2D Integral, Gaussian and 2 Sinc Functions

In summary: I have not yet attempted to evaluate that integral. In summary, the conversation is about finding help with a specific integral involving exponential and sinc functions. The original idea is to transform coordinates, but the person is stuck at the sinc functions. They have tried using an online integrator and have not been able to find a solution. They seek further assistance with solving the integral.
  • #1
I am looking for help with the following integral

[tex] A = \int dx \int dy \exp(-a (x+y)^2 +ib(x-y)) sinc(cx+dy) sinc(dx+cy) [/tex]

where [tex] sinc(x) =\sin(x) / x [/tex] for [tex] x \neq 0 [/tex] and [tex] sinc(0) = 1 [/tex]

(pls forgive my poor latex)

Either in the indefinite form or with the upper/lower limits at [tex]+/-\infty [/tex]

The real-valued constants [tex] a, b, c, [/tex] and [tex] d [/tex] are positive.

My original idea was to switch to coordinates [tex] w = x+y [/tex] and [tex] u=x-y [/tex] but I can not get pass the sinc functions...any help would be appreciated.
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  • #2
beautiful1 said:
I am looking for help with the following integral

[tex] A = \int dx \int dy \exp(-a (x+y)^2 +ib(x-y)) sinc(cx+dy) sinc(dx+cy) [/tex]

I have now transformed coordinates using

[tex] w = x + y [/tex]

[tex] u = x - y [/tex]

[tex] dw du = -2 dx dy [/tex]

and I get

A = -\frac{1}{2} \int dw e^{-a w^2} \int du e^{ibu} {\rm sinc}(\alpha w + \beta u) {\rm sinc}(\alpha w - \beta u)

where I define

[tex] \alpha = (c+d)/2 [/tex] and [tex] \beta = (c-d)/2 [/tex]

Noting that

{\rm sinc}[\alpha w + \beta u] {\rm sinc}[\alpha w - \beta u]
= -\frac{1}{2} \frac{(\cos[2\alpha w]-\cos[2\beta u])}{(\alpha w)^2 - (\beta u)^2}

I find

4A= \int dw e^{-a w^2} \cos[2\alpha x] \int du \frac{e^{i \beta u}}{(\alpha w)^2 - (\beta u)^2}
-\int dw e^{-a w^2} \int du e^{i \beta u} \frac{\cos[2\beta u]}{(\alpha w)^2 - (\beta u)^2}

I do not know what to do from here.

I have put each of the integrals over u into "the integrator" at http://integrals.wolfram.com/, which returns an answer in terms of the exponential integral [tex] Ei(x) [/tex], but I am unsure how to get to that point. I have not tried to perform the subsequent integral over w.

Any help would be appreciated.
  • #3
In case anyone cares

beautiful1 said:
I find

4A= \int dw e^{-a w^2} \cos[2\alpha x] \int du \frac{e^{i \beta u}}{(\alpha w)^2 - (\beta u)^2}
-\int dw e^{-a w^2} \int du e^{i \beta u} \frac{\cos[2\beta u]}{(\alpha w)^2 - (\beta u)^2}

For the first integral over u

I_{1}(x) &= \int du \frac{e^{i \beta u}}{(\alpha w)^2 - (\beta u)^2} \\
& = e^{-i \alpha w} \int du \frac{e^{i \beta u}}{(\beta u)(\alpha w - \beta u)} \\
& = \frac{e^{-i \alpha w} }{2\alpha w} \int du e^{i \beta u}
\left( \frac{1}{\beta u} + \frac{1}{\alpha w + \beta u} \right)

My interest is in the case the upper and lower limits of integration are + and - [tex] \infty [/tex], respectively.


\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} du \frac{e^{iu}}{u} &= \int _{0}^{\infty} du \frac{e^{iu}}{u} + \int _{-\infty}^{0} du \frac{e^{iu}}{u} \\
& = \int _{0}^{\infty} du \frac{e^{iu}}{u} - \int _{0}^{\infty} du \frac{e^{-iu}}{u} \\
&= \frac{1}{2i} \int _{0}^{\infty} du \frac{\sin u}{u}

The last integral is the sine integral. Note the integrand is the sinc function. And (somehow, not sure yet, may be another post) for the given limits, this evaluates to

\int _{0}^{\infty} du \frac{\sin u}{u} = \frac{\pi}{2}

I believe the remaining integrals over u will all evaluate in a similar manner.
As for w...

FAQ: 2D Integral, Gaussian and 2 Sinc Functions

1. What is a 2D integral function?

A 2D integral function is a mathematical concept used to calculate the area under a two-dimensional curve. It is similar to a regular integral function, but instead of finding the area under a one-dimensional curve, it finds the volume under a two-dimensional surface.

2. What is a Gaussian function?

A Gaussian function is a type of mathematical function that is characterized by a bell-shaped curve. It is often used in statistics and physics to describe the probability distribution of a set of data.

3. How is a 2D integral function related to a Gaussian function?

A 2D integral function is used to calculate the area under a two-dimensional curve, while a Gaussian function describes the shape of that curve. The two are related in that the integral of a Gaussian function over its entire domain is equal to 1.

4. What is a 2 sinc function?

A 2 sinc function is a mathematical function that is defined as the sine of a variable divided by that variable. It is commonly used in signal processing and communication systems to represent the spectrum of a signal.

5. How does a 2 sinc function differ from a Gaussian function?

A 2 sinc function has a much sharper peak and longer tails compared to a Gaussian function. It also has an infinite number of zero crossings, while a Gaussian function has only one. Additionally, the integral of a 2 sinc function over its entire domain is not equal to 1, unlike a Gaussian function.
