What are Quotient Spaces and How Are They Used in Algebra and Topology?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of quotient algebra, which is defined as an algebra with an ideal, where equivalence classes are determined by a relation and given certain operations. The conversation also mentions that there are different kinds of algebras, including universal algebras and associative algebras.
  • #1
I'm having some troubles understanding the concepts of quotient algebra.
May someone explain me what exactly they are, giving some concrete examples?

I know that a quotient set is the set of all equivalence classes, but it sounds very vague for me and i can't make the analogy with quotient spaces, or quotient groups.
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  • #2
what do you mean by "quotient algebra"? there are different kinds of algebras:

1. universal algebras (defined by a set and a signature of arity, and identities involving n-ary operations, etc.)
2. associative algebras (vector spaces with an associative ring structure).
  • #3
Deveno said:
what do you mean by "quotient algebra"?
If A is an algebra and I is an ideal in A, the quotient algebra A/I is defined in the following way. Define a relation ~ on A by saying that x~y if x-y is a member of I. It's easy to show that ~ is an equivalence relation. The equivalence class that contains x is denoted by x+I. The set of all equivalence classes is given the structure of an algebra by the definitions

  • #4
Fredrik said:
If A is an algebra and I is an ideal in A, the quotient algebra A/I is defined in the following way. Define a relation ~ on A by saying that x~y if x-y is a member of I. It's easy to show that ~ is an equivalence relation. The equivalence class that contains x is denoted by x+I. The set of all equivalence classes is given the structure of an algebra by the definitions


yes, that follows by definition 2. in the algebras of type 1, you generally don't have ideals, but rather congruences. i was asking "which" definition of algebra he meant.
  • #5

A quotient space is a mathematical concept that is often used in algebra and topology. It is a way to construct a new space from an existing one by "identifying" certain points or elements in the original space. This process of identification is done by defining an equivalence relation on the original space.

To give a concrete example, let's consider the real numbers. We can define an equivalence relation on the real numbers by saying that two real numbers are equivalent if their difference is an integer. This means that, for example, 1 and 2 are equivalent because their difference is 1, which is an integer. Similarly, 3.5 and 4.5 are equivalent because their difference is 1, which is an integer.

Now, we can construct a quotient space by taking the real numbers and "identifying" all the equivalent points. This means that we are essentially grouping together all the points that are equivalent to each other and treating them as a single point in the quotient space. In this example, our quotient space would consist of just two points, 0 and 1, since all the other points in the real numbers are equivalent to either 0 or 1.

This concept can also be extended to other mathematical structures, such as groups and vector spaces. In a quotient group, we identify certain elements of the original group and treat them as a single element in the quotient group. This allows us to simplify the structure of the group and make it easier to work with. Similarly, in a quotient vector space, we identify certain vectors and treat them as a single vector, reducing the dimension of the space.

I hope this explanation helps to clarify the concept of quotient spaces for you. Please let me know if you have any further questions or need more clarification.

FAQ: What are Quotient Spaces and How Are They Used in Algebra and Topology?

1. What is a quotient space?

A quotient space is a mathematical concept that represents a space obtained by identifying or collapsing certain points in a given space. This is done by imposing an equivalence relation on the original space, which groups together points that are considered equivalent. The resulting quotient space is a new space that preserves certain properties of the original space.

2. How is a quotient space different from a regular space?

A quotient space is different from a regular space in the sense that it is obtained by identifying or collapsing certain points in the original space. This means that the resulting quotient space may have different topological or geometric properties compared to the original space.

3. What are some real-world applications of quotient spaces?

Quotient spaces have many applications in various fields such as physics, computer science, and engineering. In physics, quotient spaces are used to model physical systems with symmetries, such as the motion of planets in a solar system. In computer science, quotient spaces are used in data compression and in the analysis of algorithms. In engineering, quotient spaces are used to model complex systems and to study their behavior.

4. How is a quotient space related to linear algebra?

In linear algebra, quotient spaces are used to represent vector spaces obtained by collapsing subspaces. This is done by defining an equivalence relation on the original vector space, which groups together vectors that are considered equivalent. The resulting quotient space is a new vector space that preserves certain properties of the original space.

5. Are there any drawbacks or limitations to using quotient spaces?

One limitation of quotient spaces is that they may not preserve all the properties of the original space. For example, if the original space is compact, the resulting quotient space may not be compact. Additionally, the process of identifying points in a space can be complex and may require a deep understanding of the underlying mathematical concepts. This can make it challenging to apply quotient spaces to certain problems.
