What happens when you shine a light on a black surface?

Silver and copper are good conductors of heat and electricity, and that usually means good conductors of light as well because the same thing (electrons) are doing the conducting.In summary, when you shine a light on a black surface, all the photons get absorbed and the energy converts to thermal energy. A perfect transparent piece of glass does not reflect any photons, but rather transmits them through the material. When comparing a black object and a piece of glass, they are not the same as there is a distinct difference between absorption, reflection, scattering, and transmission. Silver and diamond both reflect light well, but diamonds are highly transparent, while silver has no band gap and diamonds have a large one. Reflection property of a material is
  • #1
Maxwells Demon
1. I just wondered what happens on micro scale when you shine a light on a black surface.. Since you see it, does all the photons get absorbed? If they do what happens to the energy, does it convert to thermal energy?

2. If black doesn't reflect any photons, then we should see nothing. But what about a perfect transparent piece of glass, that doesn't reflect any photons either does it?

3. If you put to objects in the sun, a white and a black, the black becomes hotter because it absorbs the light. Can someone explain more deeply what really goes on?
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  • #2
Please read the Physics Forums FAQ. Some of your questions here may have been addressed there.

  • #3
about the one with the glass.. a thing that doesn't reflect light is black.. so something black and a piece of glass is essentially the same thing right..? or?

ZapperZ I'll do it right away..
  • #4
Maxwells Demon said:
about the one with the glass.. a thing that doesn't reflect light is black.. so something black and a piece of glass is essentially the same thing right..? or?

ZapperZ I'll do it right away..

No, a piece of glass and something black is not the same. Not even in this particular context. There is a distinct difference from absorption, reflection, scattering and transmission.
  • #5
No. Light can do three things when hitting an object: be absorbed, be reflected, or be transmitted. Something black absorbs all light.
  • #6
Except that in the similar case of there being no "perfect" reflector, there is also not a whole lot of perfect "black" surfaces, discounting blackbody cavities and "blackholes".

  • #7
No, a piece of glass and something black is not the same. Not even in this particular context. There is a distinct difference from absorption, reflection, scattering and transmission.

want to tell about the difference? Or else I won't learn :P
  • #8
In reading this topic, I just think of a question . As I know, and hope it is correct, the light transmits through a material when its quantum energy is lower than the material band gap, and it is absorbed if the energy is larger than the band gap . So in case the light reflects, what is the reason for that?.
Why both silver and diamond reflect light very well when silver has no band gap and diamond has very large one

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  • #9
Maxwells Demon said:
want to tell about the difference? Or else I won't learn :P
:confused: :confused: Transmission is what glass does. It let's light pass through without reflecting or absorbing it.
  • #10
haiha said:
Why both silver and diamond reflect light very well when silver has no band gap and diamond has very large one
Diamonds are highly transparent (not reflective). Gem diamonds reflect a little bit of light due to the facets (probably some total internal reflection going on too).
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  • #11
So, what makes the reflection property of a material?. Why a piece of graphit is not as shiny as a piece of copper of silver?
  • #12
haiha said:
So, what makes the reflection property of a material?. Why a piece of graphit is not as shiny as a piece of copper of silver?

Graphite has atoms very loosely bonded together (that's why it makes a good lubricant) those loose bonds will absorb virtually any frequency of photon, so no photons reflect or transmit.

FAQ: What happens when you shine a light on a black surface?

1. What is a black surface?

A black surface is any material that absorbs all visible light and reflects little to no light back to the viewer. It appears black because our eyes perceive an object as black when no light is being reflected off of it.

2. Why does a black surface appear black?

A black surface appears black because it absorbs all colors of visible light. When light hits a black surface, the surface's molecules absorb the light energy, which is then converted into heat energy, rather than reflecting it back to the viewer.

3. What happens when you shine a light on a black surface?

When you shine a light on a black surface, the surface's molecules absorb the light energy, which is then converted into heat energy. This causes the surface to become warmer than it was before the light was shone on it.

4. Does the color of the light affect what happens when it shines on a black surface?

Yes, the color of the light does affect what happens when it shines on a black surface. Different colors of light have different wavelengths and energies, which can affect how much light is absorbed and how quickly the surface heats up.

5. Why does a black surface feel warmer than a white surface when both are exposed to the same amount of light?

A black surface feels warmer than a white surface because it absorbs more light energy than a white surface. The molecules on a black surface are better at absorbing light and converting it into heat energy, so it will feel warmer to the touch compared to a white surface which reflects most of the light and does not absorb much of it.

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