How does Andromeda look from just a set of 10x50 binoculars.

In summary, BoreK found an amazing galaxy, but didn't know what it would look like so he couldn't tell if it was it. Tonight, he found it but couldn't tell if it was it because it looked different than in pictures. He used an SLR camera and found that any camera with similar parameters should work.
  • #1
Tonight was an amazing night for stargazing so I drove about 10 minutes to a nice countryside road with barely any lights.

It was really dark, and you could see a faint glow of the milky way. I had some apps to help me locate various galaxies and etc. and I wanted to see Andromeda but I couldn't find it anywhere. I even poinited them right where the apps told me it would be.

I know what andromeda looks like from pictures, but I obviously won't have the same view as those Nasa pictures, so I'm just trying to get a general idea of what I'm looking at, so I know for a fact it's what I saw.

Tonight, I'm pretty sure I found it, but again, I didn't know what it would look like so I couldn't tell if it was it.
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  • #2
For a beginner it mostly looks like a grey oval, brighter in the middle. With practice one can probably see a few more details.

Last year I took an image of the area around the Andromeda galaxy that includes the star Mirach (lower left corner - big, bright and orange). It's a 90 min exposure so it's much deeper than any visual telescope but it might help. When i find M31, I start at Mirach and follow the two fainter stars "above" it (1 o'clock in the image) to the galaxy.
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  • #3
Like practically all deep sky objects that are not stars, Andromeda will look like a "fuzzy blob" of varying brightness depending on what you are looking at it through. It will be very dim, but if you are in a decent dark sky location then it will stand out quite obviously from the background. You won't be able to make out any detail though, it will literally look like a fuzzy blob.

Edit: Nice picture Glappkaeft. I need to get a smaller focal length telescope, all mine have focal lengths beyond 1,000 mm, so I can't fit Andromeda in my camera's field of view.
  • #4
Perhaps this picture will tell you more or less of what to expect:


(Not because it is good, quite the opposite. But as far as I remember it more or less reflects the blurry and hard to spot spot; just remember sky will be MUCH darker.)
  • #5
Borek said:
Perhaps this picture will tell you more or less of what to expect:


(Not because it is good, quite the opposite. But as far as I remember it more or less reflects the blurry and hard to spot spot; just remember sky will be MUCH darker.)

BoreK, did you get that shot by yourself? What did you use?
  • #6
PhysicoRaj said:
BoreK, did you get that shot by yourself? What did you use?

EOS 7D, but any reasonably good SLR camera will do. ISO 1600, 30 sec, f 2.8, 55 mm.

Non-SLR camera with similar parameters should work as well.
  • #7
Drakkith said:
Edit: Nice picture Glappkaeft. I need to get a smaller focal length telescope, all mine have focal lengths beyond 1,000 mm, so I can't fit Andromeda in my camera's field of view.

Indeed !
sweet pic, well done
gosh, I haven't seen M31 for years

  • #8
Borek said:
EOS 7D, but any reasonably good SLR camera will do. ISO 1600, 30 sec, f 2.8, 55 mm.

Non-SLR camera with similar parameters should work as well.

You say this is how a 10x50 shows? Well, that's even better than my 60mm 35x refractor!
  • #9
PhysicoRaj said:
You say this is how a 10x50 shows?

Never said that, no idea how to compare these things. All I was trying to show was what to look for and what to expect in the sky. Most photos of M31 are way too good when compared to the real thing.

FAQ: How does Andromeda look from just a set of 10x50 binoculars.

1. What is Andromeda?

Andromeda, also known as the Andromeda Galaxy, is a spiral galaxy located approximately 2.5 million light years away from Earth. It is the closest galaxy to our own Milky Way and is visible to the naked eye.

2. Can Andromeda be seen with 10x50 binoculars?

Yes, Andromeda can be seen with 10x50 binoculars. However, its visibility may vary depending on the location and light pollution in the area.

3. What will Andromeda look like through 10x50 binoculars?

Through 10x50 binoculars, Andromeda will appear as a faint, elongated smudge in the night sky. Its shape and structure may not be visible due to the limitations of binoculars.

4. How big will Andromeda appear through 10x50 binoculars?

Andromeda will appear approximately 3 degrees wide, which is about 6 times the width of the full moon, when viewed through 10x50 binoculars. This is still a relatively small size, as Andromeda is over 220,000 light years in diameter.

5. Can I see any details of Andromeda through 10x50 binoculars?

Due to the distance and size of Andromeda, it is unlikely that any details will be visible through 10x50 binoculars. However, with the help of a tripod and clear viewing conditions, some people have reported being able to see its spiral arms and brighter regions.
