Is this Spring schedule too difficult?

In summary, the speaker is taking 14 credits and needs at least 12 for their scholarships. They mention that labs can take up a lot of time and suggest doing one lab course per semester. The speaker asks about mechanical and electromagnetic waves, which is a combination of two courses. They also mention that their course load may be considered light to medium and suggest asking older students for advice on the difficulty of specific courses. The speaker gives general advice on how to test if a course load is heavy or not.
  • #1
Atomic & Nuclear Physics - 3
Advanced Physics Lab - 2
Mechanical and Electromagnetic Waves - 3
Intermediate Microbiology - 4
Intermediate Microbiology Lab - 0
Research in Physics - 1
Fencing - 1

That's 14 credits. I need at least 12 for my scholarships.
Physics news on
  • #2
Labs can take up a lot of your extra time. I always thought it was best to do one lab course per semester.
  • #3
What is mechanical and electromagnetic waves?
  • #4
It's the second half of Griffith's Electrodynamics mixed with French's Vibrations & Waves.
  • #5
kikko said:
It's the second half of Griffith's Electrodynamics mixed with French's Vibrations & Waves.

Thats odd. Most people that I've spoken with have had french before grifiths. Have you already covered the first half of griffiths?

In any case, I think 13 credits of science is a rather light to medium load.
  • #6
I'm not sure how anyone here can evaluate how difficult your courseload is based solely on the titles of the courses. For all we know "Atomic & Nuclear Physics" is taught by an emeritus professor who's super laid-back and the class only requires a few hours a week, while "Intermediate Microbiology" is taught by someone who believes their subject to be incredibly important and wants students devoting 20 hours a week to it. Nobody here knows this. It would probably be better to ask older students at your university.
  • #7
I'm going to give you my generic advice on how to test if a courseload is heavy or not.

1-Make a Spreadsheet that has all the days and hours
2-Put classes in respective time slots
3-schedule 8 hours of sleep
4-schedule normal eating times
5-schedule normal relaxing.hobby.working out time
6-schedule estimated homework/study time (Better estimate is obtain by talking to students who have takent he class.)
7-Determine if this look reasonable or if you'll be in a time crunch.
8-Eat Tacos.

FAQ: Is this Spring schedule too difficult?

1. Is this Spring schedule too difficult?

This is a subjective question and can vary from person to person. Some may find the schedule to be challenging, while others may not. It ultimately depends on the individual's strengths, study habits, and time management skills.

2. How can I determine if this schedule is too difficult for me?

One way to determine if a schedule is too difficult is by evaluating your academic performance in previous semesters. If you struggled with similar course material or had difficulty managing your time, it may be an indicator that this schedule could be too difficult.

3. What factors contribute to a schedule being too difficult?

Some factors that can contribute to a schedule being too difficult include the number of credit hours, the level of difficulty of the courses, and the amount of time required for studying and completing assignments.

4. Should I take on a challenging schedule in order to graduate earlier?

This decision ultimately depends on your individual goals and priorities. While graduating earlier may seem appealing, it is important to consider the impact on your academic performance and overall well-being. It may be more beneficial to take on a lighter course load and excel in your studies.

5. Are there any resources available to help with a difficult schedule?

Yes, most universities offer academic support services such as tutoring, study groups, and time management workshops. It is also important to communicate with your professors and seek their guidance if you are struggling with the material or managing your workload.

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