Absolute Zero: Understanding Heat and Molecular Vibrations

In summary, reaching absolute zero (-273,15 C) is theoretically possible by either stopping all molecular movement or removing all molecules. However, quantum effects make it impossible to completely stop molecular motion at this temperature. At this point, the substance would exhibit superfluid behavior and the principles of quantum mechanics would come into play. Therefore, it is not possible to predict with certainty what would happen at absolute zero.
  • #1
Maxwells Demon
I've been told that heat is vibrations of the molecules.

I see two ways to reach absolute zero -273,15 C

1. you could stop all the molecules so that they wouldn't move at all.

or maybe?? 2. remove all the molecules. No molecules no vibrations no heat??

is no 2. possible?
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  • #2
No. You can't have a perfectly empty space because of the background radiation (or something like it) when you go deep, deep down into the nano-nanometer levels of spacetime.

Also, you cannot stop a molecule from moving. (I may be proven wrong on this a few millenia from now).
  • #3
MadScientist 1000 said:
Also, you cannot stop a molecule from moving. (I may be proven wrong on this a few millenia from now).

I'm a lowly physics I student, but isn't that the whole theory behind 0K? At that temperature molecules cease to move?
  • #4
Feldoh said:
I'm a lowly physics I student, but isn't that the whole theory behind 0K? At that temperature molecules cease to move?

It is if you consider only classical thermodynamics. However, once you get to temperature range that low, quantum effects will kick in and you simply can't extrapolate all that you've known at higher temperatures down to such low temperatures. We have already seen how such things break down when certain material instead becomes a superfluid.

  • #5
ZapperZ said:
It is if you consider only classical thermodynamics. However, once you get to temperature range that low, quantum effects will kick in and you simply can't extrapolate all that you've known at higher temperatures down to such low temperatures. We have already seen how such things break down when certain material instead becomes a superfluid.


So, in other words we really don't know what will happen at absolute zero 100% of the time?
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  • #6
All right assume that the background radiation isn't there...

Hadn't though quantum mechanically on that one, but my question is also just in theory..

Would you have 0 kelvin if you had a space with 0 molecules inside?
  • #7
Feldoh said:
So, in other words we really don't know what will happen at absolute zero 100% of the time?

It depends on the substance.

Note that for a quantum harmonic oscillator, the lowest energy state that it can occupy is [itex]\hbar\omega/2[/itex]. So if you have molecules or solids that can be described by such harmonic oscillators, we already know that they do not stop moving, since there are no lower state than that.

Furthermore, in noble gasses, we have also seen a deviation in the specific heat measurement as you approach very low temperatures. The deBoer effect observed in such measurements can clearly be attributed to such zero-point energy, where by such quantum effects will start kicking in.

  • #8
Helium at -271,15 Celsius is a superfluid.. Zapper do you know anything about that? definition?
  • #10
In order for a substance to be at absolute zero, it's atoms but be absolutely still. However, if this were the case, we could know the position and momentum (0) of a particle exactly, which goes against quantum mechanical principles.

FAQ: Absolute Zero: Understanding Heat and Molecular Vibrations

1. What is absolute zero?

Absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature that can be achieved, where all molecular motion stops. It is measured at 0 Kelvin (K) or -273.15 degrees Celsius (°C).

2. How was absolute zero discovered?

The concept of absolute zero was first proposed by scientists in the 18th century, but it wasn't until the 19th century that it was experimentally determined by scientists Lord Kelvin and James Thomson. They used the ideal gas law to calculate the temperature at which gases would have no volume or pressure, which led to the discovery of absolute zero.

3. What happens to molecular vibrations at absolute zero?

At absolute zero, molecular vibrations completely cease. This means that molecules stop moving and all thermal energy is removed, resulting in a lack of heat and no molecular motion.

4. Can absolute zero be reached?

While it is theoretically possible to reach absolute zero, it is practically impossible to achieve. As an object approaches absolute zero, it requires an infinite amount of time and energy to remove the remaining thermal energy. Additionally, quantum mechanical effects prevent particles from reaching absolute zero.

5. Why is understanding absolute zero important?

Understanding absolute zero is important because it serves as the basis for the Kelvin temperature scale, which is used in scientific measurements. It also helps scientists understand the behavior of matter at extremely low temperatures and is crucial in fields such as cryogenics and quantum mechanics.

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