Is Gravity in String Theory a Problem for Multiple Universes?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of brane theory in string theory and how it explains the weakness of the force of gravity. It suggests that gravitons can escape our universe and affect other universes, and that manipulating gravity may be the only way to communicate with beings on other membranes.
  • #1
lord of time
i was looking at how gravity works in string theory (i heard somwhere gravity can go between the univerces). if that is right than there would be a major problem (in my oppion). for my example i am going to use a big sun. the sun will have a gravitational affect in every univerce pulling objects closer to it. this would make a masive gravitational effect when there is a lot of stuff from a lot of different univerces in the same area. this would cause all matter to be in one small space in all univerces. *can't get rid of old on (won't let me delete it)
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  • #2
it is rude to post the same thing multiple times
  • #3
Originally posted by lord of time
i was looking at how gravity works in string theory (i heard somwhere gravity can go between the univerces). if that is right than there would be a major problem (in my oppion). for my example i am going to use a big sun. the sun will have a gravitational affect in every univerce pulling objects closer to it. this would make a masive gravitational effect when there is a lot of stuff from a lot of different univerces in the same area. this would cause all matter to be in one small space in all univerces.

What you refer to is a branch of string theory, called "brane theory", which states (basically) that our local universe is a 3-dimensional membrane inside higher-dimensional space. It's all one Universe, but the Universe would be what's called "the bulk", which is a higher-dimensional collection of these lesser-dimensional membranes.

Anyway, the idea that gravitons (the carriers of the force of gravity) escape our membrane and go on into higher-dimensional space is meant as an explanation for why the force of gravity is so weak (compared to the other forces). That these gravitons would then go on to another membrane, and have an affect there is indeed covered in the theory. In fact, Brian Greene - in a PBS special about the superstring theory - said that, if this theory was true, then our only way to communicate with beings on other membranes would be to manipulate gravity.
  • #4
I watched the PBS special (my main knowledge on string theory). i thought it was for all string theory but i guess this makes it only counter brane theory.

FAQ: Is Gravity in String Theory a Problem for Multiple Universes?

1. What is counter to string theory?

Counter to string theory refers to theories that contradict or challenge the principles and assumptions of string theory, which is a theoretical framework attempting to reconcile the laws of quantum mechanics and general relativity.

2. What are some examples of counter to string theory?

Examples of counter to string theory include loop quantum gravity, causal dynamical triangulations, and holographic principle, among others. These theories propose alternative explanations for the fundamental nature of the universe.

3. What are the main criticisms of string theory?

Some of the main criticisms of string theory include its lack of empirical evidence, its reliance on complex mathematical frameworks, and the possibility that it may not be falsifiable.

4. How does string theory differ from other theories in physics?

String theory differs from other theories in physics in that it attempts to explain the behavior of particles at a much smaller scale, by proposing that they are made up of tiny, vibrating strings. It also incorporates the principles of both quantum mechanics and general relativity.

5. Is string theory widely accepted in the scientific community?

The acceptance of string theory in the scientific community is a topic of debate. While some scientists believe it has the potential to unify and explain fundamental aspects of the universe, others criticize its lack of empirical evidence and question its validity as a scientific theory.

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