Solving constraint equations [Term Paper, HELP ]

In summary: He has three constraint equations for yield strength, mass, and deflection and is looking for a way to find the ranges of X and Y that satisfy all three conditions. He has plotted the equations in 3D, but is now seeking help on how to limit the plotted values to only those that satisfy the constraints. He is open to any suggestions and urgently needs help as his deadline is in a day. He is grateful for any assistance.
  • #1
Solving constraint equations [Term Paper, HELP please]

Hi, I am new here. I'm not sure if this fits in calculus&analysis forum, but i figured its not really simple math so, please move it into approprieate area if deemed necessary...

I am doing materials selection analysis and my constraint equations came down to:

Yield strength constraint
Mass constraint
Deflection constraint


where X is wall thickness of a hollow cyllinder and Y is its inner radius. All other constants are evaluated for simplicity. Basically I need to find the ranges for X and Y that satisfy all three conditions..

I plotted all 3 equations as surfaces equating them to Z, and got the general picture of behaviors, but now I need to cap the Z-values of each surface by the constraint values and look at the X-Y plane in 2D to find the required range... I have no idea what software would do this part and if i knew, HOW would i get it to do it...

ANY HELP IS GREATLY APPRECIATED! I am not stuck on this method, itd be kinda nice to get the result graphically, but at this point ANY method you would suggest would do just fine! My deadline is in a day, so I am really in a crunch here!

thanks in appreciation,

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  • #2
Why would you complicate matters by going to three dimensions? Plot them in 2D cartesian coordinates.

Many programs will plot implicit equations and some will plot implicit inequalities (MuPAD for example).
  • #3
I'm sorry, I'm too slow right now.. How do you plot a function of three variables in two dimensions? All I need really is to plot them in two dimensions, but in such a way that only X and Y values that yield a value lower than the constraint are plotted... How do I do that?? I am downloading MuPAD currently if that would help (I have never worked with it though)


  • #4
Tide! Thanks so much man, you reply was EXACTLY what I needed, just a new perspective, I cracked this like 20 minutes after I read what you wrote! You frigging saved me man :)))))))


FAQ: Solving constraint equations [Term Paper, HELP ]

1. What are constraint equations?

Constraint equations are mathematical expressions that represent relationships between variables in a system. They are used to describe limitations or conditions that must be satisfied in order for the system to be considered valid.

2. Why are constraint equations important?

Constraint equations are important because they allow us to model and analyze complex systems in a mathematical way. They help us understand the limitations and relationships within a system, and can guide us in finding solutions to problems.

3. How do you solve constraint equations?

To solve constraint equations, you can use various mathematical techniques such as substitution, elimination, or graphing. The specific method used will depend on the type of equations and the number of variables involved.

4. What are some common applications of constraint equations?

Constraint equations are commonly used in fields such as physics, engineering, economics, and optimization problems. They can be used to model systems such as circuits, mechanical structures, and economic markets, among others.

5. How can I improve my skills in solving constraint equations?

To improve your skills in solving constraint equations, you can practice by working on a variety of problems and using different solution methods. You can also seek out resources such as textbooks, online tutorials, and practice exercises to help deepen your understanding of the concept.
