Revolutionize Energy Storage: Utilizing Flywheels for Efficient Power Generation

In summary, An expert summarizer has provided a summary of the following conversation. Flywheels have the potential to store energy, and can be charged with a small engine. The time it takes to charge the flywheel depends on the characteristics of the energy supplier and utilizer. The discharge time can be calculated using the same approach, this time the flywheel is the motor.
  • #1
I have an idea pertaining to energy storage in flywheels, something like they do in the KERS, and need assistance here...

Ok, my idea involves using a flywheel of around 10 kg (steel) with I~1 kg.m^2, to be charged to an RPM of around 7,000 RPM.
This allows E = 0.5 x 1 x (7000x2x pi /60)^2 = 268 KJ of energy to be stored.

I want to charge it with a small engine (something like a Honda GX50) which, according to the charts will give max torque of 3 Nm at 4000 rpm and max power of 1.6 kW at 7000 rpm (approx).

I want to discharge it to run a light vehicle (170 kg including driver) such that the discharge takes place at one wheel only (a three wheeler). I want discharge in pulses.

Now, the questions:
1. How do I calculate the time it takes to charge the flywheel to 7000 RPM? Can I do it without using some intermediate device like a CVT or motor/generator?
2. How do I calculate the discharge time (and characteristics)?

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
I think flywheel energy storage is a really interesting topic, I would love to see more practical uses of them! If you end up making something, please post it.
  • #3
grey said:
I have an idea pertaining to energy storage in flywheels, something like they do in the KERS, and need assistance here...

Ok, my idea involves using a flywheel of around 10 kg (steel) with I~1 kg.m^2, to be charged to an RPM of around 7,000 RPM.
This allows E = 0.5 x 1 x (7000x2x pi /60)^2 = 268 KJ of energy to be stored.

I want to charge it with a small engine (something like a Honda GX50) which, according to the charts will give max torque of 3 Nm at 4000 rpm and max power of 1.6 kW at 7000 rpm (approx).

I want to discharge it to run a light vehicle (170 kg including driver) such that the discharge takes place at one wheel only (a three wheeler). I want discharge in pulses.

Now, the questions:
1. How do I calculate the time it takes to charge the flywheel to 7000 RPM? Can I do it without using some intermediate device like a CVT or motor/generator?
2. How do I calculate the discharge time (and characteristics)?

Thanks in advance.

1. The time it takes for increase the kinetic energy of the flywheel mainly (but not finally) depends on the characteristics of the energy supplier (your GSX50) and utilizer (in a direct coupling). Write down the energy balance and you will get the dynamics (and then the time). But direct coupling seems to me a not real event..
2. For the discharge time you can use the same approach, this time the flywheel is the motor.


Related to Revolutionize Energy Storage: Utilizing Flywheels for Efficient Power Generation

1. What is flywheel energy storage?

Flywheel energy storage is a type of mechanical energy storage system that uses a spinning rotor to store and release energy. The rotor is connected to a motor, which can accelerate the flywheel to high speeds, storing energy in the form of rotational kinetic energy. When energy is needed, the motor acts as a generator, converting the rotational energy back into electrical energy.

2. How does flywheel energy storage work?

Flywheel energy storage systems typically consist of a flywheel, a motor/generator, and a power electronics system. When excess energy is available, the motor accelerates the flywheel to high speeds, storing energy. When energy is needed, the motor acts as a generator, slowing down the flywheel and releasing the stored energy. The power electronics system controls the charging and discharging of the flywheel, ensuring efficient energy transfer.

3. What are the advantages of flywheel energy storage?

Flywheel energy storage systems have several advantages, including high energy efficiency, fast response times, and long lifetimes. They can also be easily integrated with renewable energy sources, providing a reliable and stable source of energy. Additionally, flywheel energy storage systems have no emissions and are virtually maintenance-free, making them a more environmentally friendly option compared to traditional energy storage systems.

4. What are the limitations of flywheel energy storage?

One limitation of flywheel energy storage is its relatively high upfront cost compared to other energy storage technologies. Additionally, flywheels can only store energy for a short period of time, typically a few minutes to a few hours, making them more suitable for short-term energy storage needs. They also require a continuous power source to maintain the rotation of the flywheel, which can make them less suitable for remote or off-grid applications.

5. How is flywheel energy storage being used in real-world applications?

Flywheel energy storage is being used in a variety of applications, including grid-scale energy storage, backup power for critical facilities, and in hybrid vehicles. In the energy sector, flywheel energy storage is being integrated with renewable energy sources to provide a more stable and reliable source of energy. It is also being used in data centers, hospitals, and other facilities to provide backup power during power outages. In transportation, flywheel energy storage is being used in hybrid buses and trains to capture and reuse energy during braking, improving overall energy efficiency.

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