Can someone tell me what is the best collimation material for this application?

In summary, Claude is looking for a collimation material that is fairly cheap and has a reflectivity of 95% for both infrared and visible light. He knows that polished aluminum meets these criteria, but he wants something that can also collimate both wavelengths of light. He has looked into various mirrors and lenses and found that silver and gold are also good options, but he is open to other possibilities. He is also interested in finding a cheaper option or a more reflective material that would be perfect for his application. Claude has some resources at his disposal, including automotive polishing equipment and some variable emissivity paints that may still be available twenty years after he last looked.
  • #1
I need a collimation material that is faily cheap and has a reflectivity of about 95% for both infrared and visible light. I know polished aluminum meets the criteria for the infrared, and the fused silica also works well for the visible spectrum, but I need somthing that can collimate both.
Physics news on
  • #2
can you give more specifics on the application? I've used aluminum, silver and gold mirrors in IR applications, and multilayer dielectric coated mirrors in large variety of applications. Newport, optosigma, thorlabs and Edmund scientific might be good sources to check out for various types of mirros if you aren't looking for something to be MADE for your application.
  • #3
What parts of the infrared spectrum do you need to collimate? By infrared, do you mean down to 1.5 micron wavelength or down to 10 micron wavelength (or even further?).

Does it need to be broadband, or is it only specific wavelengths you are using?

  • #4
This is a energy gathering application. I intend to collimate the focal point of the beams from a fresnel lens with an off-axis parabolic mirror. It's basically anything that can reflect the most solar radiation. People are saying that it's composed of both infrared and visual radiation, so I want something that can reflect both. Even though an optical engineer told me that the polished aluminum should reflect enough infrared to generate good energy, I want maximum output, and edmund optics charges almost 100 dolars for a off-axis parabolic mirrror that is aluminum, with a radius of only 25mm. I was also hoping that someone would know a cheaper optics company, or at least a cheaper, more reflective material that it could be constructed out of.
  • #5
You can't get much cheaper than aluminium, material-wise and $100 is about as cheap as you get for a mirror from a specialist optics company. You could try Thor Labs or Melles Griot, and compare their prices, but I doubt you will get it much cheaper than $100.

  • #6
energy gathering?

do you really need pinpoint focus?

The hobbyists have for years bent aluminum roof flashing over parabolic forms cut from plywood to form a parabolic trough, and put a copper tube along the focus. The aluminum polishes easily with automotive finishing equipment.
Can't beat the cost of materials and one could make any parabola he wanted.

Problem with it is re-radiation because it easily makes 400degF above which temperature IR re-radiation equals what you are collecting as there goes effectiveness. I spent weeks looking for a hobbyist electroplating process to make "blackened nickel" . Blackened nickel is the lazy man's way around that problem for it won't radiate infrared, but it doesn't appear practical for backyard experimenters. At one time (ca 1982) 3M published a preliminary datasheet for blackened nickel tape intended for solar collector pipes but it never made it to market. Now they won't acknowledge they ever mentioned it. But there are some variable emissivity paints around. [at least there were when i last looked twenty years ago.]

Sounds like you have some resources at your disposal - good luck!
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FAQ: Can someone tell me what is the best collimation material for this application?

1. What is collimation material and why is it important?

Collimation material is a material used to shape and control the direction of light or particles. It is important because it helps to reduce the spread of light or particles, resulting in a more focused and precise beam.

2. How do I determine the best collimation material for my application?

The best collimation material for your application depends on several factors such as the type of light or particles being used, the required beam shape and intensity, and the environmental conditions. It is best to consult with a professional or do thorough research to determine the most suitable material for your specific application.

3. What are the most commonly used collimation materials?

The most commonly used collimation materials include lenses, mirrors, and filters made of materials such as glass, plastics, and metals. Other materials such as crystals and holographic elements may also be used in specialized applications.

4. How does the choice of collimation material affect the performance and cost of the system?

The choice of collimation material can greatly affect the performance and cost of the system. Some materials may provide better performance, such as higher accuracy or durability, but may also be more expensive. It is important to consider both performance and cost when selecting a collimation material.

5. Are there any factors to consider when selecting a collimation material for use in extreme environments?

Yes, there are several factors to consider when selecting a collimation material for extreme environments. These include temperature resistance, chemical resistance, and durability against harsh conditions. It is important to choose a material that can withstand the specific environmental conditions of the application.

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