Help with Light Rays: Questions and Answers

In summary, the conversation discusses help needed with light rays due to missing classes, including questions to be submitted online. There is also a discussion on the rotation of a plane mirror and the focal length of a convex mirror. The conversation also includes a question about the behavior of fluorescent tubes as line sources and point sources. The summary also includes a solution to the problem of finding the angle of rotation of a reflected ray after rotating a plane mirror by 10 degrees.
  • #1
I need some help with light rays. I've been sick and missed the last few days so I need a little help. I have some questions that I have to submit online by tomorrow. I was wondering if someone could help.

A ray of light strikes a plane mirror at a 45° angle of incidence. The mirror is then rotated by = 10° into the position shown in red in the drawing, while the incident ray is kept fixed.

(a) Through what angle does the reflected ray rotate?

(b) What is the answer to part (a) if the angle of incidence is 60° instead of 45°?

Is there some equation for this one? I wasnt sure if you just add 10°. I don't think that's it. I don't have my physics book either so I can't really read through what we have been doing.
A candle is placed 15.0 cm in front of a convex mirror. When the convex mirror is replaced with a plane mirror, the image moves 8.0 cm farther away from the mirror. Find the focal length of the convex mirror.
on this one i was trying this with the 1/Do + 1/Di = 1/f but wasnt getting anything out of it.

I really need an answer tonight. I appreciate any help. Thanks.
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  • #2
HINT (a): Rotating the mirror also rotates the surface normal.
  • #3
One thing on part a of the question. Through what angle does the reflected ray rotate?
I guess the phi symbol didnt show up because it was an image. If you look at the symbol on the picture, it shows that image to be between the red and blue lines. Does that mean that it would just be 10? or is it 45?
  • #4
iam doing an investigation on the inverse law using light. i want to know why can a flourescent tube act a line source? why is it that when you get too far the is acts a point source?
  • #5
I got #2, but I don't know about the first one. I have some guesses but I only have 1 submission. I only have 2 hours left before I have to turn it in so if someone could help me that would be great.
  • #6
The original reflected ray is 45 degrees from the normal and if the plane rotates by 10 degrees then the original reflected wave is 35 degrees from the new normal. However, the new normal is 10 degrees off the old one so the incident ray is now 55 degrees from the new normal. Since the new reflected wave must also be 55 degrees from the new normal then its direction must be 55 - 35 = 20 degrees from the original reflected ray.
  • #7
Thanks a lot! I understand it now. :biggrin:

FAQ: Help with Light Rays: Questions and Answers

1. What are light rays?

Light rays are beams of electromagnetic energy that are emitted or reflected from a source, such as the sun or a light bulb. They travel in a straight line until they are absorbed or redirected by an object or surface.

2. How do light rays travel?

Light rays travel in a straight line at a constant speed of approximately 186,282 miles per second in a vacuum. When they pass through a medium, such as air or water, they may be refracted or bent.

3. What is the difference between a converging and diverging light ray?

A converging light ray is one that moves towards a focal point, while a diverging light ray moves away from a focal point. This is determined by the shape of the lens or mirror that the light is passing through.

4. How can we see objects through light rays?

When light rays strike an object, some are absorbed and others are reflected. The reflected light enters our eyes and is focused onto the retina, creating an image that is sent to the brain for interpretation.

5. How can we manipulate light rays?

Light rays can be manipulated through the use of lenses and mirrors. Lenses can bend light rays to converge or diverge them, while mirrors can reflect and redirect them. Light rays can also be manipulated through the use of filters, such as polarizing filters, which can block certain wavelengths of light.

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