Coordinate transformations Spherical to Cartesian

In summary, the conversation discusses the transformation of a vector from spherical to Cartesian coordinate systems. The main issue is not knowing the endpoint of the vector, and therefore not being able to find the angles needed for the transformation matrix. After further discussion, it is realized that the (x,y,z) coordinates can be used to find the angles, and the conversation ends with a realization and a thank you.
  • #1
I would like to transform a vector from Spherical to cartesian coordinate system. But the question is probably not that straight forward. :(

I have a vector say [tex]E = E_r~\hat{r}+E_{\theta}~\hat{\theta}+E_{\phi}~\hat{\phi}[/tex].

But I know only the cartesian coordinate from where it starts, say [tex](x,y,z)[/tex] and I do not know where it ends. So I am unable to find angles [tex]\theta[/tex] and [tex]\phi[/tex] for computing the transformation matrix [tex]R[/tex] that transforms the vector [tex]E[/tex] to cartesian system. This [tex]R[/tex] is the usual matrix with sines and cosines of [tex]\theta[/tex] and [tex]\phi[/tex] and can be seen here.

So how do I go about it. Is there even a way to do this. Once again this is not a homework question and is for a small project that I am doing. There aren't any homeworks at this time of the year. :)

Appreciate any form of help.

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  • #2
What do you mean, you don't know where it ends?
Isn't the (r, theta, phi) system relative to (x, y, z)?
  • #3
CompuChip said:
What do you mean, you don't know where it ends?
Isn't the (r, theta, phi) system relative to (x, y, z)?

May be I am missing something very simple here. But I do not know the [tex](r,~\theta,~\phi)[/tex] as well. I did try to do it that way though to start with.

All I know is the magnitudes in the [tex]\hat{r},~\hat{\theta}[/tex] and [tex]\hat{\phi}[/tex] directions and the starting point. And nothing else.

Can the [tex](r,~\theta,~\phi)[/tex] be found out from the magnitudes in the [tex]\hat{r},~\hat{\theta}[/tex] and [tex]\hat{\phi}[/tex] ([tex]E_r,~E_{\theta},~E_{\phi}[/tex] as above)?

It can be really simple. But I cannot just think about it right.
  • #4
Yes, you might be missing something or I might.
But aren't the coordinate values simply the coefficients of the unit vectors?
Like, in a Cartesian system you can write either (3, 0, -2) for the coordinates of a point, or you can describe it by a vector [itex]3 \hat x + 0 \hat y - 2 \hat z[/itex].
When writing down a tuplet of numbers like (3, 0, -2), we are implicitly assuming that we have these three basis vectors [itex]\hat x, \hat y, \hat z[/itex] and we are using them to fix our point.
  • #5
CompuChip said:
Yes, you might be missing something or I might.
But aren't the coordinate values simply the coefficients of the unit vectors?
Like, in a Cartesian system you can write either (3, 0, -2) for the coordinates of a point, or you can describe it by a vector [itex]3 \hat x + 0 \hat y - 2 \hat z[/itex].
When writing down a tuplet of numbers like (3, 0, -2), we are implicitly assuming that we have these three basis vectors [itex]\hat x, \hat y, \hat z[/itex] and we are using them to fix our point.

Thanks Compuchip. I got your point. So stupid of me. The (x,y,z) can be used to find theta, phi. My bad.
  • #6
You're welcome. We all get confused sometimes.

FAQ: Coordinate transformations Spherical to Cartesian

1. What is the difference between spherical coordinates and Cartesian coordinates?

Spherical coordinates use two angles and a distance from the origin to describe a point in three-dimensional space, while Cartesian coordinates use three perpendicular axes to describe a point.

2. How do you convert spherical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates?

To convert spherical coordinates (ρ, θ, φ) to Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z), use the following formulas:
x = ρsinφcosθ
y = ρsinφsinθ
z = ρcosφ

3. How do you determine the distance between two points using spherical coordinates?

To find the distance between two points (ρ1, θ1, φ1) and (ρ2, θ2, φ2) in spherical coordinates, use the formula:
d = √(ρ1² + ρ2² - 2ρ1ρ2cos(θ1 - θ2)cos(φ1 - φ2))

4. Can you convert Cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates?

Yes, to convert Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) to spherical coordinates (ρ, θ, φ), use the following formulas:
ρ = √(x² + y² + z²)
θ = arctan(y/x)
φ = arccos(z/ρ)

5. What are some applications of spherical to Cartesian coordinate transformations?

Spherical coordinates are often used in navigation and astronomy to locate points in three-dimensional space. They are also used in physics and engineering to describe the position and orientation of objects. Additionally, spherical coordinates are useful for solving problems involving spherical objects, such as planets or spheres.

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