How does this message board find similar threads?

In summary, The bottom of each post on this website shows similar threads using keyword searching algorithms, but IBM is working on developing a "context" search algorithm that understands the context of a search query. This website may not have that feature yet, but it's a cool concept. The vBulletin source code likely does a full-text search using the words in the thread title.
  • #1
I've noticed that at the bottom of each post it shows similar threads, and the matches are pretty good.

Does anyone know how it goes about doing this? Does it summarize an entire thread? Does it use tags?
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  • #2
Pretty good question... I'd imagine that it just simply uses key-word searching algorithms. IBM's Computer Science Research and Development department are talking about trying to develop a "context" search algorithm instead. So, instead of getting a search engine which might use your keyword and synonyms for the word, you have an algorithm which (somehow) understands the context of what you're searching for.
I doubt that this website has that, since it's still in development, but they might have something nifty.
  • #3
It just picks up a random word from the thread title.
  • #4
michinobu said:
Pretty good question... I'd imagine that it just simply uses key-word searching algorithms. IBM's Computer Science Research and Development department are talking about trying to develop a "context" search algorithm instead. So, instead of getting a search engine which might use your keyword and synonyms for the word, you have an algorithm which (somehow) understands the context of what you're searching for.
I doubt that this website has that, since it's still in development, but they might have something nifty.

Cool concept IBM has there.. kind of like semantic web.

Maybe one day when I have time I'll take a peak at the vBulletin source code. I'm thinking it does a full-text search using the words in the title (eg: "how + does + this + message...") onto all initial posts of threads.

FAQ: How does this message board find similar threads?

1. How does the message board determine which threads are similar?

The message board uses a combination of algorithms and user input to determine which threads are similar. The algorithm looks at factors such as keywords, tags, and content to find threads that have similar topics or discussions. Users can also flag threads as similar, which helps the algorithm improve its results.

2. Is the similarity based on the thread title or the content of the thread?

The similarity is based on both the thread title and the content of the thread. The algorithm takes into account the keywords and phrases used in the title and the body of the thread to determine similarity. This helps to ensure that threads with similar topics but different titles are still recognized as similar.

3. How does the algorithm handle threads with multiple topics or discussions?

The algorithm is designed to recognize multiple topics or discussions within a thread. It looks at the overall content of the thread and identifies the main topics or discussions. It then compares these topics to other threads to find the most similar ones. This helps to ensure that threads with multiple topics or discussions are still recognized as similar if they share some common themes.

4. Can users manually search for similar threads?

Yes, users can manually search for similar threads by using the search function on the message board. They can enter keywords or phrases related to the topic they are interested in and see a list of similar threads. This can be a helpful tool for users who want to find more discussions on a particular topic.

5. Does the algorithm take into account the time and date of the thread?

Yes, the algorithm does take into account the time and date of the thread. Threads that were posted more recently are given higher priority in the search results, as they are more likely to be relevant and active. However, the algorithm also considers other factors such as keywords and user feedback to determine similarity, so older threads can still be recognized as similar if they share similar topics and discussions.
