Water desalition: Verify request to new Idea for desalination

In summary, a thermal expansion pump is used to apply pressure for reverse osmosis. The main problem is that it is not feasible to do this in industrial quantities.
  • #1
Greetings friends,

I have a new idea for desalinating water but I am not good at physics. My idea may sound stupid and if so I am sorry for that in advance but please could you have a look. I am attaching the image to this post which will try to explain the simple idea to generate pressure for desalination.

I request if someone could verify if this idea could really work.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The "new" bit I guess is the use of a thermally expanding fluid in a pipe to apply pressure for reverse osmosis?

You need it's thermal expansion to also be much bigger than that of the pipe, and remember that the fluid will exert pressure on the pipe as well.

What you are describing is a thermal expansion pump.
Better picture would have the bulk of the fluid in a ball heated and cooled periodically forcing the liquid in and out of a tube. A valve system means that sea-water is sucked in during the contraction and then pushed against a reverse osmosis filter during the expansion.

The main problem will be doing this in industrial quantities ... afaik, these pumps are only good at very small flow rates because of how slow the expansion usually is, and they tend to be expensive to build.

But I don't think it violates any physical laws or anything.
The energy comes from the Sun.

I suspect you are better off using a solar-cell driven electric pump.
  • #3
thank you very much for your reply ... yes I am sorry for my ignorance ... I just thought I would share what I had in mind in case there is a possibility of it being useful ... yes the idea was to use solar energy (heat from it) and using the alternating nature of the ocean tides for the cool effect during the day and the heating effect during the night. But it doesn't seem feasible. Thank you for analyzing this. :) Wish you a nice day!

FAQ: Water desalition: Verify request to new Idea for desalination

1. What is water desalination?

Water desalination is the process of removing salt and other minerals from seawater or brackish water to make it safe for human consumption or use in industries.

2. Why is water desalination important?

Water desalination is important because it provides a solution to the increasing demand for freshwater in areas where natural water resources are scarce. It also helps to ensure a reliable and sustainable water supply for communities and industries.

3. How does water desalination work?

Water desalination typically involves two main processes: thermal desalination and membrane desalination. Thermal desalination uses heat to evaporate seawater and then condense the steam into freshwater, while membrane desalination uses specialized filters to remove salt and other impurities from seawater.

4. What are the benefits of water desalination?

The benefits of water desalination include increased access to freshwater, improved water quality, and reduced water scarcity. It also provides economic benefits by creating jobs and supporting industries that rely on a steady water supply.

5. Are there any challenges associated with water desalination?

While water desalination offers many benefits, it also has some challenges. The process is energy-intensive, which can lead to high costs and environmental impacts. Additionally, the disposal of the brine byproduct can also have negative effects on marine ecosystems if not properly managed.
