Double Lobed Radio Galaxies & Seyfert Galaxies: Similar Energy Sources?

  • Thread starter blumfeld0
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In summary, both double lobed radio galaxies and Seyfert galaxies are believed to be powered by black holes. The type of radiation they emit, such as synchtron radiation and x-rays, provides evidence for this. Additionally, analyzing the power and frequency of the radiation can support the idea that only a black hole accretion disk could generate the required magnetic field and frictional forces.
  • #1
What would be some arguments that show that double lobed radio galaxies and seyfert galaxies have similar energy sources?

I mean i know they are powered by black holes right? are there energy arguments i can make though?

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  • #2
THe type of radiation, its synchtron radiation at very high frequencies, x rays etc. I assume you know that depending on what angle you view the quasar determines its name, ie radio galaxy etc(radio is side on so you don't get the blast of xrays, but they are there even tho its a 'radio galaxy' .

If you analyse the power and frequency of the radiation coming out of the middle perpendicular spiral, and (not actually but you know) compute the required magnetic field and frictional forces required, you see that only a black hole accretion disk could be the cause.

hope that helps
  • #3
for the question!

Yes, both double lobed radio galaxies and Seyfert galaxies are powered by black holes. However, there are also other arguments that support the idea that they have similar energy sources.

Firstly, both types of galaxies exhibit strong and variable emission in the radio and X-ray wavelengths, indicating the presence of highly energetic processes. This emission is thought to be produced by the accretion of matter onto the central black hole, releasing large amounts of energy in the form of radiation and powerful jets.

Secondly, both types of galaxies show evidence of strong interactions with their surrounding environments. Seyfert galaxies often have extended gas and dust structures, indicating recent mergers or interactions with other galaxies. Similarly, double lobed radio galaxies show signs of interactions with their host galaxies, such as distorted shapes and tidal tails.

Furthermore, the morphology of the radio emission in both types of galaxies is similar, with distinct lobes or jets extending from the central region. This suggests that the underlying physical processes responsible for the production of these structures are similar.

Additionally, both types of galaxies have been observed to have similar mass and luminosity distributions, further supporting the idea that they have similar energy sources.

Finally, recent studies have found a correlation between the masses of the central black holes and the properties of the host galaxies in both Seyfert galaxies and double lobed radio galaxies. This suggests that the growth and evolution of the central black hole is linked to the overall evolution of the galaxy, providing further evidence for similar energy sources.

In conclusion, while the exact mechanisms may differ, the evidence suggests that double lobed radio galaxies and Seyfert galaxies have similar energy sources, namely the accretion of matter onto a central black hole.

FAQ: Double Lobed Radio Galaxies & Seyfert Galaxies: Similar Energy Sources?

1. What are Double Lobed Radio Galaxies and Seyfert Galaxies?

Double Lobed Radio Galaxies are a type of active galaxy that have two large, radio-emitting lobes on either side of a central galaxy. Seyfert Galaxies are also active galaxies, but they have a bright, compact nucleus and exhibit strong emission lines.

2. What causes the lobes in Double Lobed Radio Galaxies?

The lobes in Double Lobed Radio Galaxies are caused by jets of high-energy particles that are ejected from the central galaxy and travel at nearly the speed of light. These jets interact with the surrounding gas and dust, causing them to emit radio waves.

3. Are the energy sources for Double Lobed Radio Galaxies and Seyfert Galaxies similar?

Yes, the energy sources for both types of galaxies are believed to be similar. They are both powered by supermassive black holes at their centers, which accrete large amounts of matter and release huge amounts of energy.

4. How do scientists study the energy sources of these galaxies?

Scientists use a variety of techniques to study the energy sources of Double Lobed Radio Galaxies and Seyfert Galaxies. These include analyzing the emission lines from the gas in the galaxies, studying the structure and motion of the gas and stars, and observing the behavior of the black holes at their centers.

5. What can we learn from studying these galaxies?

Studying Double Lobed Radio Galaxies and Seyfert Galaxies can help us understand the processes that occur in and around supermassive black holes. It can also provide insights into the evolution of galaxies and the role that active galactic nuclei play in shaping the universe as we know it.
