Milikin Drop experiment change of charge with E-Field

In summary, the conversation discusses the Milikin drop experiment in which the charge on the drops appears to vary with changes in the applied E-field. The experiment involves finding a charged drop, determining its velocity and radius using equations, and then recording data for up and down velocities at different voltages. The effective viscosity of air and the charge of the drop are also important factors in the experiment. The conversation also mentions a potential solution to the problem, but notes that it is difficult to post due to its origin.
  • #1

Homework Statement

In my honours lab we are performing the Milikin drop experiment, and we've come into a slight problem, where when calculating the radius of the drops and the charge on the drops, the charge seems to vary with change in E-field.

When performing the experiment we first needed to find a charge drop after ionizing a spray of drops by applying an E-field and seeing which drops seem to accelerate in the opposite direction of the field.

When a drop is acquired we use the voltage applied to move the drop to the top and turn off the voltage and first allow the drop to free fall and record its motion downwards. This is what we called the free fall velocity which allows us to calculate the radius of the drop using equation (1)

After a few trials of the free fall we move on to turning on the voltage and record a video of the down velocity and up velocity at the same voltage. Then we change the voltage and do the same, for a few times. Then by knowing our radius we are able to calulate the electro force qE. When plotting a graph of v vs E or v vs potential we are able to view if our data is reliable or not. If viewed reliable we would calculate the values in the following equations

Homework Equations

1. [itex]\frac{4\pia^{3}\rho g}{3}[/itex] = [itex]6\pi a\eta^{'}v[/itex]

2. [itex]\frac{4\pia^{3}\rho g}{3} - qE[/itex] = [itex]6\pi a\eta^{'}v[/itex]

[itex]\eta^{'}[/itex] = [itex]\frac{\eta}{1+\frac{b}{pa}}[/itex]

b = 0.00617 torr-cm

p = ambient air pressure

a = radius

eta = viscosity of air

eta prime = effective viscosity of air

rho = density of the oil

q = charge of the drop which should be an interger value

E = electric field

g = gravity

v = velocity of drop

The Attempt at a Solution

The attempt at the solution is in origin, so it's kind of hard to post, but it's more about why the drop seems to change charge with different E-fields, even though it is not colliding with other drops.

Sorry it's kind of long, hope someone can help
Physics news on
  • #2
I forgot to say that we also found the voltage at which the drop balances in one spot

FAQ: Milikin Drop experiment change of charge with E-Field

What is the Milikin Drop experiment?

The Milikin Drop experiment is a scientific experiment designed to measure the charge of individual oil droplets. The experiment was first performed by Robert A. Millikan in 1909 and is considered a classic experiment in the field of electrostatics.

How does the Milikin Drop experiment work?

The Milikin Drop experiment involves suspending individual oil droplets in a chamber using an electric field. By measuring the droplets' motion, the charge on the droplets can be calculated using equations derived from Coulomb's law.

What is the significance of the Milikin Drop experiment?

The Milikin Drop experiment provided the first accurate measurement of the charge of an electron, which was found to be 1.602 x 10^-19 coulombs. This experiment also helped to validate the concept of quantized charge and contributed to the development of modern atomic theory.

What factors can influence the results of the Milikin Drop experiment?

The accuracy of the Milikin Drop experiment can be affected by several factors such as air currents, temperature changes, and contamination of the oil droplets. These variables need to be carefully controlled in order to obtain reliable results.

What are some real-world applications of the Milikin Drop experiment?

The Milikin Drop experiment has been used in various fields, such as aerosol research, atmospheric physics, and nanotechnology. It has also been used to study the charge of molecules and ions, which has implications in fields such as chemistry and biology.
