Black holes, white holes and expansion of Universe

In summary, the author has an idea that the expansion of the universe is the result of BHs falling matter. The KE of this falling matter is not lost, but is instead replaced with vacuum. This new vacuum creates a pressure on ordinary matter pushing it away from WHs in all directions and creating the foam structure.
  • #1
What I am posting here it is not an alternate theory nor a criticism of any accepted theory.
I just have an idea born from what I know (like a non-specialist) about cosmology and I need your help to understand if it is a good idea or a wrong one.

Related to expansion of Universe we can describe it as an increase of "amount of vacuum" with time expressed in m3. If we apply the Hubble constant (70.8 (km/s)/Mpc) to radius of observable Universe (14 Gpc=14,000 Mpc=46.5 billion light-years) we can say that the radius of Universe is bigger with 991,200 Km with every second past.
That mean that in every second the volume of Universe is increasing with 9.64*1063 m3. Some consider that, the vacuum have an energy density of about 10-9 joules per cubic meter. So, we can say that in every second an increase of total energy of Universe exist equivalent with 9.64*1054 Joules. This is almost 6.02*1073 eV in every second! A lot of energy.

Because I believe in conservation of energy at Universe scale, I asked myself where can that additional energy come from.

And I remembered something that I read sometime about black holes: it does not conserve some properties of falling matter. Just spin, charge and mass (rest mass) are conserved every other properties are lost. Then I tried to read more about what is happening with kinetic energy of falling matter. And if I understood accurate, GR said that because for an external observer the falling matter never arrive inside BH, its kinetic energy is not transmitted to BH. This KE is just lost for the Universe (all what is outside that BH). Reading more I understood that for almost all BH the falling matter have relativistic speed (because in time almost all BH increased its spin to the limit accepted by GR), so that mean a lot of KE involved.

But, the BH is just one solution of GR ecuations. So, I start to read about while holes, the other solution. And I found not just WH is a time reversal for BH but that WH acts as a source that ejects matter from its event horizon. So, if WH really exist it act like an repulsive force in its near proximity and like an attractive force through it gravitation effect at larger scale.

Then I tried to figure how it Universe look out at large scale. And I understood that it is like a soap foam with a lot of bubbles at very different sizes where the ordinary matter is organized in super clusters representing the "skin" of the bubbles and inside that bubbles large voids exist.

Combining all above things now can I explain my idea.
The expansion is the result of BHs falling matter. Its KE is not lost but is returned to "the Universe" through the WHs. That WHs doesn't eject ordinary matter, instead the KE is replaced with ... vacuum, the energy density of that vacuum to be more precisely. This new vacuum create a pressure on ordinary matter pushing it away from WHs in all directions and creating the foam structure. This is what we see like dark energy.
Inside of that great bubbles such "vacuum fountains" are ejecting a lot of vacuum, there acting not just one but maybe more WHs because that places represent places with a very low amount of normal matter (maybe none ordinary matter except photons and neutrinos) and is a favorite place for WHs.
Maybe this "vacuum pressure" create on bubbles surface (the place where ordinary matter exist) a real pressure, keeping matter more dense and creating the illusion of dark matter presence. That vacuum born maybe act like a fluid jet creating strange effects, like a very strange dynamics of bubble skin (I read that our local group is moving relative near groups with" , or I read that at the edge of observable Universe some super cluster are moving like something very large outside the Universe are attracting them, etc.).

Why is expanding accelerating? Because we can understood the galaxies around supermassive black holes from its center like an accretion disk, the amount of falling matter increasing in time. The expansion stared just 5 billions years because the previous amount of falling matter in all BHs from Universe was not enough to create expansion.

So, what is wrong with this picture? For me, looks like make sense. But who I am (in cosmology) to claim that I am right? Maybe above exist a lot of misconceptions or even errors.

But if someone can help me to calculate the total KE/per second of entirely falling matter in all BHs from the Universe (piece of cake, isn't it?) maybe the result it will be somehow similar with what I calculated at the beginning of this post. And this can be a minimal proof that maybe I'm right.
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  • #2
First question: Why do you believe in energy conservation at the Universe scale? There is no timelike killing vector for the FRW metric.
  • #3
Skolon said:
Because I believe in conservation of energy at Universe scale, I asked myself where can that additional energy come from.
One way to think of it is as coming from gravitational potential energy.

This is a really good treatment of the status of energy conservation in General Relativity:
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  • #4
nicksauce said:
First question: Why do you believe in energy conservation at the Universe scale? There is no timelike killing vector for the FRW metric.

I am not used the word "believe" accidental. It means that I don't have a mathematical explanation.
Perhaps all is coming from what I understand as energy: potential action. Gravitational potential energy means that a mass object can get kinetic energy (can be moved), KE of an object means that it can generate other kinds of energy (thermal radiation for instance, after a collision), etc. All kind of energy offer some possibilities of action. And, for me, all that amount of possible actions are finite and constant with time at Universe scale. This is why for me "nothing is really born, nothing is really lost, everything is transformation".
  • #5
Chalnoth said:
One way to think of it is as coming from gravitational potential energy.

This is a really good treatment of the status of energy conservation in General Relativity:

First, the link is very interesting. Very. But before make remarks about it I must try to understood what is there more deeply.

Second, I don't understand how can gravitational potential energy to generate vacuum. What do you want to to say?
  • #6
Skolon said:
First, the link is very interesting. Very. But before make remarks about it I must try to understood what is there more deeply.

Second, I don't understand how can gravitational potential energy to generate vacuum. What do you want to to say?
It's not generating vacuum per se. It's a statement that the energy increase of a comoving volume of dark energy as time progresses can be thought of as coming from a decrease in gravitational potential energy (which becomes more and more negative).
  • #7
Thank you, I never hear about that.
I think it is not your statement. Can you tell me where I can read more about this?
  • #8
Skolon said:
Thank you, I never hear about that.
I think it is not your statement. Can you tell me where I can read more about this?
Unfortunately I don't know of any good treatments of it online, but it stems from the Hamiltonian formulation of General Relativity (in the more frequently-used formulation, gravitational potential energy is not considered, and so energy is not, in general, conserved).

FAQ: Black holes, white holes and expansion of Universe

1. What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region in space with a gravitational pull so strong that nothing, including light, can escape from it. This happens when a massive star dies and collapses in on itself, creating a singularity - a point of infinite density and zero volume.

2. Do black holes only exist in space?

While black holes are commonly associated with space, they can also exist on a much smaller scale. Micro black holes, theorized to be created by high-energy collisions, could exist on Earth but are too small to be detected.

3. What is a white hole?

A white hole is a hypothetical region in space that is the opposite of a black hole. Instead of pulling matter and energy inward, it would push them outward. It is theorized that white holes could be connected to black holes through a hypothetical tunnel called a "wormhole".

4. How is the universe expanding?

The universe is expanding at an accelerating rate, meaning that the space between objects is increasing over time. This expansion is driven by a mysterious force called dark energy, which makes up about 70% of the total energy in the universe.

5. Will the universe continue to expand forever?

The answer to this question is currently unknown. It depends on the amount of dark energy in the universe, which is still not fully understood by scientists. Some theories suggest that the expansion may eventually slow down and reverse, leading to a "Big Crunch" where the universe collapses back in on itself. However, recent observations suggest that the expansion may continue indefinitely.
