What can you do with your summer if you dont get an internship

In summary, if you want a decent job that doesn't involve a lot of work, but looks good on a resume, you can try working as an office cleaner or doing some kind of easy work for an agency.
  • #1
What kind of things can you that would look better than working at Mcdonalds all summer. Are there any jobs you can get that arent really internships but still look pretty descent on a resume?
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  • #2
I ran a paint crew for a local school district for 5 years, it showed that I could handle management tasks along with scheduling.
  • #3
Of course. Obviously depends what kind of work you're looking to get into? But if you need money, you have the handy option worth considering of working for an office agency. Picking up office experience is always good for a resume, and whilst it's probably not the most exciting of experiences it's invaluable for learning politics...

Obviously you could ask for some unpaid work in a department too...
  • #4
In the months prior to each of my undergraduate summers, I would start getting on the phone with Manpower and Adecco.
  • #5
If I don't get anything this summer, I hope to maybe do free academic work at my school.

For money, I plan on working at school as like Summer Maintenance or something. That would be pretty sweet.
  • #6
The summers that I didn't have an internship, I took summer classes. I managed to get out of the way most of my gen ed requirements, so that I could take extra major classes during the regular semesters.
  • #7
Depends on what type of person you are...but I framed up large houses and apartment buildings during a summer once, its hard work...but very rewarding(and good money). I think it looks good to most people, because they realize what type of work it is(hard) and these type of employers usually don't take any crap, and expect perfection(and you to be on time),etc.

However, I'd suggest something easy on the body...as this is very hard work(especially in the summer).

FAQ: What can you do with your summer if you dont get an internship

1. What are some alternative options for spending my summer if I don't get an internship?

If you don't get an internship, there are still plenty of ways to make the most of your summer. Consider participating in research projects, volunteering at a local organization, taking summer classes, or finding a part-time job in a related field.

2. How can I gain relevant experience without an internship?

You can gain relevant experience by participating in research projects, volunteering, or taking summer classes. You can also reach out to professionals in your field and ask if you can shadow them or assist with their projects.

3. Will not having an internship hurt my future career prospects?

No, not having an internship does not necessarily hurt your future career prospects. Employers understand that internships are competitive and not everyone is able to secure one. Focus on gaining relevant experience and skills through other avenues and highlighting those on your resume.

4. Can I still apply for internships even if I don't have one for the summer?

Yes, you can still apply for internships even if you don't have one lined up for the summer. Keep searching and applying for opportunities, and consider reaching out to companies directly to inquire about any available internship positions.

5. What are some ways to make my summer productive without an internship?

Aside from gaining experience and skills through research, volunteering, and summer classes, you can also use your summer to network and build professional relationships. Attend industry events, informational interviews, and networking events to expand your connections and learn more about potential career paths.

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