Help: Understand Converges & Diverges w/ Examples for Test

  • Thread starter disneychannel
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In summary, convergence and divergence refer to the behavior of a sequence of numbers as the number of terms increases. A sequence converges if its terms get closer to a specific limit, while it diverges if its terms increase or decrease without bound. For fractions, only the leading terms need to be considered. In the case of a rational sequence, the behavior can be determined by examining the degree of the numerator and denominator.
  • #1
I would really appreciate if someone would explain Converges and Diverges to me since I do not understand them.

For example I do not know what to do in this problem:
(5n4 +1)/(150,348n3 +999)
or problems like this
2,1, (2/3), (1/2), (2/5)

Please help! I have a test tomorrow on this!
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  • #2
disneychannel said:
I would really appreciate if someone would explain Converges and Diverges to me since I do not understand them.

For example I do not know what to do in this problem:
(5n4 +1)/(150,348n3 +999)
or problems like this
2,1, (2/3), (1/2), (2/5)

Please help! I have a test tomorrow on this!
I'm assuming you're talking about convergence or divergence of a sequence, so I'll give rough definitions in that context. A sequence of numbers converges to a limit L if the terms in the sequence get arbitrarily close to L as n gets larger.

The sequence diverges if its terms get larger and larger without bound, or they get more and more negative, or if they never settle on a particular value.

For example, the sequence {1/n} = {1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, ..., 1/n, ...} converges to 0. The larger n gets, the closer 1/n gets to zero.

The sequence {(-1)^n} = {-1, 1, -1, 1, ...} diverges.
The sequence {n^2/(n + 500} diverges. The first few terms in this sequence are {1/501, 4/502, 9/503, 16/504,...}

The sequence {2, 1, 2/3, 1/2, 2/5, ...} can also be written as {2/1, 2/2, 2/3, 2/4, 2/5, ...} There are other possibilities, but I would guess that the next term in the sequence is 2/6 = 1/3.
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  • #3
For fractions, you can ignore all but the leading terms when you want to know whether it converges or diverges. So (3x^2 + 2x - 1)/(4x^3 - 3x) converges because 3x^2 / 4x^3 converges.
  • #4
For the first sequence, note that the quadratic terms increase much faster than non-quadratics, and further you can show that terms of higher powers increase much faster than terms of lower powers. This notion of "higher degree terms dominate the convergence behavior" can be made more precise.
For example, it is easy to show that the sequence (1/n) approaches 0 as n increases without bound. This means that (n/n^2) also does this, and so forth.
It is also easy to see that (n) diverges, and thus so does (n^2/n) and so forth.
(a*n^2)/(b*n^2) and similar forms are obviously just a/b.
Consider (an^2 + bn + c)/(dn^2). Division shows this sequence must be a/d by the simple theorems above.
Now for a full rational sequence: (an^3 + bn^2 + cn + d)/(en^3 + fn^2 + gn + h). Multiply the top and bottom by 1/n, and examine the behavior of each term. Keep doing so until you get to the intuitive conclusion that this sequence converges to a/e.
You can now prove yourself that sequences of rational terms converge to 0 when the denominator is of a higher degree, converge to the ratio of the coefficients of the two highest degree terms when the degree of the numerator and denominator are equal, and diverge when the numerator is of higher degree than the denominator.
  • #5

Sure, I'd be happy to help explain Converges and Diverges to you. These terms are commonly used in mathematics and science to describe the behavior of a sequence or series of numbers.

A sequence is a list of numbers that follow a specific pattern or rule. For example, the sequence 1, 3, 5, 7, 9... follows the rule of adding 2 to the previous number to get the next number.

A series is the sum of a sequence. For example, the series 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9... is the sum of the numbers in the sequence.

Now, let's talk about convergence and divergence. When we say a sequence or series converges, it means that the numbers in the sequence or the sum of the series approach a specific value as we move further along the sequence or series. In other words, the numbers are getting closer and closer to a certain number, and eventually, they will reach that number.

On the other hand, when we say a sequence or series diverges, it means that the numbers in the sequence or the sum of the series do not approach a specific value. Instead, they either increase or decrease without bound, meaning they continue to get larger or smaller without ever reaching a specific number.

Let's look at your examples to better understand this concept. In the first problem, (5n4 +1)/(150,348n3 +999), we are dealing with a sequence. As n (the variable) gets larger and larger, the numbers in the sequence will get closer and closer to 0. Therefore, we can say that this sequence converges to 0.

In the second problem, 2,1, (2/3), (1/2), (2/5), we are also dealing with a sequence. As you can see, the numbers in this sequence are getting smaller and smaller. However, they are not approaching a specific number, they are simply getting smaller and smaller without bound. Therefore, we can say that this sequence diverges.

I hope this explanation helps you understand convergence and divergence better. Remember, when a sequence or series converges, the numbers approach a specific value, and when it diverges, the numbers do not approach a specific value. Good luck on your test tomorrow!

FAQ: Help: Understand Converges & Diverges w/ Examples for Test

What is the definition of convergence and divergence?

Convergence and divergence are concepts used in mathematics and science to describe the behavior of a sequence or series. Convergence refers to the idea that a sequence or series approaches a specific value or limit as the number of terms increases, while divergence means that the sequence or series does not approach a limit and instead grows infinitely large or oscillates between values.

How can I determine if a series or sequence converges or diverges?

There are several tests that can be used to determine convergence or divergence, such as the ratio test, the root test, and the comparison test. These tests involve examining the behavior of the terms in the sequence or series and using mathematical principles to determine if it approaches a limit or diverges.

Can you provide an example of a convergent sequence?

A classic example of a convergent sequence is the geometric series where each term is half of the previous term. For example, the sequence 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16... approaches a limit of 0 as the number of terms increases infinitely. This is known as the sum of an infinite geometric series and is equal to 1.

What about an example of a divergent sequence?

An example of a divergent sequence is the harmonic series, which is the sum of the reciprocals of all positive integers. As the number of terms increases, the sum of the series approaches infinity, meaning it does not have a limit. The first few terms of the harmonic series are 1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5... and it continues infinitely.

How can understanding convergence and divergence be useful in real-world applications?

Convergence and divergence are essential concepts in various fields such as physics, engineering, and economics. In physics, for example, understanding the behavior of a sequence or series can help predict the behavior of a system over time. In economics, it can be used to analyze the growth or decline of investments or markets. Overall, understanding convergence and divergence can help us better understand and make predictions about the world around us.

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