bracket:
[(-1 + i)3]2(-1 + i)

But please help me prove this using the polar form.
Physics news on
  • #2
Reshma said:
This is a simple problem. Show that:
(-1 + i)7 = -8(1 + i)
where i = sqrt(-1)
I'm able to prove this result by expanding the bracket:
[(-1 + i)3]2(-1 + i)
But please help me prove this using the polar form.

Okay, PUT it in polar form! Polar form is [itex]r (cos(\theta)+ isin(\theta))[/itex] where r is the "magnitude" of the complex number (distance from 0) which is [itex]\sqrt{(-1)^2+ 1^2}= \sqrt{2}[/itex] for -1+ i and [itex]8\sqrt{2}[/itex] for -8(i+1). You can get [itex]\theta[/itex] by using [itex]\theta= arctan(\frac{Im}{Re})[/itex] but you should be able to see simply by plotting the points. -1+ i corresponds to (-1,1) in the plane so the angle is [itex]\frac{\3pi}{4}[/itex]. -(1+i)= -1-i corresponds to (-1, -1) so the angle is [itex]\frac{5\pi}{4}.[/itex].
The seventh power of a complex number corresponds to taking the seventh power of r and multiplying [itex]\theta[/itex] by 7.
  • #3
Can you write z = -1 + i in polar form? What is the magnitude?

I see Ivy has this handled.
  • #4
Thanks, HallsofIvy! That was easy!

FAQ: Proving (-1 + i)7 = -8(1 + i) Using Polar Form: Complex Number Question

What are complex numbers?

Complex numbers are numbers that consist of a real part and an imaginary part. The real part is a regular number, while the imaginary part is a multiple of the imaginary unit, denoted by the letter i. Complex numbers are typically written in the form a + bi, where a is the real part and bi is the imaginary part.

How are complex numbers used in science and mathematics?

Complex numbers are used in many areas of science and mathematics, including engineering, physics, and computer science. They are particularly useful in solving equations and functions that involve imaginary numbers, such as in electrical circuits, quantum mechanics, and signal processing. They are also used in geometry and graph theory to represent points and transformations.

What is the difference between real and imaginary numbers?

Real numbers are numbers that can be represented on a number line and include all rational and irrational numbers. They do not have an imaginary component. On the other hand, imaginary numbers are numbers that, when squared, result in a negative number. They are denoted by the letter i and are typically used to represent the square root of -1.

What are some common operations on complex numbers?

The most common operations on complex numbers include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These operations follow the same rules as with real numbers, with the additional consideration of the imaginary unit i. Other operations include finding the modulus (absolute value), conjugate, and square root of a complex number.

How are complex numbers represented and graphed?

Complex numbers are typically represented on a complex plane, which is a two-dimensional coordinate system where the horizontal axis represents the real part and the vertical axis represents the imaginary part. The location of a complex number on the complex plane can be graphed as a point, which can then be used to perform various geometric operations.
