What's on Your Fall 2010 Science Schedule?

In summary, Joe is taking the following courses this upcoming semester: Physics 2 with lab, Gen Chem 2 with lab, Engineering Calc 2, Archeo Astronomy, and General Chemistry 1. He is also taking 20 hours of work per week and is hoping to have completed research with his calc professor by the fall.
  • #176
Sophomore year, Fall semester( Final semester!):

MAC-2312(Calc. 2)-5 credit
CHM-1045C/lab(General Chem. 1)-4 credit
STA-2023(Stats. 1)-3 credit

Total credits: 12.00, GPA: 3.0

The only thing that is in my way to get my A.A. degree this year is Foreign language. Good thing I'm studying for the Spanish CLEP exam. (able to speak and read in Spanish)
BTW, I have no job. Thus, I should get straight A's.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #177
Second Year...First four month period (we have 3 four months periods instead of 2 semesters)

Electrical Circuits II and Lab.
Electronics I and Lab.
Logical Circuits and Lab.
Introduction to Computer Systems and Lab.
Last edited:
  • #178
3rd year mechanical engineering, doing math minor though so taking an extra class.

Mechanical Design 1
Mech Eng. Project
Heat Transfer 1
Fluid Mechanics 2
Intro to Control Systems
Applied Real Analysis
  • #179
Just got my schedule, this is my first year at University of Rochester after spending two at the local community college:

MTH165-Linear Algebra & Dif eq
MTH281-Applied Boundary Value (Fourier Stuff)
AST111-Solar System and its Origins
ECE111-Intro to Circuits and Signals

I'm a Physics/Astro major with a concentration in Electrical & Computer Engineering. I plan on going to grad school for EE
  • #180
Freshman thinking Math or Physics and/or Near Eastern Studies:

Math 301: Introduction to Analysis
Math 353: Representation Theory
Physics 260: Intensive Introductory Physics
History 360: History of the Middle East from Muhammad to the Mongols
Turk 110: Elementary Turkish
  • #181
Grad Solid State

Grad E&M II

The rest of the time is spent in lab... :)
  • #182
PHYS 5D Heat, Thermodynamics, and Kinetics
Math 23B Multivariable Calc
Math 21 linear algebra
Phys 101A Modern Physics

2nd year at UCSC
  • #183
-Chemistry I with lab
-Physics I (Calc) with lab
-Calculus I
-Calculus II
-Anthropology of Law
-German III

Seemingly so simple, yet so mind-meltingly intense after a four year sabbatical from mathematics. Godspeed to all of you who's underwater basketweaving class is more difficult than the sum of my entire schedule. ^_-
  • #184
Starting my first semester at Cal Poly SLO after transferring from San Diego City College:

Math 202: Orientation to Mathematics Major

Math 248: Methods of Proof

Math 336: Combinatorial Mathematics

Math 370: Putnam Exam Seminar

Math 244: Linear Analysis 1
  • #185
Spacecraft Dynamics and Control
Hypersonic Flow
Boundary Layer Stability and Transition

2 weeks in and it is already brutal...
  • #186
Finally decided on my masters. I'm starting Nuclear physics next week!

Mathematical methods in physics I
Statistical mechanics at equilibrium
Ionizing radiation and artificial radioactivity
Advanced experimental methods in physics (visits at CERN and other institutes)
Symmetries in quantum mechanics (Sakurai!)
Project physics (two projects this semester, one big project next semester)
  • #187
In order of difficulty:

Logic (In the philosophy department)
Algebra I (Introduction to Algebra)
Complex Analysis I (Introduction to Complex Analysis)
Real Variables I (Graduate Real Analysis)
Differential Geometry I (Graduate course)

If only I could take another class without going over the credit limit...
  • #188
eXorikos said:
Finally decided on my masters. I'm starting Nuclear physics next week!

Mathematical methods in physics I
Statistical mechanics at equilibrium
Ionizing radiation and artificial radioactivity
Advanced experimental methods in physics (visits at CERN and other institutes)
Symmetries in quantum mechanics (Sakurai!)
Project physics (two projects this semester, one big project next semester)

Where are you pursuing your masters?
  • #189
At K.U. Leuven (Catholic University of Leuven) in Belgium. :) Why?

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