Solving Waveguide Problem: Find E_{0z}

  • Thread starter stunner5000pt
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In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a vacuum filled cylindrical waveguide and finding the z-component of the electric field. The solution involves using Bessel functions and Legendre polynomials, and determining the appropriate boundary conditions based on whether the wave is TE or TM. The conversation also touches on the use of Laplace's equation and understanding the concept of a coaxial cable. The conversation ends with a suggestion to consult a math physics or EM textbook for further understanding.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider a vacuum filled infinitely long metal cylindrical waveguide of radius, a. Suppose the fields in the waveguide are as follows:
[tex] \vec{E}=\vec{E_{0}}\left(s,\phi\right)\exp i(kz-\omega t)[/tex]
[tex] \vec{B}=\vec{B_{0}}\left(s,\phi\right)\exp i(kz-\omega t)[/tex]

Find [itex]E_{0z}[/itex]

2. The attempt at a solution

Usually when i post my questions ill have a clue as to what to do. But this time around i have no clue whatsoever.

Since it is a metal waveguide we can assume that hte parallel component of E and the perpedicular component of B is zero.

The E0 given to us depends on s and phi. But this doesn't mean that it only has s and phi components (?)
[tex] \vec{E_{0}}=E_{s}\hat{s}+E_{\phi}\hat{\phi}+E_{z}\hat{z}[/tex]

But what now? How could the Laplacian be useful? Since there is no charge
[tex] \nabla \cdot E = 0 [/tex] so does that imply
[tex] \nabla^2 E=0 [/tex]?
So if we did that we would get
[tex] \frac{1}{s}\frac{\partial }{\partial s}\left(s\frac{\partial E_{s}}{\partial s}\right)+\frac{1}{s^2}\frac{\partial^2 E_{\phi}}{\partial \phi^2}+\frac{\partial^2 E_{z}}{\partial z^2} = 0[/tex]

Since they are all equal to zero should be use separation of variables to solve this? I think we hav to use Bessel functions? But the Laplacian would solve for the potential, not the electric field?

Please help!

Thanks in advance!
Physics news on
  • #2
This is a coax cable? Couldn't you simply project the radial (s) unit vector onto the x unit vector?
  • #3
Mindscrape said:
This is a coax cable? Couldn't you simply project the radial (s) unit vector onto the x unit vector?

i don't understand what you mean

so instead of s i would write xcos phi?

but wouldn't that just make things messier?
  • #4
can anyone else provide some input?

Thank you in advance!
  • #5
You have to know whether it is a coaxial cable or not.
If it is not a coaxial cable, you must know whether it is TE or TM.
If you don't understand this, read your textbook again.
  • #6
pam said:
You have to know whether it is a coaxial cable or not.
If it is not a coaxial cable, you must know whether it is TE or TM.
If you don't understand this, read your textbook again.

it is not a coaxial cable

it is just a hollow pipe with the fields as stated above

it is not specified if it is a TE or TM wave as well
  • #7
The solution is a Bessel function times a Legendre polynomial.
If it is TM, the Bessel must vanish at the surface.
If it is TE, E_z=0.
  • #8
We didnt study Bessel functions in our class... and he put this on our exam...

im looking at the general solution of laplace equation in cylindrical coords but the boundayr conditions imposed are

[tex] u(s,\theta,0)=u(s\phi,\pi)=0[/tex]
[tex] u(a,\theta,z)=g(\phi,z) [/tex]
this is from my PDE book and they go on to solve that

but here we are talking about a conductor so
[tex] \hat{n}\cdot (\vec{B}-\vec{B_{c}}) = 0 [/tex]
[tex] \hat{n}\times (\vec{E}-\vecE_{c}}) = 0 [/tex]

wjhere E is the electric field on the conductor

so then our boundary coniditons will turn into (if u=E)
[tex] u(a,\theta,z) = 0 [/tex]
[tex] u(s,\theta,z) = \vec{E_{0}}(s,\phi) \exp i(kz-\omega t)[/tex]

is this the right way to go?
  • #9
[tex]E_0=J_m(ks)\cos(m\phi)[/tex], and [tex]J_m(ka)=0[/tex] determines k.
I was wrong about the Legendre polynomials. They are for spherical coords.
  • #10
pam said:
[tex]E_0=J_m(ks)\cos(m\phi)[/tex], and [tex]J_m(ka)=0[/tex] determines k.
I was wrong about the Legendre polynomials. They are for spherical coords.

how did u get that?

is that the electric field [itex] E_{0z}[/itex]??
  • #11
It is E_0z in your equation.
If you separate the last Eq,. on your first pulse, you get the cos(m\phi) from the angjular equation. Then the radial equation is Bessel's equation.
You need to look at a math physics or EM text.

FAQ: Solving Waveguide Problem: Find E_{0z}

1. How do you solve a waveguide problem?

To solve a waveguide problem, you will need to use Maxwell's equations and boundary conditions. This will allow you to find the electric field and determine the mode of the waveguide.

2. What is a waveguide?

A waveguide is a type of structure that is used to guide electromagnetic waves, such as light or radio waves, along a specific path. It is commonly used in communication systems and can have various shapes, such as rectangular or circular.

3. What is E_{0z} in a waveguide problem?

E_{0z} represents the electric field component in the z-direction of a waveguide. It is one of the parameters that needs to be determined in order to solve the waveguide problem.

4. What are the boundary conditions for a waveguide problem?

The boundary conditions for a waveguide problem include the continuity of the tangential electric and magnetic fields at the interface of different materials, as well as the vanishing of the normal component of the electric field at the walls of the waveguide.

5. What are some techniques for solving a waveguide problem?

Some techniques for solving a waveguide problem include using separation of variables, solving for the modes of the waveguide, and using numerical methods such as the finite element method or the method of moments.

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