Is university physics much different from upper level mathematics?

In summary, university physics and upper level mathematics are both challenging subjects that require critical thinking and problem solving skills. While some students may find university physics more difficult, others may excel in mathematics. It is possible to take upper level mathematics courses without a strong background in physics, but some concepts may rely on a basic understanding of physics principles. There are also many instances where the concepts in these subjects overlap, such as the use of calculus. Both subjects involve both theoretical concepts and practical applications. Finally, while a basic understanding of mathematics is necessary for studying university physics, advanced mathematics skills are not required as they will be taught as part of the course.
  • #1
i haven't taken any U physics, i got A+ up to calculus II and B+ in linear algebra, I'm taking calculus III and ODE next semester, i also have to take Mechanics physics. How is this physics? i signed up for an accelerated 1st year physics course covering 2 semesters of work in one as well as the 2 math courses i mentioned and javascript. Will i be able to handle this calculus based physics is it similar to mathematics ie: Work in calculus, related rates etc... or is it much different? i took general chem and organic chem both parts and did Okay B+ average. is there more theory stuff in physics like chem ie:theories of quantum bonding? i took physics 12 a very long time ago in h.s. and i don't remember. will i be good at physics or... is it much different from math?
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  • #2
Luongo said:
i haven't taken any U physics, i got A+ up to calculus II and B+ in linear algebra, I'm taking calculus III and ODE next semester, i also have to take Mechanics physics. How is this physics? i signed up for an accelerated 1st year physics course covering 2 semesters of work in one as well as the 2 math courses i mentioned and javascript. Will i be able to handle this calculus based physics is it similar to mathematics ie: Work in calculus, related rates etc... or is it much different? i took general chem and organic chem both parts and did Okay B+ average. is there more theory stuff in physics like chem ie:theories of quantum bonding? i took physics 12 a very long time ago in h.s. and i don't remember. will i be good at physics or... is it much different from math?

Generally speaking, yes physics is much different from mathematics. An inclination in one subject does not necessarily correlate to an inclination in the other.

That said, especially for an intro mechanics class, the mathematics will be very easy for you so you won't have to worry about that at all. So, at least you're going to be able to focus on the real physics rather than getting bogged down in the mathematics (which happens to an alarmingly high amount of students). It's impossible to say whether or not you'll do well, but if you feel you at least conceptually understood your high school physics class, I'd say you have a very good chance of doing well.
  • #3
Mechanics will be more applying concepts to solve problems. The math is often trivial if you have a thorough understanding of the physics, assuming you already have a strong mathematical foundation. This may vary however.
  • #4
If you enjoy electricity labs and want courses that use higher math, then you should choose physics. If you want either electricity or math but not both, then choose them instead.
  • #5
Luongo said:
i'm taking calculus III and ODE next semester

You say you're at MIT. Do you mean the Massachusetts Institute of Technology? Or some other place. The reason I ask is that MIT doesn't offer three semesters of calculus. The standard sequence 18.01/18.02 covers it in two semesters.
  • #8
Are you confusing posters, Vanadium? Luongo never said he was from MIT. In his "About Me" entries he says he is from Vancouver, which is where Douglas College is located.
  • #10
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  • #11
It's disappointing, when people lie about their situation. Luongo will get better advice if he was honest about his situation.
  • #12
Tsk tsk tsk...
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  • #13
I'm going to make a few assumptions. You're a hard-working student. You've been accepted to MIT. Even if intro to physics seems completely foreign to you, I think you'll be fine. But if my assumptions are incorrect, then my post is useless.

FAQ: Is university physics much different from upper level mathematics?

1. Is university physics more difficult than upper level mathematics?

It depends on the individual's strengths and interests. Some students may find university physics to be more challenging, while others may excel in mathematics. Both subjects require critical thinking and problem solving skills.

2. Can I take upper level mathematics courses without having a strong background in physics?

Yes, it is possible to take upper level mathematics courses without a strong background in physics. However, some mathematical concepts in these courses may rely on an understanding of basic physics principles.

3. Are the concepts in university physics and upper level mathematics interconnected?

Yes, there are many instances where the concepts in university physics and upper level mathematics overlap. For example, calculus is used extensively in both subjects for solving problems and understanding mathematical models.

4. Is university physics more theoretical while upper level mathematics is more practical?

This is a common misconception. Both subjects involve theoretical concepts as well as practical applications. In university physics, theoretical concepts are used to understand and explain natural phenomena, while in upper level mathematics, theories are used to solve real-world problems.

5. Do I need to know advanced mathematics to study university physics?

A basic understanding of mathematics, particularly calculus, is necessary for studying university physics. However, advanced mathematics skills are not required, as the necessary concepts and equations will be taught as part of the course.

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