USB Communications - Looking for Advice on Sandbox, Libraries, Tutorials

In summary, you would need to put the jar file in the classpath, and the properties file in the same directory as the class file.
  • #1
I have a odds and ends question for anyone who wants to share knowledge. I just got done with a project doing serial port programming, and I want to take what I learned and expand that.

Is there any environment that is more or less a sandbox for USB communications? If you're familiar with serial programming, this is kind of what I'm looking for... something where you can select a USB port and send command strings over the line.

Alternately, are there any libraries available (particularly in maybe Java, PHP, Perl, Ada) that allow for USB communications?

I guess finally alternately, does anyone know of a good tutorial to the Windows API for USB programming (I assume there must be such a thing).

I've looked for the above and can't come up with anything.
Computer science news on
  • #2
Every major applications programming language has a USB library these days. Skip PHP, Perl, and Ada, since they are not generally considered applications programming languages. Java has several thid-party USB libraries which come up as the first result in a Google search for "Java USB."

- Warren
  • #3
Wow, thanks.

Funny that stuff doesn't come up when you search "Java USB library".
  • #4
java usb programming for windows

hello frnz
im working with java application programming for USB...i need steps to install java USB based API for windows...i have downloaded javax-usb-ri.rar
i need to know how to proceed further to develop application.i found one application named RunUSBControllerTest which came along with api downloads worked well when i run in command promt it created class files and executed properly,but under netbeans the same code showed multiple errors mentioning class not found on following lines
import usb.core.*;
import usb.test.ControllerUSBListener;
i can't run any other applications in command mode other than the one that came along with the package of usb api...
can anyone tell me how and where should i put jar file,properties file, jsr80...simply saying i need help to develop simeple application to test usb port.
steps to put jar file and properties file...just like working with rs232

FAQ: USB Communications - Looking for Advice on Sandbox, Libraries, Tutorials

1. What is a USB communication?

A USB (Universal Serial Bus) communication is the process of transferring data between a computer and a USB device. This allows devices such as keyboards, printers, and external hard drives to connect and exchange information with a computer.

2. What is a sandbox in relation to USB communications?

A sandbox is a controlled environment that allows developers to test and experiment with new code without affecting the overall system. In the context of USB communications, a sandbox can be used to test and troubleshoot USB devices and their compatibility with different systems.

3. Are there any recommended libraries for USB communications?

Yes, there are several libraries available for USB communications, such as libusb, WinUSB, and Java USB. It is important to research and choose the library that best fits your project's needs and programming language.

4. Where can I find tutorials for USB communications?

There are many tutorials available online for USB communications, ranging from basic introductions to more advanced topics. Some good resources include the official website, online forums, and tutorial websites such as Adafruit and Instructables.

5. What are some common challenges when working with USB communications?

Some common challenges with USB communications include compatibility issues between different operating systems and devices, driver conflicts, and power limitations. It is important to thoroughly research and test your setup to ensure smooth communication between devices.
