Power Series Solution to Hydrogen Wave Function Differential Equation

In summary, the conversation revolved around solving a differential equation for the theta portion of the hydrogen wave function using a power series solution. The formula for the power series was truncated at n = l, which led to the value of C being equal to l(l+1). The next step was to use a recursion formula to find the solutions for l = 0, 1, 2, and 3. It was determined that the solution for l = 0 was a2 = 0, and this was true for all subsequent values of l. The conversation then delved into the topic of normalizing the Legendre polynomials, and the importance of P_L(1)=1 for each value of L. It was suggested
  • #1
I solved the differential equation for theta portion of the hydrogen wave function using a power series solution. I got a sub n+2 = a sub n ((n(n+1)-C)/(n+2)(n+1)). I then truncated the power series at n = l to get
C= l(l+1).

I know need to use the recursion formula I found to find the l = 0, 1, 2, and 3 solutions to the differential equation. Do I simply plug l in for n? If so, I get for l = 0, a2 = -Ca0/2. Is this the SOLUTION to the D.E. for
l = 0, or do I need to do something else?
Similarly, for l = 1, I get a3= a1 (2-C)/6.

Any help appreciated!
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  • #2
Put in C=L(L+1) and do the arith.
The last step is to require P_L(1)=1, which is the normalization conditon for Legendre polynomials (the name of the theta solutions).
  • #3
If I sub in C= L(L+1), then I get a2 = -l(l+1)a0/2. But this is the solution for l = 0...so if I let l = 0, then I get a2 =0. This is also true for a3, a4, a5, ... Is this ok?

Also...when I normalize...Do I do the integral of a2^2 from -1 to 1 = 1 (since x = cos theta) and solve for a0??

I'm just a bit confused...thanks!
  • #4
eku_girl83 said:
If I sub in C= L(L+1), then I get a2 = -l(l+1)a0/2. But this is the solution for l = 0...so if I let l = 0, then I get a2 =0. This is also true for a3, a4, a5, ... Is this ok?
Yes. For any L, the solution is a poynomial of degree L.
For L=0, P_0=1. For L_1. P_1=1, etc.
  • #5
eku_girl83 said:
Also...when I normalize...Do I do the integral of a2^2 from -1 to 1 = 1 (since x = cos theta) and solve for a0??
The usual Legendre polynomials are normalized so that P_L(1)=1 for each value of L. No integral is involved. This is different (and easier) than the usual normalization of functions. For your problem, the normalization may not be necessary.
  • #6
eku_girl83 said:
I'm just a bit confused...thanks!
It may be time to look in a Math Physics book under
Legendre Polynomials in the index.

FAQ: Power Series Solution to Hydrogen Wave Function Differential Equation

1. What is a power series solution?

A power series solution is a method for finding a solution to a differential equation by representing the solution as an infinite polynomial. This allows for the solution to be approximated to any desired degree of accuracy.

2. What is the hydrogen wave function differential equation?

The hydrogen wave function differential equation is a mathematical equation that describes the behavior of the electron in a hydrogen atom. It takes into account the energy of the electron and its position in relation to the nucleus.

3. Why is the power series solution used for the hydrogen wave function differential equation?

The power series solution is used because it allows for an accurate and efficient way to solve the differential equation for the hydrogen atom. It also provides a more general solution that can be applied to other similar problems.

4. What are the steps for finding a power series solution to the hydrogen wave function differential equation?

The steps for finding a power series solution to the hydrogen wave function differential equation include: setting up the differential equation, assuming a power series solution, substituting the series into the equation, equating coefficients of like powers, and solving for the coefficients.

5. What are some applications of the power series solution to the hydrogen wave function differential equation?

The power series solution to the hydrogen wave function differential equation has various applications in the field of quantum mechanics. It is used to calculate the energy levels of the electron in a hydrogen atom, as well as to understand the behavior of other particles in similar systems. It also has applications in chemistry, physics, and engineering.

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