Question of Statistical Thermodynamics (Boltzmann Distribution)

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem related to thermo in which a system with 38 particles has three equally spaced energy levels. The two population distributions, A and B, have the same total energy despite having different population ratios. The speaker also mentions a Boltzmann distribution and the need for a mathematical justification for one of the distributions being a Boltzmann distribution. Possible methods for finding this justification are discussed, including the use of statistical principles or the examination of energy level spacing.
  • #1
I apologize if this is the wrong thread but since this relates to thermo I figured this would be a good place to post this question. This is a problem that was assigned to us for physical chemistry but I can't find a good justification for one of the problems.

1. A system containing 38 particles has three equally spaced energy levels available. Two population distributions are A (18, 12, 8) and B (17, 14, 7) (populations listed lowest to highest energy).

a. Show that both distributions have the same energy.

This part is pretty easy. Since each energy level is listed lowest to highest and they are equally spaced we can assume the energy levels follow E = 1, 2, and 3 respectively. Therefore,

Energy of A = 18 * 1 + 12 * 2 + 8 * 3 = 66
Energy of B = 17 * 1 + 14 * 2 + 7 * 3 = 66

b. Is either distribution a Boltzmann distribution?

I think I know the answer for this but I need a good, solid justification. According to the equation for the weight of a system:

W = N!/n0!n1!n2!, The Boltzmann distribution is the distribution with the greatest weight while satisfying the conditions where the total number of molecules and total energy of the system remains constant.

Weight of A = 38!/18!12!8! = 4.23 x 10^15
Weight of B = 38!/17!14!7! = 3.35 x 10^15

I think A is the Boltzmann because the weight of the configuration is greater than that of B or any other valid configurations that meet the constraints that I can think of, but I don't have a good justification.

A way I can prove this is if I come up with an equation for dW = 0, showing that is when the weight is maximized, but I don't know how to do that while keeping the constraints.

If anyone can help me out by coming up with a mathematical justification or if you have anything else to add, I would greatly appreciate it...thanks!
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  • #2
For A, look at the number of particles in each of the 3 states and compare their ratios to what you'd expect from the Boltzmann distribution. Do the same for B.
  • #3
Can you clarify? I tried doing B using the standard Boltzmann equation,

ni/N = e^(-BEi)/e^(-BE1) + e^(-BE2) + e^(-BE3), but you can't get a result because using the values of E I have e^(-BEi) approximates to about 0 resulting in an undefined answer.
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  • #4
asdfTT123 said:
a. Show that both distributions have the same energy.[/B]

This part is pretty easy. Since each energy level is listed lowest to highest and they are equally spaced we can assume the energy levels follow E = 1, 2, and 3 respectively. Therefore,

Energy of A = 18 * 1 + 12 * 2 + 8 * 3 = 66
Energy of B = 17 * 1 + 14 * 2 + 7 * 3 = 66

That's only for the specific case when E=1,2 and 3. You need to show this for a general set of energy levels [itex] E + n \Delta[/itex], where [itex] n = 0,1,2[/itex]. Also, I'm guessing that the question wants to know if the total mean energies are the same.

b. Is either distribution a Boltzmann distribution?

I think I know the answer for this but I need a good, solid justification. According to the equation for the weight of a system:

W = N!/n0!n1!n2!, The Boltzmann distribution is the distribution with the greatest weight while satisfying the conditions where the total number of molecules and total energy of the system remains constant.

Weight of A = 38!/18!12!8! = 4.23 x 10^15
Weight of B = 38!/17!14!7! = 3.35 x 10^15

I think A is the Boltzmann because the weight of the configuration is greater than that of B or any other valid configurations that meet the constraints that I can think of, but I don't have a good justification.

A way I can prove this is if I come up with an equation for dW = 0, showing that is when the weight is maximized, but I don't know how to do that while keeping the constraints.

If anyone can help me out by coming up with a mathematical justification or if you have anything else to add, I would greatly appreciate it...thanks!

I think you'll need more information. If you assume that the system is in thermal equilibrium with a heat reservoir, and the population distribution refers to the mean number of particles in each state, I think you'll still need to know the spacing between the energy levels.
  • #5
I think you are thinking too deeply into this. I'm sure the justification for pt A is fine as long as the energy levels are evenly spaced. I also did calculate the average energy. For pt B, I'm sure there's a justification with the information given. I'm looking for something statistical or math related to make the connection.
  • #6
If the energy levels are evenly spaced, let's say they are E1, E2=E1+dE, E3=E2+dE, then the population ratio N2/N1=exp(-dE/kT) must equal N3/N2=exp(-dE/kT), or in words the ratios are equal because the energy increases the same amount going from E1 to E2 as E2 to E3. Case A satisfies this, Case B does not. I think that's all you need to do.
  • #7
asdfTT123 said:
I apologize if this is the wrong thread but since this relates to thermo I figured this would be a good place to post this question. This is a problem that was assigned to us for physical chemistry but I can't find a good justification for one of the problems.

1. A system containing 38 particles has three equally spaced energy levels available. Two population distributions are A (18, 12, 8) and B (17, 14, 7) (populations listed lowest to highest energy).

a. Show that both distributions have the same energy.

This part is pretty easy. Since each energy level is listed lowest to highest and they are equally spaced we can assume the energy levels follow E = 1, 2, and 3 respectively. Therefore,

Energy of A = 18 * 1 + 12 * 2 + 8 * 3 = 66
Energy of B = 17 * 1 + 14 * 2 + 7 * 3 = 66

b. Is either distribution a Boltzmann distribution?

I think I know the answer for this but I need a good, solid justification. According to the equation for the weight of a system:

W = N!/n0!n1!n2!, The Boltzmann distribution is the distribution with the greatest weight while satisfying the conditions where the total number of molecules and total energy of the system remains constant.

Weight of A = 38!/18!12!8! = 4.23 x 10^15
Weight of B = 38!/17!14!7! = 3.35 x 10^15

I think A is the Boltzmann because the weight of the configuration is greater than that of B or any other valid configurations that meet the constraints that I can think of, but I don't have a good justification.

A way I can prove this is if I come up with an equation for dW = 0, showing that is when the weight is maximized, but I don't know how to do that while keeping the constraints.

If anyone can help me out by coming up with a mathematical justification or if you have anything else to add, I would greatly appreciate it...thanks!

You should be able to show for a Boltzmann distribution and equally spaced energy levels, the ratio of the occupation number for adjacent energy levels should be constant (so [tex] \frac{N_3}{N_2} = \frac{N_2}{N_1} [/tex], etc).

Related to Question of Statistical Thermodynamics (Boltzmann Distribution)

1. What is the Boltzmann Distribution?

The Boltzmann Distribution is a statistical model that describes the distribution of particles in a system at thermal equilibrium. It is based on the principles of statistical thermodynamics and is used to predict the relative number of particles in different energy states.

2. How is the Boltzmann Distribution derived?

The Boltzmann Distribution is derived from the principles of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. It takes into account the energy levels of a system, the number of particles in each state, and the temperature of the system in order to calculate the probability of a particle being in a particular energy state.

3. What is the significance of the Boltzmann Distribution?

The Boltzmann Distribution is significant because it provides a mathematical framework for understanding the behavior of particles in a system at equilibrium. It allows scientists to make predictions about the distribution of particles and their energy states, which can then be compared to experimental results.

4. How does the Boltzmann Distribution relate to entropy?

The Boltzmann Distribution is closely related to entropy, which is a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system. Entropy is maximized when a system is at equilibrium, and the Boltzmann Distribution describes the most probable distribution of particles in a system at equilibrium.

5. Can the Boltzmann Distribution be applied to all systems?

The Boltzmann Distribution is a general statistical model that can be applied to many different systems, as long as certain assumptions are met. These assumptions include the system being in thermal equilibrium, the particles being non-interacting, and the energy levels being discrete. In some cases, modifications to the model may be necessary in order to accurately describe a particular system.

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