Nikola Tesla's Radiant Energy System

In summary: I have found that a spark-gap or switch, when connected in circuit with an antenna, will permit the discharging of a capacitor connected in parallel with the antenna and the spark-gap or switch. By means of the antenna I can then transmit energy to any point within a considerable distance, without the necessity of any wires being visible....In the accompanying drawings, Figure 1 is a diagram of my apparatus for utilizing radiant energy, and Figure 2 is a side elevation of the same....The antenna 2 is located in the air, and is connected by a ground wire 4 to the spark-gap or switch 6. The spark-gap or switch 6 is also connected by a wire 8 to the negative pole
  • #1
I want to ask you guy’s if does this actually exist, I’ve tried to built this thing, but it didn’t gave me any voltage, but maybe I’ve done something wrong.
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  • #2
You probably need to post more info if you want much feedback.
  • #3
Tesla believed a lot of crazy things and power from Cosmic rays is just one of them. His inventions and patents have been pretty heavily studied and I don't know of any cosmic ray power stations which have come on line recently.
  • #4
Yip Mr., Tesla did believed in a lot of crazy things, and most seems to make now sense, but it’s probably worth it to play with his idea’s the Tesla coil works. I would like to see a diagram of this wireless power transmitter machine, just to se how he designed it. He used this Radiant Energy System to receive his energy from his transmitters, if I understand it all correct
  • #5
From what I've seen in sketches it is a big loop antenna stuck up in the sky attached to a capacitor connected to ground. The potential difference between the antenna in the sky and the ground charges the capacitor. A sparkgap or switch then dumps the capacitor charge into a tesla coil on the load.
If you stick a big loop antenna in the air would DC current flow down it due to cosmic waves? Tesla said you needed a really beefy capacitor to handle the power.
  • #6
I’ve got some various types and sizes of caps, do you maybe know that value will be the best to use?
And 1uf or something like an 1Mf range
  • #7
Do a search on the Web. I found the following on Wikipedias list of Teslas patents (Please forgive me PF Mentors for using the evil site). There are a load of related papers.
Still looks like rubbish to me. The image on wikipedia shows the same big antenna (Flat Plate this time) attached to a capacitor, bridged by a sparkgap and load.

U.S. Patent 0685957 - Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy - 1901 November 5 - 4 illustrations; Radiation charging and discharging conductors; Radiations considered vibrations of ether of small wavelengths and ionize the atmosphere; Radiant energy throws off with great velocity minute particles which are strongly electrified; Rays or radiation falling on insulated-conductor connected to a condenser (i.e., a capacitor), the condenser indefinitely charges electrically; Radiation (or radiant energy) include many different forms; Related to US577671; Transmitted or natural energy can be used.
  • #8
Man I’ll like to “Do a search on the Web” but with my super suck 32k GPRS internet, at least every hour I get 6Kbps for 4 seconds, so I’m not going to get very far.
  • #9
Go straight to Wikipedia, search for Tesla's patents, from Patent 0685957 you can download a PDF of the Patent application, that should only take a couple of days through a 32K.
You should be able to order them through your local college/university library for a small fee.
I skimmed the Patent to see if he was proposing anything clever and it looks like it is patch together of a number of previous patents to cover potential use, although there are claims of experiments there are no details of how these experiments were conducted.
  • #10
  • #11
Patents, for the most part, protect unique ideas, not necessarily working ideas. And even if an idea works, that doesn't automatically make it a good (useful) idea. There are some true gems in there, though. 381968&9, for example, look to me like the induction motor, followed immediatly by A/C power (which is required for an induction motor).
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  • #12
This is actually something that has been of interest to me lately. I picked up his biography and his colorado springs research notebook, in the hopes of trying to understand where he was coming from. Quiet a bit of reading. I've also been through the patents, atleast those that interested me, and try to pick out information. As for the radiant energy system, here's the important stuff from the patent:

Nikola Tesla - Method of Utilizing Radiant Energy - Patent No. 685,958

"It is well known that certain radiations - such as those of ultra-violet light, cathodic, Roentgen rays, or the like - possesses the property of charging and discharging conductors of electricity, the discharge being particularly noticeable when the conductor upon which the rays impinge is negatively electrified.

...My own experiments and observations, however, lead me to conclusions more in accord with the theory heretofore advanced by me that sourced of such radiant energy throw off with great velocity minute particles of matter which are strongly electrified, and therefore capable of charging an electrical conductor, or even if not so may at any rate discharge an electrified conductor either by carrying off bodily its charge or otherwise.

... when rays or radiations of the above kind are permitted to fall upon an insulated conducting body connected to one of the terminals of a condenser, while the other terminal of the same is made by independant means to receive or to carry away electricity, a current flows into the condenser so long as the insulated body is exposed to the rays, and under the conditions hereinafter specified an indefinite accumulation of electrical energy in the condenser takes place. This energy after a suitable time interval, during which the rays are allowed to act, may manifest itself in a powerful discharge, which may be utilized for the operation or control of mechanical or electrical devices or rendered useful in many other ways.

In applying my discovery I provide a condenser, preferably of consederableelectrostatic capacity, and connect one of its termansl to an insulated metal plate or other conducting body exposed to the rays or streams of radiant matter. (* Tesla makes a note about the construction of the condenser*)The insulated plate or conducting body should present as large a surface as practicle to the rays or streams of matter, I having ascertained that the amount of energy conveyed to it per unit of time is under otherwise identical conditions proporionate to the area exposed, or nearly so. Furthermore, the surface should be clean and preferably highly polished or amalgamated. The second terminal or armature of the condenser may be connected to one of the poles of a battery or other source of electricity or to any conducting body or object whatever of such properties or so conditioned tha tby its means electricity of the required sign will be supplied to the terminal. (*Tesla notes using a grounded conductor for supplying negative energy*) As the rays or supposed streams of matter generally convey a positive charge to the first condenser-terminal, which is connected to the plate or conductor above mentioned, I usually connect the second terminal of the condenser to the ground, this being the most convenient way of obtaining negative elctricity, dispensing with the necessity of providing an artificial source. In order to utilize for any useful purpose the energy accumulated in the condenser, I furthermore connect to the terminals of the same a circuit including an instrument or apparatus which it is desired to operate and another instrument or device for alternately closing and opening the circuit.

The rays or radiations which are to be utilized for the operation of the apparatus above is described in general terms may be delivered from a natural source, as the sun, or may be artificially produced by such means, for example, as an arc-lamp, a Roentgen tube, and the like, and they may be employed for a great variety of useful purposes."

The rest of the patent goes into the operation of construction more in depth. It also presents two methods, and two diagrams which explanation, on how each method would work. I just felt it was important to put the 'foreward' here, before someone looked at the patent.
  • #13
Guess no one has anything left to say?

I've been trying to talk about this stuff with an electrical engineer that I work with, but he's so overloaded with his work that he hasnt been able to talk with me much. So naturally, when I saw this thread I got very excited, with the prospect that I can talk about this with other engineers/students.

Any thoughts? Comments?
  • #14
You would be better off finding a good E&M text. Spend your time learning the state of the art. I do not think Tesla did anything that would not be covered.
  • #15
Halzman said:
Guess no one has anything left to say?

I've been trying to talk about this stuff with an electrical engineer that I work with, but he's so overloaded with his work that he hasnt been able to talk with me much. So naturally, when I saw this thread I got very excited, with the prospect that I can talk about this with other engineers/students.

Any thoughts? Comments?

If you want to learn more about this stuff you’ll need to checkout some other websites and forums, just remember, every board has its own vibe, but this Nikola Tesla's Radiant Energy System, it’s not going to be useful, rather do some research on “The Perendev device” it’s a free energy magnet motor, if you has some free time try to build one like this, it’s just dam complicated.

And don’t fall for that[/url], [url][/url], and [url][/URL] crap, that bs.
I’m not a doctor in physics but I can see all the errors in that plans.
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  • #16
Jacquesl said:
If you want to learn more about this stuff you’ll need to checkout some other websites and forums, just remember, every board has its own vibe, but this Nikola Tesla's Radiant Energy System, it’s not going to be useful, rather do some research on “The Perendev device” it’s a free energy magnet motor, if you has some free time try to build one like this, it’s just dam complicated.

And don’t fall for that[/url], [url][/url], and [url][/URL] crap, that bs.
I’m not a doctor in physics but I can see all the errors in that plans.[/QUOTE]

Then would you care to explain what problems you saw? You also mentioned in your first post that you may have done something wrong in its construction - can you be a little bit more elaborate on what you used to construct, and maybe a simple diagram showing what you contructed.

You seemed to be very interested in this, and other inventions of tesla, such as his wireless transmission system. I'm a bit confused as to why your dismising his radiant energy system, especially since you didnt explain why it doesn't work. It seems to me, your basing that statement on that fact that you may or may not have constructed the device properly.

From my understanding of his text. a conductive plate, highly polished, which is then insulated is placed in the sun light, (or artificial light from an arc lamp) having 2 terminals connected to the plate. 1 being connected to ground, and the other being connected to a capacitor which can handle high electrical pressure (current?) - and the capacitor being controlled by a switch, which can then discharge the capacitor. Tesla also noted that the capacitor will build up charge over time (although he isn't specific on how much time). How long did you have your device in 'operation'?
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  • #17
I’m living very close to the sea and it’s around ~70% %RH, so that will probably short out things, but I’m not sure because nobody know about this device.
  • #18
Jacquesl said:
I’m living very close to the sea and it’s around ~70% %RH, so that will probably short out things, but I’m not sure because nobody know about this device.

ok... but what about such questions like: what materials did you use to build the device? how was the device built (overall layout of the components)? How long was the device in operate mode?
  • #19

Just like that is done ^^

Check out your private messages
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  • #20
Tried this at work piece of sheet metal from garage 1 foot by 3 foot
capacitor from old midland radio
attached wire to bottom string to top
hooked to capacitor
other side to ground
had it inside building
.687 volt max that's point 687
slow charge rate
hit it with b+ 5v charged cap snap dis cahrged then it went up fast after this
dont know why
was suppose to be working did not spend much time
but interesting
worth messing with mite work with refinment an elevation of antenna

1st time post
  • #21
Its true and possible
Its done due to RF magnetic field that fluctuates in the air when the tesla coil is running. :)

FAQ: Nikola Tesla's Radiant Energy System

1. What is Nikola Tesla's Radiant Energy System?

Nikola Tesla's Radiant Energy System is a theoretical energy system proposed by the scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla. It involves harnessing energy directly from the Earth's atmosphere, without the need for wires or other conventional power sources.

2. How does the Radiant Energy System work?

The exact workings of Tesla's Radiant Energy System are still a subject of debate. However, it is believed that Tesla intended to use a combination of high-frequency electromagnetic waves and the Earth's natural electrical charge to create a self-sustaining energy source.

3. Has the Radiant Energy System been successfully built and tested?

There is no evidence that Tesla's Radiant Energy System was ever successfully built or tested. Some of his experiments with high-frequency electricity did produce interesting results, but his system as a whole remains a theoretical concept.

4. What are the potential benefits of the Radiant Energy System?

If it were possible to successfully harness and utilize radiant energy, it could potentially provide a clean and renewable source of energy for the world. It could also reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and help combat climate change.

5. What are the criticisms of the Radiant Energy System?

The biggest criticism of Tesla's Radiant Energy System is that it has never been proven to work. Some scientists believe that it goes against the laws of physics and is not a viable source of energy. Others argue that even if it were possible, the technology to harness and utilize it effectively does not currently exist.
