Need help on easy surface integral

In summary: After I realized I was on my own, I went back and looked for the answer, and found it.In summary, Hurkyl was trying to parameterize a surface formed by the x-y plane and z=4-(x^2+y^2), but he couldn't figure out how to do it. He eventually figured it out on his own and solved the problem.
  • #1
Yo guys, I'm stumped on how to parameterize this surface and then compute an integral over it

I'm supposed to compute [tex]\int\int_S \vec{r}[/tex] over the surface formed by the x-y plane and [tex]z=4-(x^2+y^2)[/tex], but I don't know to put it together and do it

(No matter how you work with x and y, z will always be zero for the flat part, and whether you use the normal or that [tex]\bigl(\frac{\delta S}{\delta u}\times\frac{\delta S}{\delta v}\bigr)[/tex], the integrand will end up being zero for the bottom)

For the curved part, I tried using [tex]S: \cases{ x=r \cos(\theta), y=r \sin(\theta), z=4-r^2}[/tex], which gave me [tex]\bigl(\frac{\delta S}{\delta \theta}\times\frac{\delta S}{\delta r}\bigr) = 2 r \sin\theta\vec{i} - 2 r \cos\theta\vec{j} - r\vec{k}[/tex], and then I computed [tex]\int_{\theta=0}^{2\pi}\int_{r=0}^{2}\vec{r}(r\cos\theta,r\sin\theta,4-r^2)\cdot\bigl(2 r \sin\theta\vec{i} - 2 r \cos\theta\vec{j} - r\vec{k}\bigr)[/tex]

But I came up with [tex]-8\pi[/tex] rather than [tex]24\pi[/tex].. I think the negative can come from how I arbitrarily decided to look at d theta cross dr instead of the other way around, sso I was looking at the flux in instead of the flux out, but I don't know how to explain the fact that I ended up with 4 - 8 integrated from zero to 2pi rather than 4 + 12 from zero to 2pi
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  • #2
So I should have taken ds/dr ds/dtheta instead of the other way around to get the right sign, and I should have taken r dr dtheta rather than just dr dtheta, but even when I do that I still get the wrong answer

hmm.. I can't figure out how to get this one right without just using the divergence theorem
  • #3
Well, your surface is a sphere, so it's normal has to be proportional to [itex]\vec{r}[/itex]... does that help you spot your mistake?
  • #4
orig. posted by Hurkyl
Well, your surface is a sphere...
Isn't it a paraboloid?
  • #5
Yes it is, ignore me!
  • #6
Don't worry, Hurkyl, we do! :wink:
  • #7
Don't worry; I figured it out on my own

Man, this site is so crappy for getting help on anything specific

Well, it's no big deal

If someone comes across this in the archives or something and wants me to tell them how to solve the problem, they can drop a line to
  • #8
Originally posted by KillaMarcilla
Man, this site is so crappy for getting help on anything specific
Because we don't just tell you the answer...?
  • #9
I was busy at the time I answered; I thought I saw a quick hint, so I posted it.

FAQ: Need help on easy surface integral

1. What is a surface integral?

A surface integral is a mathematical concept used to calculate the area of a curved surface in three-dimensional space. It involves calculating the double integral of a function over a given surface, and can be used to find quantities such as mass, flux, and electric field strength.

2. How do I solve a surface integral?

To solve a surface integral, you first need to identify the surface in question and determine the limits of integration. Next, you will need to parameterize the surface using two variables (usually u and v) and calculate the cross product of the tangent vectors. Finally, you can set up the double integral and evaluate it using various integration techniques such as substitution or polar coordinates.

3. What is the difference between a surface integral and a line integral?

A surface integral is used to find the area of a curved surface, while a line integral is used to find the length of a curved line. Additionally, surface integrals typically involve a double integral while line integrals only involve a single integral.

4. Can surface integrals be applied in real life situations?

Yes, surface integrals have many practical applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and computer graphics. For example, they can be used to calculate the flux of a vector field through a surface, which has applications in fluid mechanics and electromagnetism.

5. Are there any shortcuts or tricks for solving surface integrals?

Yes, there are some techniques that can make solving surface integrals easier. One such technique is using symmetry to simplify the limits of integration and make the calculation more manageable. Another technique is using the Divergence Theorem, which allows you to convert a surface integral into a volume integral, often making the calculation simpler.

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