Solar Panel Q&A: Charging 12V Battery with 24V Solar Panel

In summary, when the sun goes down and the solar panel is not producing power, the solar panel will appear as a string of reverse-biased diodes. This does not harm the panel, but may discharge the battery slightly through reverse leakage current. It is recommended to measure this leakage current and decide if it is necessary to physically disconnect the panel from the battery at night. Charging a battery with a solar panel depends on the battery chemistry, and using a stiff 24Vdc power supply to charge a 12V battery can cause damage. The solar panel's output voltage and current will vary based on incoming irradiation, with a maximum output of 24Vdc in bright sunlight. Trickle charging with solar panels can lead to sulf
  • #1
I have a 24Volt solar panel trickle charging a 12volt Battery
My question is when the sun goes down and the solar panel isn't producing any power. Does the battery then try power the solar panel?
and if so is this bad for the solar panel?
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  • #2
The solar panel will look like a string reverse-biased diodes when the output voltage falls below the battery voltage. This doesn't hurt the panel, but the reverse leakage current of the solar panel array will slightly discharge the battery. You can measure this leakage current with a DVM, and use the measurement to tell you if you want to bother physically disconnecting the array from the battery at night.

Oops, Edit -- was that a typo, or did you really mean to say that you have a 24Vdc solar panel charging a 12V battery? What are you using in the middle to drop the panel output voltage?
  • #3
i thought that to charge a battery
the voltage potential just had to be higher than the batteries
cause this was a solar panel designed to charge car batteries and the like
and the battery is getting charged each day...
could you help clear up my misunderstanding to what actually is going on
  • #4
Well, how you charge a battery depends on the battery chemistry. You recharge a NiCd different from how you recharge a lead-acid battery. The discharge and recharge curves and info are available for each type of battery, so look at the battery info to see how it is best charged. Guaranteed if you use a stiff 24Vdc power supply to try to charge some 12V batteries, you will damage the battery. If the solar panel that you have was specifically designed to recharge car lead-acid batteries, then it probably has a soft output voltage characteristic, and some series resistance to drop the voltage down to 13-14V, where a car battery will recharge well. Don't *ever* hook a stiff 24Vdc power supply up to a car battery to try to recharge it. Bad things will happen.

Also remember that the solar array output voltage and current will depend on the incoming irradiation, so the output voltage will only make it up to 24Vdc in bright sunlight.
  • #5
oh no...i am in wisconsin and we haven't had a sunny day for like 4 months
i just measured the voltage this morning and it was at 14volts
thanks for all the information
  • #6
Sulfation with solar charging

Another thing to bear in mind. If you use a lead acid battery (e.g. automotive, deepcycle, gel cel) and then trickle charge using solar panels; over time sulfation (precipitation of lead-sulphate crystals onto the plates of the cells) occurs, which weaken the batteries until they no longer hold a charge. This actually happens using any other trickle charging not just solar.

You can put this salt back into solution by using a in parallel with your charger. You can build your own or use a commercially made desulfator.
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  • #7
Solar panels generate DC current. A "blocking diode" is used to prevent reverse flow. The diode effect of the individual cells is not sufficient to prevent this, so, a separate(but built-in) blocking diode is used.

FAQ: Solar Panel Q&A: Charging 12V Battery with 24V Solar Panel

1. How do I charge a 12V battery with a 24V solar panel?

To charge a 12V battery with a 24V solar panel, you will need a charge controller. The charge controller will regulate the voltage from the solar panel to the appropriate level for the battery. It will also prevent overcharging and damage to the battery.

2. Can I directly connect a 24V solar panel to a 12V battery?

No, it is not recommended to directly connect a 24V solar panel to a 12V battery. The higher voltage can damage the battery and decrease its lifespan. A charge controller is necessary to regulate the voltage and ensure safe charging.

3. What size charge controller do I need for a 24V solar panel and 12V battery setup?

The size of the charge controller depends on the wattage of your solar panel and the amp-hour capacity of your battery. Generally, a charge controller with a capacity of at least 20% higher than the solar panel wattage is recommended. For example, if your solar panel is 200 watts, you will need a charge controller with a capacity of at least 240 watts.

4. Can I use a 24V solar panel to charge multiple 12V batteries?

Yes, you can use a 24V solar panel to charge multiple 12V batteries, but you will need a charge controller with multiple charging ports or a separate charge controller for each battery. It is important to ensure that the total voltage of the batteries does not exceed the maximum input voltage of the panel or charge controller.

5. How long will it take to charge a 12V battery with a 24V solar panel?

The time it takes to charge a 12V battery with a 24V solar panel depends on the capacity of the battery, the wattage of the solar panel, and the amount of sunlight. It can take anywhere from 4-8 hours on a sunny day to fully charge a 12V battery. It is important to monitor the battery and disconnect it from the solar panel when it is fully charged to avoid overcharging.
