Complex permeability and permittivity

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of complex permeability and permittivity in Mie theory, specifically when calculating scattering coefficients for non-dielectric materials. It is mentioned that the LLG equation can be used to derive the complex permeability, but there may be alternative methods. The conversation also touches on the role of permeability in the dielectric tensor and suggests consulting books such as "Electrodynamics of Continua" by Landau for more information. Ultimately, the individual is able to find the needed value for permeability through numerical and asymptotic solutions.
  • #1
Hello All,

I have a question regarding complex permeability and permittivity, in particular, regarding their use with the complex refractive index in Mie theory.

If the material is not dielectric, the permeability/permittivity needs to be accounted for while calculating the scattering coefficients. I have the material properties (complex refractive index and complex dielectric function) at the given wavelength. Yet, I do not have the complex permittivity or permeability. I know you can use LLG equation and derive the complex permeability, but I was wondering if there was an alternative way.

Or let's say that since I do have this complex refractive index, can I simply ignore the relative permeability in the scattering coefficients? My logic says no since some materials could have a permeability of several thousand or more. I checked Kittel, Jackson, and even my trusted source in anything related to physics, Landau's books. Unless I missed something, I could not find something helpful.

Can someone start me along the right path perhaps??

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
M.Eng said:
If the material is not dielectric, the permeability/permittivity needs to be accounted for while calculating the scattering coefficients.

How can a material not be dielectric but have a permittivity?

At optical frequencies, permeability is encoded in the wavenumber dependence of the dielectric tensor. In lowest order, this is taken care off by the distinction between longitudinal and transversal dielectric constant. I wonder that you did not find anything in Landau, as he discusses it at length in "Electrodynamics of continua".
  • #3

Thank you for your reply. Upon your instructions, I actually revisited Electrodynamics of Continua and found what I was looking for. Additionally, I went ahead and did a numerical/asymptotic solutions for the LLG equations and found the value of the permeability I needed.

Thanks again for your help!

FAQ: Complex permeability and permittivity

What is complex permeability?

Complex permeability is a measure of how easily a material can allow an electromagnetic wave to pass through it. It takes into account both the magnetic properties of a material and its ability to resist the flow of energy.

What is complex permittivity?

Complex permittivity is a measure of how easily a material can store electrical energy. It takes into account both the electric properties of a material and its ability to resist the flow of energy.

How are complex permeability and complex permittivity related?

Complex permeability and complex permittivity are both properties of a material that describe its ability to interact with electromagnetic waves. They are related through the speed of light, which is a fundamental constant in electromagnetism.

What are the units of complex permeability and complex permittivity?

The units of complex permeability are Henrys per meter (H/m), while the units of complex permittivity are Farads per meter (F/m). Both of these units represent a material's ability to interact with electromagnetic waves.

Why are complex permeability and complex permittivity important in materials science?

Complex permeability and complex permittivity are important in materials science because they play a crucial role in the design and development of electronic devices. Understanding these properties allows scientists to create materials with specific electromagnetic characteristics, which is essential for many technological applications.

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