Don't use your cell phone during the class

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    Cell Class
In summary, this video is a hilarious example of someone setting up a prank. The speaker's speaking ability falls apart after his phone rings, and it's a hilarious example of a prank.
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  • #2
Don't even bring your cell phone into class at all!

I don't know about college, but what high school student NEEDS a cell phone, Especially at school?
  • #3
Wow, that took nerve...not only did that kid have the phone on and it rang in class, but he was actually talking on it!

Nobody needs a cell phone while in class.
  • #4
Moonbear said:
Wow, that took nerve...not only did that kid have the phone on and it rang in class, but he was actually talking on it!" .
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  • #5

YEAH!I can't tell you how much I have wanted to do that! I have watched this five times in a row. I feel GOOD now!
  • #6
Yes, your honor. i'd like to introduce this video into evidence as Exhibit A.
  • #7
What's wrong with having your phone in class?as long as the ringer's off, I don't see a problem
the teachers even let us txt each other when there's ALBSOLUTELY nothing to do
  • #8
That was freaking hilarious!

I loved it.
  • #9
What's really funny, I once saw a speaker at a conference not realize that it was actually his cell phone going off! It was very embarrasing for him.
  • #10
The guy in the video is a lousy speaker, by the way. Less sympathy from me.
  • #11
Haha that is awesome. I hate it when people's phones are ringing in class it is so distracting. Why can't they just turn it on silent or vibrate like everyone else?
  • #12
Definitely a set-up.

Some people in my old group used to get their secretaries to phone them when giving lectures - just to let the kids now what it feels like.

Plus there's the old urban myth of a lecturer having a bucket of water at the front for any phones that go off - one does go off and sure enough the guy comes down from his seat and drops his phone in the bucket.
  • #13
J77 said:
Definitely a set-up.

Some people in my old group used to get their secretaries to phone them when giving lectures - just to let the kids now what it feels like.

Plus there's the old urban myth of a lecturer having a bucket of water at the front for any phones that go off - one does go off and sure enough the guy comes down from his seat and drops his phone in the bucket.
I think it was a "partial set-up." You can hear the camera man go "ohhhh.." and even a chuckle as though he knew what was going to happen. My guess is that the speaker said to the camera guy, "if any phone starts to ring, be sure you get it on tape." WHy else would the camera pan immediately to the guy on the phone? Maybe it is a total set-up and the guy was planted, but it doesn't have that "feel" of a totally rehearsed bit.

And if the speaker is really seething inside, that would explain why his speaking ability falls apart completely right after the phone rings.

And on the larger topic: in high school? NO phones on. At All. period. full stop. no gray areas. end of discussion.
  • #14
I thought it felt "setupy." Either way though, it was hilarious!
  • #15
yeah I agree that people in primary and high school don't need phones at all. Maybe when they go out they a mobile might be useful, but they ALL have phones and they all bring the phones to school. As a result you get these little gits who can't stop 'txting' their friends with inane messages (not referring to you yomamma).

It's the most annoying thing for me to see little kids with phones that constantly 'txt'. I mean at school they would 'txt' each other to say that they are 2 minutes from the canteen??

Awesome video even if it was staged!
  • #16
Has the high frequency ring tone phenomena hit the US yet?

Over here, the kids use frequencies which the teachers can no longer hear to communicate with each over (and make dogs go crazy :biggrin: )
  • #17
big man said:
It's the most annoying thing for me to see little kids with phones that constantly 'txt'. I mean at school they would 'txt' each other to say that they are 2 minutes from the canteen??
Ditto. I think the range of their voice is < 5m. As soon as they are beyond that, they need cell phones to communicate.
  • #18
J77 said:
Has the high frequency ring tone phenomena hit the US yet?

Over here, the kids use frequencies which the teachers can no longer hear to communicate with each over (and make dogs go crazy :biggrin: )
I was wondering about that myself. It's hit TV shows. In an episode of Law and Order, the investigators keep having the young people they're questioning answer 'inaudible' cell phones in the middle of questioning.

Now, if the person just inhales enough helium prior to talking on his cell phone, he'll be all set with the teacher none the wiser. :smile:
  • #19
Pssssssssssssssst, my stat professor would answer his calls right in the middle of lecture and go, what were we talking about?
  • #20
tribdog said:
Yes, your honor. i'd like to introduce this video into evidence as Exhibit A.
:biggrin: me too.
  • #21
yomamma said:
the teachers even let us txt each other when there's ALBSOLUTELY nothing to do
I have a BIG problem with that. Why are the teachers allowing you to sit there with absolutely nothing to do? You should always have something to work on.

It's one thing to have your phone so you can get in touch with your parents on the way home from school, especially if you're going to be late or need to get picked up to do something else or miss the bus, but while school is in session, the phone should be kept off and put away.

I don't care if that entire video was staged (otherwise why was someone videotaping the class too?), it still felt REALLY good to watch!
  • #22
Moonbear said:
(otherwise why was someone videotaping the class too?)

Maybe it was introductory Primate Studies.

FAQ: Don't use your cell phone during the class

1. Why is it important to not use your cell phone during class?

Using your cell phone during class can be distracting not only for yourself, but also for your peers. It can disrupt the flow of the lesson and impact your ability to learn and retain information.

2. Can I use my cell phone during class as long as it's on silent mode?

Even if your phone is on silent, it can still be a distraction if you are constantly checking it or receiving notifications. It is best to keep your phone put away during class to avoid any disruptions.

3. What if I need to use my cell phone for academic purposes during class?

If you need to use your phone for a specific academic purpose, it is best to ask for permission from your teacher beforehand. They may have specific guidelines or times when phone usage is allowed for academic purposes.

4. How does using a cell phone during class affect my academic performance?

Studies have shown that using cell phones during class can negatively impact academic performance. It can lead to lower grades, decreased attention and focus, and hinder the learning process.

5. What are some alternative ways to take notes or stay organized without using a cell phone during class?

There are many alternative methods for taking notes and staying organized without relying on a cell phone. Some examples include using a physical planner, taking handwritten notes, or using a tablet or laptop for note-taking.
