Are Viruses Considered Poisonous?

  • Thread starter The P-manator
  • Start date
In summary, infectious agents are living organisms that take over and destroy cells, while poisonous substances are chemicals that work by inhibiting certain enzymes in the body. Viruses are considered diseases rather than poisons, as they replicate by taking over the host's machinery. While they can sometimes produce toxins, such as botulinum toxin, they do not produce anything themselves. Infections can be caused by both viruses and bacteria, but only bacteria can produce toxins.
  • #1
The P-manator
I need to clear this up: the difference between poisonous and infectous. Apparently infectious agents are living organisms like viruses and bacteria, while poisonous substances are, well, poisonous. But can't viruses be poisonous?
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  • #2
I'm not a biologist or a biochemist but infectious agents take over and destroy cells. They also replicate within the body, poisons don't. Poisons are just chemicals, infectious agents are actualy organisms. Stuff like cyanide kills you by interfering with the electron transport chain of the TCA cycle. poisons also work by inhibiting certain enzymes in the body which stops certain biochemical pathways. viruses are more of a disease than a poison.
  • #3
Yeah, OK, but can viruses produce poisons?
  • #4
no - virus molcules are like machines - they replicate by taking over the host machinery - they PRODUCE nothing - damage and consequences of viral replication can cause the release of toxins (the contents of cells are dispersed and cause inflamation by chemotaxis) when the cells they are replicating in rupture. Viruses make nothing - they cause the host to make more of the virus - either directly or by causing the host to make dna to make more of the virus - like hiv
  • #5
Infections are caused by both viruses and bacteria, and yes they can sometimes produce toxins, such as Botox...I mean botulinum toxin

FAQ: Are Viruses Considered Poisonous?

1. What is the difference between a poisonous and an infectious substance?

A poisonous substance is a chemical or biological agent that can cause harm or death if ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin. An infectious substance, on the other hand, is a pathogenic organism or agent that can cause disease in a host organism.

2. How do I know if a substance is poisonous or infectious?

The classification of a substance as poisonous or infectious is determined by its ability to cause harm or disease. This can be determined through laboratory testing and analysis, as well as understanding the properties and effects of the substance.

3. Can a substance be both poisonous and infectious?

Yes, there are substances that can be both poisonous and infectious. For example, certain bacteria and viruses can produce toxins that are harmful if ingested or inhaled, and can also cause infection if they enter the body.

4. How can I protect myself from exposure to poisonous and infectious substances?

To protect yourself from exposure to poisonous and infectious substances, it is important to follow safety protocols and guidelines. This may include wearing protective equipment, such as gloves and masks, and following proper handling and disposal procedures.

5. What should I do if I come into contact with a poisonous or infectious substance?

If you come into contact with a poisonous or infectious substance, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. Depending on the substance and the level of exposure, treatment may include decontamination, medication, and monitoring for any potential symptoms or effects.

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