Implications of the statement Acceleration is not relative

In summary, the statement "Acceleration is not relative" has significant implications in the context of understanding the twin paradox in the theory of relativity. This statement suggests that the rocket twin cannot be considered at rest while accelerating, which is crucial in resolving the paradox. While this idea may seem shocking and goes against the principle of relativity, it is supported by the fact that acceleration can be independently measured or felt, and that an observer in an accelerating frame may consider themselves at rest. This concept is also evident in Einstein's work, where he explores the equivalence of inertial and gravitational mass and considers an observer in an accelerating chest to be at rest.
  • #71

harrylin said:
Note that such reasoning does not generally hold, as I mentioned before: in the original variant by Langevin both are in free fall. Still it is the traveler who ages less (he didn't in 1911 account for gravitational time dilation but that isn't pertinent and gravitation at the turn-around only enhances the effect).

Just to expand on this point, when you include gravity, there can be two freefall paths with different amounts of aging. For example, you can imagine two different orbits around the earth: one is circular, and another is highly elliptical. If you choose them carefully, you can get the time period for one elliptical orbit to be the same as the time period for an integer number of circular orbits. So twins following these orbits would depart and reunite without ever accelerating.
Physics news on
  • #72

stevendaryl said:
Just to expand on this point, when you include gravity, there can be two freefall paths with different amounts of aging. For example, you can imagine two different orbits around the earth: one is circular, and another is highly elliptical. If you choose them carefully, you can get the time period for one elliptical orbit to be the same as the time period for an integer number of circular orbits. So twins following these orbits would depart and reunite without ever accelerating.

and there is always at least one free fall path that is an absolute maximum of proper time along all possible paths between chosen events.
  • #73

Mentz114 said:
I guess that finishes off the CADO nonsense.

What is CADO?
  • #75

I will take the time later, probably on the weekend, to go through the details of your responses and see how much of the detail I am able to grasp. My math in special relativity is only just getting into four-vectors--and at the moment I've left off that to start from the beginning in Katz' Intro to SR.

Really, though, the objection I have raised regarding the treatment of the twin paradox in SR is at such a basic level that it can be expressed with no math at all. I object as strenuously as I do because I believe that the net result of such a treatment is to prevent beginners from obtaining a confident grasp of the fundamental concepts of relativity and moving on. Instead of helping them along, it confuses them and makes them question whether they have learned anything at all. (I speak of "them" instead of "me" because I would expect that many who post questions on this forum are in a situation similar to mine: having a college degree with some technical content, and working independently to understand relativity.)

Perhaps the best way to make my point is to go back to the objector in Taylor & Wheeler. Why does the objector say that we ought to be able to consider the rocket to be still and the Earth moving? Nobody comes up with that question on his own. He makes that assertion because that's what every popular book about relativity says. And those books speak accurately, in the general sense. That is the allure of relativity: to learn how they pull it off, how they make sense of having the rocket stay in one place as the Earth moves away and back again. (And, often enough, there is, in addition to the desire to learn how they pull it off, the suspicion that they won't be able to. People can hardly be blamed for that, given the strangeness of the proposition.)

The self-taught person soon learns that the math of relativity in the general sense is far out of reach of the beginner; he will have to start with special relativity and hope to move on to general relativity eventually. But always in his mind is that goal, to understand how it is that the rocket can be legitimately understood to be at rest, and the Earth moving.

To reduce this to a single phrase, I'll repeat Einstein. The passenger in the braking train says, "I am permanently at rest." This is the axiom of relativity: Everyone is permanently at rest, yet everyone uses the same laws of physics. The corollary is, "You can't tell which object is really moving."

What happens when the twin paradox is treated within special relativity? The case of the resting rocket is not considered. Why? Because the rocket accelerates. The logical conclusion, while never explicitly stated, is that the rocket is really moving and the Earth is really at rest. Both the axiom of relativity and its corollary are violated, yet the author acts as though nothing has happened, and all is well in the world of relativity.

As if that were not bad enough, the basic rules of the game are violated--or at least stretched beyond the comprehension of the beginner. Special relativity is for inertial frames. There is no place for reversal of direction in an inertial frame. So how do we get the rocket back to earth? We have it jump from one inertial frame to another. What is the meaning of "jumping frames"? Then, too, proper time is defined as the time between events which occur at the same place. How does one jump frames while remaining in place? Furthermore, if one is in the same place throughout the episode, doesn't that mean that one is at rest? Yet the rocket cannot be resting, because it accelerates--which can only happen if it is moving.

When the teacher violates the rules (or stretches them, if you prefer) without careful explanation of the motives and dangers of so doing, the student probably does not learn the rules, and almost certainly does not learn to test every possible action against the rules. So, for example, I proposed that the case of the resting rocket/moving Earth ought to be drawn on the spacetime diagram. Of course it can't, if the rules are strictly observed. But then, if the rules are strictly observed, the traveling rocket can't be drawn on the spacetime diagram either.

It doesn't help matters at all to say that proper acceleration is invariant. The invariance of proper acceleration is not a reason to exclude consideration of the case of the resting rocket, precisely because proper acceleration is invariant. The resting rocket is at rest in a gravitational field; it does have proper acceleration at the same time it does not have coordinate acceleration. That's part of the seemingly magical feat, isn't it, to show how it is possible to accelerate while remaining permanently at rest?

The crux of the problem is that the resting rocket cannot be considered within the confines of special relativity. The solution to the problem is obvious: ditch special relativity. Better to explain that the math is too difficult for beginners, and the origin of the gravitational field must be left open for now, than to cause all the problems noted above.
  • #76

GregAshmore said:
The crux of the problem is that the resting rocket cannot be considered within the confines of special relativity. The solution to the problem is obvious: ditch special relativity. Better to explain that the math is too difficult for beginners, and the origin of the gravitational field must be left open for now, than to cause all the problems noted above.

Clearly, it's better not to teach anything to someone if he's a beginner, because he's likely to get confused. Just joking!

I have to disagree that the mathematics of relativity is beyond the beginner. Most of the mathematics of relativity is no harder than the mathematics of planar geometry, which people do learn in high school.

I think it's true any time you teach any subject that the interested student can come up with questions that really cannot be answered without going far beyond the beginner level. I don't think that's such a bad thing. It leaves a little mystery that requires more thought and more work to resolve, then that's an incentive to go on and learn the advanced stuff.

But I don't understand what you mean by "ditch special relativity". Do you mean: don't teach relativity, or do you mean only teach General Relativity? It would be a big mistake to do that, because General Relativity relies on an understanding of Special Relativity.
  • #77

GregAshmore said:
The crux of the problem is that the resting rocket cannot be considered within the confines of special relativity.

That is simply not true. The boundary between what's "Special Relativity" and what is "General Relativity" is a matter of naming, but the only thing beyond Special Relativity you need to understand accelerated frames is calculus.
  • #78

Yet the rocket cannot be resting, because it accelerates--which can only happen if it is moving.

I see why you're upset. But an object can be at rest and also accelerating. The equivalence principle let's us say that if we can feel our weight, we are accelerating.

When the pseudo-gravitational field is invoked to bring the 'rocket' twin to rest, the occupants of the rocket have dx/dt = 0, but they feel weight because of the gravitational field. Therefore they are still accelerating while 'at rest'.

I think the rest of your exposition is thus based on a misunderstanding. Not to mention somewhat misguided and wrong.
  • #79

GregAshmore said:
I object as strenuously as I do because I believe that the net result of such a treatment is to prevent beginners from obtaining a confident grasp of the fundamental concepts of relativity and moving on.
None of that makes your objection correct. That beginners struggle with a concept does not make the concept wrong nor does it provide any justification for the recalcitrant student.

If you had any substance in your post, I apologize, but I missed it amongst all of the irrelevant angst. Maybe you can try to make a more concise post.
  • #80

GregAshmore said:
The invariance of proper acceleration is not a reason to exclude consideration of the case of the resting rocket, precisely because proper acceleration is invariant.
The problem is one of uniqueness. If I say "Bob's frame" in SR that phrase has a unique meaning if Bob's proper acceleration is 0. If Bob undergoes proper acceleration then the phrase "Bob's frame" no longer has a unique meaning.

We can certainly discuss the rockets frame, but first you have to tell us exactly what you mean by that. There is no standard meaning.

This approach I prefer is this one: (although they go a little overboard in some of their descriptions)
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  • #81

GregAshmore said:
Everyone is permanently at rest, yet everyone uses the same laws of physics.

This is true, but you appear to be mistaking it for another statement, which is not true: "Everyone is permanently at rest, therefore everyone is equivalent." Two observers are only equivalent if they are experiencing exactly the same observables, which includes proper acceleration. Two observers experiencing different proper accelerations (for example, one free-falling off a cliff and one standing at rest at the bottom of the cliff) are not equivalent. They both use the same underlying laws of physics, but they are realizing different and inequivalent particular solutions of those laws.

GregAshmore said:
ditch special relativity. Better to explain that the math is too difficult for beginners, and the origin of the gravitational field must be left open for now

And this leaves us with...what, exactly? If we ditch SR, but we also say the math of GR is too difficult for beginners, how do we do any physics at all?

I understand why you are frustrated; you see the goal (the statement I quoted at the top of this post), but you don't see why we are taking such an apparently roundabout path towards it. The reason is that nobody has found a better path. Perhaps there is one; but you seem to be advocating no path at all, which doesn't strike me as an improvement.
  • #82

PeterDonis said:
And this leaves us with...what, exactly? If we ditch SR, but we also say the math of GR is too difficult for beginners, how do we do any physics at all?

I understand why you are frustrated; you see the goal (the statement I quoted at the top of this post), but you don't see why we are taking such an apparently roundabout path towards it. The reason is that nobody has found a better path. Perhaps there is one; but you seem to be advocating no path at all, which doesn't strike me as an improvement.

On the pedagogical side of it:

Would I be throwing a monkey-wrench (that's 'spanner' for all the aluminium-talkers across the pond) in the works to suggest that Einstein et al.'s idea that a 5th dimension might be needed for relativity, and that it might have the added benefit of an absolute frame of reference? The reason I (rather counterintuitively) suggest this is I once asked one of my profs if this 5th dimension was Euclidean—flat. He said it was flat.

Then we strip out 2 superfluous dimensions from the discussion and present things in well-crafted diagrams, videos, and 3-d videos.

But isn't that what people have been doing for years? Good pictures and diagrams?
  • #83

danR said:
Would I be throwing a monkey-wrench (that's 'spanner' for all the aluminium-talkers across the pond) in the works to suggest that Einstein et al.'s idea that a 5th dimension might be needed for relativity, and that it might have the added benefit of an absolute frame of reference?

I'm not sure what you're referring to here, but I suspect it's Kaluza-Klein theory:–Klein_theory

Einstein liked this idea because it held out a hope of unifying gravity and electromagnetism. However, it hasn't panned out in the form he liked it, although there are similar elements in current theories.

However, this...

danR said:
The reason I (rather counterintuitively) suggest this is I once asked one of my profs if this 5th dimension was Euclidean—flat. He said it was flat.

...makes me wonder, because in K-K theory, the 5th dimension is not flat; it's a circle. (In fact K-K theory can be thought of as attaching a tiny circle to each point of 4-dimensional spacetime.) Can you give more details?
  • #84

Mentz114 said:
I see why you're upset. But an object can be at rest and also accelerating. The equivalence principle let's us say that if we can feel our weight, we are accelerating. [..]
With "accelerating" and "equivalence principle" you likely mean something else than Einstein, while the OP bases his understanding on Einstein's explanations. According to Einstein's GR an object that is accelerating relative to an inertial frame can be held to be constantly at rest and thus not accelerating (of course, a=d2x/dt2).
  • #85

GregAshmore said:
I will take the time later, probably on the weekend, to go through the details of your responses and see how much of the detail I am able to grasp. My math in special relativity is only just getting into four-vectors--and at the moment I've left off that to start from the beginning in Katz' Intro to SR.
If you go through Einstein's 1905 paper you won't find any four-vectors. Such tools can be handy, but you don't need them for understanding that theory.
Really, though, the objection I have raised regarding the treatment of the twin paradox in SR is at such a basic level that it can be expressed with no math at all. I object as strenuously as I do because I believe that the net result of such a treatment is to prevent beginners from obtaining a confident grasp of the fundamental concepts of relativity and moving on. Instead of helping them along, it confuses them and makes them question whether they have learned anything at all. (I speak of "them" instead of "me" because I would expect that many who post questions on this forum are in a situation similar to mine: having a college degree with some technical content, and working independently to understand relativity.)
There isn't a singular "the treatment" of the twin paradox in SR. While mathematically they all agree here are many different treatments, and you can choose the one that best matches your way of thinking. For example for my own understanding and intellectual satisfaction I had to get to the bottom of it by digging into the old papers so that I understood how the question arose.
Perhaps the best way to make my point is to go back to the objector in Taylor & Wheeler. Why does the objector say that we ought to be able to consider the rocket to be still and the Earth moving? Nobody comes up with that question on his own.
Yes indeed; however that's rather well explained in Einstein's 1918 paper, which you read.
[..] The self-taught person soon learns that the math of relativity in the general sense is far out of reach of the beginner; he will have to start with special relativity and hope to move on to general relativity eventually. But always in his mind is that goal, to understand how it is that the rocket can be legitimately understood to be at rest, and the Earth moving. [..]
Right. And as you now realize, in reality that goal was never reached. I don't know anyone who holds that for example the Earth is constantly "truly in rest".
[...] What happens when the twin paradox is treated within special relativity? The case of the resting rocket is not considered. Why? Because the rocket accelerates. The logical conclusion, while never explicitly stated, is that the rocket is really moving and the Earth is really at rest. Both the axiom of relativity and its corollary are violated, yet the author acts as though nothing has happened, and all is well in the world of relativity.
Note: the Earth is also not "really at rest" in SR. How well do you understand classical mechanics? For smooth learning of SR a good understanding of classical mechanics is important.
As if that were not bad enough, the basic rules of the game are violated--or at least stretched beyond the comprehension of the beginner. Special relativity is for inertial frames. There is no place for reversal of direction in an inertial frame. So how do we get the rocket back to earth? We have it jump from one inertial frame to another. What is the meaning of "jumping frames"? [..]
Once more: please make sure to have a good understanding of classical mechanics. It uses inertial reference frames and one can switch between them, but it's necessary to understand what one does and what that means. For example, it's common to "jump" to a center of mass" frame. Are you familiar with that concept? If not, then you are in fact "jumping" (skipping) lessons. Usually the result is confusion and lack of understanding.
[..] the rocket cannot be resting, because it accelerates--which can only happen if it is moving.
In 1916 GR one may pretend that the rocket is not moving, and instead it is at rest in an induced gravitational field - probably you did not yet read the physics FAQ.
[..] That's part of the seemingly magical feat, isn't it, to show how it is possible to accelerate while remaining permanently at rest?
No, that's two different ways of viewing the same physical situation; and regretfully it's made more difficult to comprehend ("magical"?) due to the introduction of new terms that lead to descriptions that are at odds with earlier ones.
The crux of the problem is that the resting rocket cannot be considered within the confines of special relativity. The solution to the problem is obvious: ditch special relativity. Better to explain that the math is too difficult for beginners, and the origin of the gravitational field must be left open for now, than to cause all the problems noted above.
A much more pragmatic way of dealing with the issue would be (indeed, it's the common approach of textbooks):
- we do not need to consider the rocket to be in rest all the time
- just use SR for the problem
  • #86

PeterDonis said:
ghwellsjr said:
This is not the first time someone has become confused by T&W's exclusive explanation of SR. I do not recommend the book, it does more harm than good.
I've recommended the book here before, but when I learned SR from it, it was in the context of a class, with a teacher teaching from it. I can see how that might make a difference; T&W's language is somewhat idiosyncratic (like that of MTW--I suspect it's Wheeler's influence), and it might come across better when there's a teacher to interpret, so to speak.
The second edition of T&W's Spacetime Physics came out in 1992. I suspect you went to school before that and used the original edition. The two books are as different as night and day. The original edition does not have objectors presented as a buffoons, as Greg puts it in post #39. It has no mention of a Proper Clock (that I could find) which is their preferred method of analyzing scenarios in the second edition.
GregAshmore said:
Perhaps the best way to make my point is to go back to the objector in Taylor & Wheeler. Why does the objector say that we ought to be able to consider the rocket to be still and the Earth moving? Nobody comes up with that question on his own. He makes that assertion because that's what every popular book about relativity says. And those books speak accurately, in the general sense. That is the allure of relativity: to learn how they pull it off, how they make sense of having the rocket stay in one place as the Earth moves away and back again. (And, often enough, there is, in addition to the desire to learn how they pull it off, the suspicion that they won't be able to. People can hardly be blamed for that, given the strangeness of the proposition.)
Greg, I'm telling you, T&W's objectors are buffoons. T&W are glad you see them as buffoons. They don't want you to understand the answer to the objectors' questions. They want you to simply understand the Twin Paradox by their preferred method which is to use Proper Clocks, which is their unique term for the spacetime interval.

Look at their summary on page 131 where they say that "each of the three [inertial reference] frames...has a perfectly consistent and nonparadoxical interpretation of the sequence of events". But then instead of showing how that works, they quote an objector, "all these different [inertial] reference frames sure do complicate the story" and they respond with "Exactly! These complications arise because observations from anyone frame are limited and parochial. All disagreements can be bypassed by talking only in the invariant language of spacetime interval, proper time, wristwatch time."

But at least on the next page they say in very bold letters:


GregAshmore said:
The self-taught person soon learns that the math of relativity in the general sense is far out of reach of the beginner; he will have to start with special relativity and hope to move on to general relativity eventually.
The math of Special Relativity is very simple and so are the explanations that T&W denigrate. In fact I presented it all in the thread that you referenced in your first post:
GregAshmore said:
So this morning I searched on this forum, wishing to avoid being the 9,488th person to ask about the twin paradox. I found this thread.
Go to the second page and post #23. Please study it. It has very simple math. I believe that you can understand it. If you have any questions, please ask. Please don't dismiss it just because T&W dismiss it.
  • #87

harrylin said:
With "accelerating" and "equivalence principle" you likely mean something else than Einstein, while the OP bases his understanding on Einstein's explanations. According to Einstein's GR an object that is accelerating relative to an inertial frame can be held to be constantly at rest and thus not accelerating (of course, a=d2x/dt2).
I don't agree with this. For instance, the equations show that an object at rest at a constant r in the Schwarzschild vacuum feels a force - and thus is not inertial, nor moving ( relative to the field).

harrylin said:
In 1916 GR one may pretend that the rocket is not moving, and instead it is at rest in an induced gravitational field
Yes, but it will still be non-inertial. Are you saying that in this scenario the rocket feels no acceleration ?
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  • #88

ghwellsjr said:
The second edition of T&W's Spacetime Physics came out in 1992. I suspect you went to school before that and used the original edition.

Yes, that's right, I did.

ghwellsjr said:
The two books are as different as night and day.

I had wondered about that, because I don't have the original edition (lost my copy years ago), and when I got the second edition I did think "huh?" quite a bit while reading it, because it didn't seem to match my memory of the original. It's a shame that it seems to have changed so much.
  • #89

ghwellsjr said:
But at least on the next page they say in very bold letters:


I would make an even stronger claim: For resolving the twin paradox in flat spacetime, GR is not needed, and DOESN'T HELP AT ALL. The theory of General Relativity, in the case of flat spacetime reduces to Special Relativity. So if spacetime curvature is negligible, then there is no difference between solving the problem using GR and solving the problem using SR. You could say that you're solving the problem using mathematical techniques developed for GR, but you're not using any physical principles that go beyond SR.

(Some people say that the clock hypothesis, that clocks measure proper time, goes beyond SR. I think it's a matter of definition of what an "ideal clock" is. It's surely the case in SR that proper time is a physically meaningful quantity. Whether or not we can build mechanical devices that can measure it is an engineering question.)
  • #90

PeterDonis said:
...makes me wonder, because in K-K theory, the 5th dimension is not flat; it's a circle. (In fact K-K theory can be thought of as attaching a tiny circle to each point of 4-dimensional spacetime.) Can you give more details?

I've just bothered now to Google it, and once you subtract Kaluza from the search almost all roads lead to crank-dom. So apparently the prof had one inexplicable gap in his knowledge, or he completely misunderstood the question. After looking at his C.V. now I see his specialty is almost exclusively in QM, so it might have been a bit of both.
  • #91

By "ditch special relativity", I did not mean to say that SR should not be taught at all. I meant that SR should not be used to prove that the Twin Paradox is not a paradox.

Specifically, I mean that SR should not be used to prove that what I earlier called the "second aspect" of the Twin Paradox is not a paradox. That is the claim that when the episode is observed from the "permanently at rest" frame of the rocket, the Earth twin will be younger than the rocket twin. The paradox then is that both twins are "younger than the other", which can't happen in reality.

The problem with treating this aspect of the twin paradox in SR is that the case of the resting rocket cannot be considered. In SR, only observers in inertial frames can consider themselves to be at rest.

It has been pointed out that only the rocket experiences proper acceleration (which is, I believe, essentially the same thing as saying that the rocket frame is not inertial). If it can be shown that proper acceleration affects the operation of clocks, then there would be no need to consider the case of the permanently resting rocket. Is it claimed that proper acceleration affects clocks?

If proper acceleration does not affect clocks, it is necessary to consider the case of the resting rocket in order to prove or disprove the claim made about the case of the resting rocket. The case cannot be considered in SR; therefore the claim cannot be addressed within the confines of SR.

Unless, of course, it can be shown that the observer in the rocket cannot legitimately consider himself to be permanently at rest.

With respect to that, in my previous post I said, "But always in his mind is that goal, to understand how it is that the rocket can be legitimately understood to be at rest, and the Earth moving."

To which there was this reply:
harrylin said:
Right. And as you now realize, in reality that goal was never reached. I don't know anyone who holds that for example the Earth is constantly "truly in rest".

And a few remarks later:
harrylin said:
A much more pragmatic way of dealing with the issue would be (indeed, it's the common approach of textbooks):
- we do not need to consider the rocket to be in rest all the time
- just use SR for the problem

Harrylin, did you mean to say that the observer in the rocket cannot legitimately consider himself to be permanently at rest?

How would others in the discussion answer this question: Can the observer in the rocket legitimately consider himself to be permanently at rest? [edited to remove the misplaced word 'cannot']
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  • #92

GregAshmore said:
By "ditch special relativity", I did not mean to say that SR should not be taught at all. I meant that SR should not be used to prove that the Twin Paradox is not a paradox.

Well, there is nothing besides SR to prove that. As I said in a different post, General Relativity is the SAME theory as SR, in the case where there are no significant gravitational masses. GR doesn't tell us anything about the twin paradox beyond what SR tells us.

It has been pointed out that only the rocket experiences proper acceleration (which is, I believe, essentially the same thing as saying that the rocket frame is not inertial). If it can be shown that proper acceleration affects the operation of clocks, then there would be no need to consider the case of the permanently resting rocket. Is it claimed that proper acceleration affects clocks?

What you can prove from SR alone is that if two clocks start at the same starting point, travel at different velocities, and end up at the same end point, then the one that accelerates will have the shortest proper time.
  • #93

GregAshmore said:
If proper acceleration does not affect clocks, it is necessary to consider the case of the resting rocket in order to prove or disprove the claim made about the case of the resting rocket. The case cannot be considered in SR; therefore the claim cannot be addressed within the confines of SR.

What you are saying is just not true.
  • #94

GregAshmore said:
The problem with treating this aspect of the twin paradox in SR is that the case of the resting rocket cannot be considered. In SR, only observers in inertial frames can consider themselves to be at rest.

This is not true; you can use curvilinear coordinates in SR. I believe someone already pointed that out earlier in this thread. What you can't do is use curvilinear coordinates to describe a non-inertial frame and expect everything to work exactly the same as it does in an inertial frame. It won't. But as long as you're in flat spacetime, you're within the domain of SR.

For an example of a non-inertial coordinate chart in flat spacetime, which is perfectly valid within SR, try Rindler coordinates:

Note that the Rindler coordinate chart does not cover all of spacetime; that's one key difference between it (and most non-inertial charts) and an inertial chart.

GregAshmore said:
Is it claimed that proper acceleration affects clocks?

No. But proper acceleration does make the "rest frame" of the accelerating object non-inertial.

GregAshmore said:
How would others in the discussion answer this question: Can the observer in the rocket cannot legitimately consider himself to be permanently at rest?

He can, but as I said above, he can't expect his "rest frame" to work like an inertial frame, because it isn't one.
  • #95

ghwellsjr said:
Greg, I'm telling you, T&W's objectors are buffoons. T&W are glad you see them as buffoons. They don't want you to understand the answer to the objectors' questions. They want you to simply understand the Twin Paradox by their preferred method which is to use Proper Clocks, which is their unique term for the spacetime interval.

Look at their summary on page 131 where they say that "each of the three [inertial reference] frames...has a perfectly consistent and nonparadoxical interpretation of the sequence of events". But then instead of showing how that works, they quote an objector, "all these different [inertial] reference frames sure do complicate the story" and they respond with "Exactly! These complications arise because observations from anyone frame are limited and parochial. All disagreements can be bypassed by talking only in the invariant language of spacetime interval, proper time, wristwatch time."
I will look again at the text.

ghwellsjr said:
But at least on the next page they say in very bold letters:

As you see in the above post, I disagree on this point. If a claim is made about the case of the resting rocket, that case must be considered in order to prove or disprove the claim, except as noted in the above post.

ghwellsjr said:
The math of Special Relativity is very simple and so are the explanations that T&W denigrate. In fact I presented it all in the thread that you referenced in your first post:

Go to the second page and post #23. Please study it. It has very simple math. I believe that you can understand it. If you have any questions, please ask. Please don't dismiss it just because T&W dismiss it.
The math of the Lorentz transform is very simple, and it is sufficient for simple problems such as the pole-in-barn paradox. (The interpretation of the results is not so simple, though.) But four-vectors and other, even more advanced math constructions do come up with regularity in these discussions.

I'll reread post #23.
  • #96

GregAshmore said:
The problem with treating this aspect of the twin paradox in SR is that the case of the resting rocket cannot be considered. In SR, only observers in inertial frames can consider themselves to be at rest.
As has been pointed out to you in earlier posts, both these sentences are false. It is possible to find coordinates in which the accelerating twin remains stationary but non-inertial. In these coordinates the accelerating twin has less proper time than the 'earth' twin. No problem. Changing coordinates will not change the invariant proper times.
  • #97

stevendaryl said:
What you can prove from SR alone is that if two clocks start at the same starting point, travel at different velocities, and end up at the same end point, then the one that accelerates will have the shortest proper time.
Not quite. What you are proving is that when the inertial frame is considered to be at rest, and two clocks start at the same starting point...

You have not addressed the claim made about what happens when the rocket is considered to be at rest.
  • #98

GregAshmore said:
As you see in the above post, I disagree on this point [about whether GR is needed]

But it isn't a matter of opinion. You're just wrong. GR adds nothing to the calculation that isn't already in SR. GR is the SAME theory as SR in the limit in which there are no significant masses present.
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  • #99

GregAshmore said:
Not quite. What you are proving is that when the inertial frame is considered to be at rest, and two clocks start at the same starting point...

That's completely wrong. It doesn't matter what you "consider" to be at rest.
  • #100

GregAshmore, you are starting to talk nonsense, and ignoring any post that you can't refute by handwaving. It is possible to find coordinates in which the accelerating twin remains stationary but non-inertial. In these coordinates the accelerating twin has less proper time than the 'earth' twin. No problem. Changing coordinates will not change the invariant proper times.

Are you denying this ?
  • #101

GregAshmore said:
You have not addressed the claim made about what happens when the rocket is considered to be at rest.

The issue is not whether anyone considers the rocket at rest, the issue is whether the rocket is inertial, or not. It doesn't change from inertial to noninertial or vice-verse based on how you think about it.

Think about this analogy: On a piece of paper, draw three points, not all in the straight line, and label them A, B and C. Take a blue pen, and draw a straight line from A to C. Take a green pen, and draw a line from A to B, and then to C.

Euclidean geometry says that the green curve will be longer than the blue curve.

Your asking what happens if the accelerating rocket considers itself to be at rest, is exactly like asking what happens if the green path considers itself to be straight.
  • #102

stevendaryl said:
The issue is not whether anyone considers the rocket at rest, the issue is whether the rocket is inertial, or not. It doesn't change from inertial to noninertial or vice-verse based on how you think about it.
Throughout this discussion I have recognized that the rocket frame is non-inertial.

stevendaryl said:
Think about this analogy: On a piece of paper, draw three points, not all in the straight line, and label them A, B and C. Take a blue pen, and draw a straight line from A to C. Take a green pen, and draw a line from A to B, and then to C.

Euclidean geometry says that the green curve will be longer than the blue curve.
I see that. I have not questioned that; neither does the objector in Taylor & Wheeler.

stevendaryl said:
Your asking what happens if the accelerating rocket considers itself to be at rest, is exactly like asking what happens if the green path considers itself to be straight.
Prove it. You drew your lines with my rocket in motion. I, in my rocket, have the right to consider myself to be permanently at rest. Prove to me that being non-inertial, yet always at rest, will result in a younger age.

That's all I am asking.

I already know the answer that Einstein gave. What I have been objecting to is that no proof is given in the typical treatment of the problem. If it is true that an answer can be given in SR, then it should be given. The objection should not be dismissed.
  • #103

Prove to me that being non-inertial, yet always at rest, will result in a younger age.

It is a well known fact that an inertial worldline between two events has a larger proper interval than any non-inertial worldline connecting the events. I'll see if I can find a proof.

See section 6.6 of this lecture

In summary, what we did here is extremize (in fact maximize) the proper time between two events to find the geodesics. Thus the geodesic is that path for which the maximum time passes on the wrist watch of the observer traveling that path.
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  • #104

GregAshmore said:
If it is true that an answer can be given in SR, then it should be given. The objection should not be dismissed.
I did. I suspect that you didn't bother to read it, but stop acting as though the objection were summarily dismissed and no answer were given when you simply haven't bothered to read the answer given.
  • #105

GregAshmore said:
The case cannot be considered in SR; therefore the claim cannot be addressed within the confines of SR.
Sure it can. See here:

GregAshmore said:
How would others in the discussion answer this question: Can the observer in the rocket legitimately consider himself to be permanently at rest?
You can always make a coordinate system where any given object is permanently at rest. You just have to be very detailed about your specification of the coordinate system since there is no "standard" meaning.

You also cannot apply formulas derived for inertial frames in non-inertial frames. They are both legitimate, but not equivalent.

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