Hermitian Operator in Inner Product

In summary, the homework statement is trying to find a condition that is equivalent to requiring <v|\hat{A}u> = < \hat{A}v|u>. After changing the ψ into their bra-ket forms and substituting, the student is stumped.
  • #1

Homework Statement

[itex]\int d^{3} \vec{r} ψ_{1} \hat{A} ψ_{2}[/itex] = [itex]\int d^{3} \vec{r} ψ_{2} \hat{A}* ψ_{1}[/itex]

Hermitian operator A, show that this condition is equivalent to requiring [itex] <v|\hat{A}u>[/itex] = [itex]< \hat{A}v|u>[/itex]

Homework Equations

I changed the definitions of ψ into their bra-ket forms first of all.

Hints say something about the Identity operator, but I don't have any bra's in my equation, what do I do?

The Attempt at a Solution

After changing the ψ into their bra-ket forms and substituting, I am stumped. Any pointers please?

I have introduction into adjoint hermitian operators but I cannot see how this would fit into it.

I would write more about what I did, but your equation editor is very difficult to use, is it possible that you could make a code that mirror's the equation editor on Microsoft Word 2007 - 2011?

Please help me, I'm doing this problem WAY ahead of time and I just want to be good at this stuff. Please don't ignore me, just give me a push in the right direction and I promise I will do all the rest and show you what I did.
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  • #2
  • #3
It would help if you showed what you did rather than just describe it.
  • #4
Latex takes forever to use... Well here goes:

We are supposed to assume that [itex]ψ_{1}*[/itex] is a wavefunction, so we use a trick to show just that, whilst the conjugate is now something wierd

[itex]ψ_{1}* = < \vec{r}|ψ_{1} >[/itex]

[itex]ψ_{1} = < ψ_{1}|\vec{r} >[/itex]

So subst into

[itex] \int d^{3} \vec{r} < ψ_{1}|\vec{r} > \hat{A} < \vec{r}|ψ_{2} >[/itex] = [itex]\int d^{3} \vec{r} < \vec{r}|ψ_{2} > \hat{A}* < ψ_{1}|\vec{r} >[/itex]

([itex] | \vec{r} > < \vec{r} | [/itex]

Left side can have the r thingy rearranged in terms of identity bra-ket which is 1, so we get:

[itex]< ψ_{1}|\hat{A}|ψ_{2} >[/itex] = [itex]\int d^{3} \vec{r} < \vec{r}|ψ_{2} > \hat{A}* < ψ_{1}|\vec{r} >[/itex]

Right side becomes:

[itex]| ψ_{2}>\hat{A}*< ψ_{1}|[/itex]

Swap around the functions on the right side to get:

[itex]< ψ_{1}|\hat{A}|ψ_{2} >[/itex] = [itex]< ψ_{2}|\hat{A} *|ψ_{1} >[/itex]

Remembering that [itex] \hat{A} = \hat{A}*[/itex] for an hermitian function. Dunno whether this is correct.

Latex is so hard to use, anything easier?
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  • #5
Can you explain how you went from
[tex]\int d^3\vec{r}\,\langle\psi_1\vert\vec{r}\rangle\hat{A}\langle\psi_2\vert\vec{r}\rangle[/tex]to [itex]\langle\psi_1\vert\hat{A}\vert\psi_2\rangle[/itex]?
  • #6
That's not what I did..

I went from [itex] \int d^{3} \vec{r} < ψ_{1}|\vec{r} > \hat{A} < \vec{r}|ψ_{2} > [/itex] to [itex]< ψ_{1}|\hat{A}|ψ_{2} > [/itex]

I used that identity relation with the bra of the r facing the ket of the r... it equals 1.
  • #7
Sorry, that was a typo. The thing I don't like is you have the operator sandwiched between the [itex]|\vec{r}\rangle[/itex] and [itex]\langle \vec{r}|[/itex]. It's not clear that you can just then eliminate the pair from the expression. It would be better if you wrote it as follows:
\int d^3\vec{r}\, \psi_1^* \hat{A} \psi_2 &= \int d^3\vec{r}\, \psi_1^* (\hat{A} \psi_2) \\
&= \int d^3\vec{r}\, \langle\psi_1 | \,\vec{r}\rangle\langle\vec{r}\, |\, \hat{A}\psi_2\rangle \\
&= \langle \psi_1 |\, \hat{A}\psi_2 \rangle
  • #8
Nicely done broslice, I assume I do the same thing for the right side?


Done, thanks alot, since it's hermitian, the conjugate remains the same as normal and the condition [itex] <v|\hat{A}u> [/itex] = [itex] < \hat{A}v|u> [/itex] is met.

Can you help me on my other topic? Just a point in what to do with the probabilities, thank you in advance.
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FAQ: Hermitian Operator in Inner Product

1. What is a Hermitian operator in inner product?

A Hermitian operator in inner product is a linear operator on a complex vector space that satisfies the property of self-adjointness, which means that it is equal to its own adjoint. This means that the operator and its adjoint have the same matrix representation.

2. How is a Hermitian operator related to the inner product?

A Hermitian operator is related to the inner product through the property of self-adjointness. This means that for any vector v and w in the vector space, the inner product of the operator applied to v and w is equal to the inner product of the adjoint of the operator applied to v and w.

3. What is the significance of a Hermitian operator in quantum mechanics?

A Hermitian operator is significant in quantum mechanics because it represents observable physical quantities, such as energy or momentum. This is because the eigenvalues of a Hermitian operator are real numbers, which correspond to the possible outcomes of a measurement in quantum mechanics.

4. How do you determine if an operator is Hermitian?

To determine if an operator is Hermitian, you can check if it satisfies the property of self-adjointness. This means that the operator and its adjoint have the same matrix representation, or equivalently, the operator and its adjoint have the same eigenvalues. If these conditions are met, then the operator is Hermitian.

5. Can a non-square matrix be a Hermitian operator?

No, a non-square matrix cannot be a Hermitian operator. This is because a Hermitian operator must have the same number of rows and columns, which is a requirement for the adjoint operation to be defined. Therefore, a non-square matrix cannot have an adjoint, and thus cannot be a Hermitian operator.
