Prove the Irrationality of the Golden Ratio & Phi

In summary, the conversation discusses various proofs for the fact that the golden ratio, also known as phi, is irrational. These proofs include using the continued fraction form of phi, the nth-root of a positive whole number, and basic algebraic manipulations. It is also mentioned that phi is an algebraic integer but not an integer.
  • #1
The golden ratio is irrational. Do you know any clever proofs for this fact? I put this here, because it's not homework--only more of a discussion.
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  • #2
Clever? Does the fact that it is an algebraic number that is not an integer count as clever?
  • #3
Once you show that sqrt(5) is irrational it's pretty easy. You can use the standard proof for that -- suppose a/b = sqrt(5) with a/b in lowest terms, then consider [itex]a^2=5b^2[/itex] mod 25.

matt grime said:
Clever? Does the fact that it is an algebraic number that is not an integer count as clever?

The root of 4x-3=0 is algebraic but rational.
  • #4
Yeah, but phi is the root of a *monic* polynomial. Matt meant to say it is an algebraic integer which is not an integer.
  • #5
at3rg0 said:
The golden ratio is irrational. Do you know any clever proofs for this fact? I put this here, because it's not homework--only more of a discussion.

How about

[tex]\frac{F_{2n}}{F_{2n-1}} < Phi < \frac{F_{2n+1}}{F_{2n}}[/tex]

If you assume [tex]phi = a/b[/tex] then the above inequality conflicts with that.
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  • #6
Nice proof, ramsey2879.
  • #7
I don't get it. There has to be a gazillion rationals between those two fractions, no matter how big n is or how close to the limit you are.
  • #8
Not a gazillion, Dodo. Infinitely many in fact.
  • #9
Dodo said:
I don't get it. There has to be a gazillion rationals between those two fractions, no matter how big n is or how close to the limit you are.
your right
But [tex] phi^{n} = F_{n-1} + F_{n}phi[/tex]


[tex]1+phi = phi^2[/tex]

so we have phi is a root of x^2- x -1 but the discriminate is [tex]\sqrt{5}[/tex] so phi is irrational.
  • #10
supose sqrt(5) = p/q in lowest terms ==> p,q integer such that gcd(p,q)=1 ==>

==> 5 = p^2/q^2 ==> 5q^2 = p^2

if gcd(5,p) [tex]\neq[/tex] 1 ==> q^2 = 5x^2 ==> q = sqrt(5)x ==> contradiction

if gcd(5,q) [tex]\neq[/tex] 1 ==> 125y^2 = p^2 ==> 25y = p ==> gcd(5,p) [tex]\neq[/tex] 1 ==> contradiction

** the two contradictions shows up because gcd(p,q)=1

so gcd(5,p) = gcd(5,q) = 1 ==> gcd(p,q) [tex]\neq[/tex] 1 ==> contradiction

sqrt(5) is irrational
  • #11
could someone prove that irrational OP integer = irrational, OP = operations +, -, / and *
  • #12
al-mahed said:
could someone prove that irrational OP integer = irrational, OP = operations +, -, / and *

Let z be an integer, n be a positive integer, and x be an irrational number.

x + z is irrational (else a/b - z = (a-bz)/b which is rational)

x - z is irrational by the above.

x * n is irrational (else a/b / n = a/(bn) which is rational)

x / n is irrational (else a/b * n = (an)/b which is rational)

x * 0 is rational

x / 0 is undefined
  • #13
ramsey2879 said:
How about

[tex]\frac{F_{2n}}{F_{2n-1}} < Phi < \frac{F_{2n+1}}{F_{2n}}[/tex]

If you assume [tex]phi = a/b[/tex] then the above inequality conflicts with that.

Dodo said:
I don't get it. There has to be a gazillion rationals between those two fractions, no matter how big n is or how close to the limit you are.
Those are "two fractions". Those are two sequences of fraction. Phi is between every pair of corresponding numbers in those sequences.
  • #14
ramsey2879 said:
so we have phi is a root of x^2- x -1 but the discriminate is [tex]\sqrt{5}[/tex] so phi is irrational.

That seems to be the most common definition for phi.
  • #15
How about the continued fraction form for phi?
  • #16
Thank you, really very simple.

Another simple proof: proves that if the nth-root of a positive whole number will not be a positive whole number**, also will not be a rational number.

This should generalize our results.

consider gcd(p,q) = 1 (p/q in lowest terms)

k^1/n = p/q ==> kq^n = p^n ==> k | p ==> kq^n = (k^n)*(x^n) ==>

==> q^n = k^(n-1)*x^n ==> k | q ==> k | p and q ==> contradiction

** note that if k^1/n is a whole number ==> p/q will not be in lowest terms

CRGreathouse said:
Let z be an integer, n be a positive integer, and x be an irrational number.

x + z is irrational (else a/b - z = (a-bz)/b which is rational)

x - z is irrational by the above.

x * n is irrational (else a/b / n = a/(bn) which is rational)

x / n is irrational (else a/b * n = (an)/b which is rational)

x * 0 is rational

x / 0 is undefined

FAQ: Prove the Irrationality of the Golden Ratio & Phi

1. What is the Golden Ratio (Phi)?

The Golden Ratio, also known as Phi, is a mathematical constant represented by the Greek letter phi (ϕ). It is approximately equal to 1.6180339887 and is considered to be the most aesthetically pleasing ratio in art and architecture.

2. How is the Golden Ratio calculated?

The Golden Ratio can be calculated by dividing a line into two unequal parts, where the longer part divided by the shorter part is equal to the sum of the two parts divided by the longer part. This results in a ratio of approximately 1.6180339887.

3. Why is the Golden Ratio considered irrational?

The Golden Ratio is considered irrational because it cannot be expressed as a fraction of two integers. It is a non-repeating, non-terminating decimal and its digits go on infinitely without forming a pattern.

4. What is the proof of the irrationality of the Golden Ratio?

The proof of the irrationality of the Golden Ratio was first given by the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid. It involves assuming that the Golden Ratio is rational and then arriving at a contradiction, thus proving that it is in fact irrational.

5. How is the irrationality of the Golden Ratio significant?

The irrationality of the Golden Ratio has significant implications in mathematics, art, and architecture. It is considered to be a fundamental concept in nature and is found in various natural phenomena such as the structure of plants, the spiral shape of galaxies, and the growth patterns of certain animals. It is also used in various fields such as music, design, and even stock market analysis.
