All forces neuralized at big bang, & space expansion

In summary: It is just a property of space.In summary, the expansion of space is a fundamental property of the universe, similar to the fabric of a computer simulation. This expansion is not caused by a force pushing matter/energy apart, but rather by the increase of space itself. This raises further questions about the nature of space and what caused it to expand, with potential theories being the false vacuum decaying into a true vacuum or the cosmological constant also known as dark energy.
  • #1
What caused and is causing space to increase or expand?


The answer to a major question has raised another problem...then solution...then questions.

Why didn't gravity keep everything together at the big bang like a black hole? Because *all* of space was filled with matter/energy so gravity pulled equally on everything from all directions. There was no place where gravity was stronger. It is like being at the center of the earth. You are surrounded by matter, but the net effect of gravity is zero. But unlike the earth, at the beginning of the universe the center was everywhere, either because the universe is hypersherical or because it is infinite.

Yay! Problem solved. But wait. This would also be true for all forces. Matter/energy being everywhere would mean every force was pulling equally on everything in all directions, so the net effect of any force was zero. So there was no force to push things apart! So how the heck did the universe expand?

I suddenly realized that the universe was not expanding because a force was pushing matter/energy apart, but because space was increasing! The distance between particles was not increasing because of a force pushing them or because they had velocity, but the distance was increasing because the space between them was increasing! Wow! The particles were not actually moving apart. The space they were in was moving! Epiphany!

This raises other questions...

What does it mean exactly for space to expand?

And what caused (and is causing) space to expand?

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  • #2

When space expands the amount of space between any two points increases.

On the deepest level of reality things are based on the laws, and the laws have given space the property of acting like a fabric, and emptiness at the same time. Think of the universe as like a computer simulation. And in a simulation things can be given the property of behaving in two different ways.

You will probably need to do some research on this one because I don't know everything for sure, but I do know that the expansion of space can be caused by two things. A false vacuum decaying into a true vacuum (which caused inflation), and the cosmological constant (also called dark energy), which is a form of anti gravity.
  • #3
What does it mean exactly for space to expand?

And what caused (and is causing) space to expand?

It is just like you said. The distance between every point in space is always increasing. Not the distance between objects, but the distance between points in space. If you imagined space as the surface of a balloon, then if you blew up the baloon everything on the surface would get further apart but have no velocity relative to the space. As for what caused this, I can't say.

FAQ: All forces neuralized at big bang, & space expansion

1. What is the Big Bang theory?

The Big Bang theory is a scientific explanation for the origin of the universe. It states that the universe began as a single, incredibly dense and hot point, and has been expanding and cooling ever since.

2. How did all forces become "neuralized" at the Big Bang?

The term "neuralized" refers to the unification of the four fundamental forces (gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force) that govern the interactions of matter in the universe. At the extreme conditions of the Big Bang, these forces were unified into a single force, but as the universe expanded and cooled, they became distinct forces.

3. What is the evidence for the expansion of space?

One of the main pieces of evidence for the expansion of space is the observation of the redshift of light from distant galaxies. This redshift indicates that the galaxies are moving away from us, and the further away they are, the faster they are moving. This can only be explained by the expansion of space itself.

4. How fast is space expanding?

The rate of expansion of space is measured by a value called the Hubble constant. Currently, the most precise value for the Hubble constant is approximately 70 km/s per megaparsec, meaning that for every megaparsec of distance, the expansion of space causes objects to move away from each other at a rate of 70 kilometers per second.

5. Will the expansion of space ever stop?

It is currently believed that the expansion of space will continue indefinitely, and may even accelerate due to the presence of dark energy. This means that the distance between objects in the universe will continue to increase, and eventually, the universe may become too spread out for galaxies to interact with each other.

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