Understanding the Derivation of Complex Impedance in AC Circuits

In summary, the complex impedance of an AC circuit is derived from the equations for voltage and current, which can be represented in phasor form as V=V_{m}e^{i\omega t} and I=I_{m}e^{i(\omega t-\phi)}. The impedance is then calculated by dividing the phasor representations of voltage and current.
  • #1
I have a quick question regarding how the complex impedance of an AC circuit is derived.

The voltage and current in an AC circuit are given by the equations
V=V_{m}cos(\omega t) = V_{m}Re(e^{i\omega t})

I=I_{m}cos(\omega t-\phi) = I_{m}Re(e^{i(\omega t-\phi)})

The impedance is given by
Z = \frac{V}{I}} = \frac{V_{m}Re(e^{i\omega t})}{I_{m}Re(e^{i(\omega t - \phi)})}
Some online resources state that

Do they actually mean that

if so...
\frac{Re(e^{i\omega t})}{Re(e^{i(\omega t - \phi)})}\neq Re(\frac{e^{i\omega t}}{e^{i(\omega t - \phi)}})

What am I failing to see?
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Ok.. I think I've figured it out. For the benefit of others stumbling on this or similar problems, here's my attempt at a solution. I would be happy if anyone could confirm this

The voltage and current given by
V=V_{m}cos(\omega t) = V_{m}Re(e^{i\omega t})

I=I_{m}cos(\omega t-\phi) = I_{m}Re(e^{i(\omega t-\phi)})

have the Phasor Representation
V \rightarrow V_{m}

I \rightarrow I_{m}e^{-i\phi}

Though the impedance [tex]Z[/tex] is given by
Z = \frac{V}{I}} = \frac{V_{m}Re(e^{i\omega t})}{I_{m}Re(e^{i(\omega t - \phi)})}
its phasor representation is given by
Z = \frac{V}{I}} \rightarrow \frac{V_{m}}{I_{m}e^{-i\phi}}
  • #3
this should probably go to the Electrical Engineering forum, but makes no difference to me.

Apteronotus said:
I have a quick question regarding how the complex impedance of an AC circuit is derived.

The voltage and current in an AC circuit are given by the equations
V=V_{m}cos(\omega t) = V_{m}Re(e^{i\omega t})

I=I_{m}cos(\omega t-\phi) = I_{m}Re(e^{i(\omega t-\phi)})

now you realize that the 2nd or right-hand equal signs in both equations are wrong, do you?

edit: oooops, i didn't see the "Re" in there. so the equations are not wrong, but expressing a real sinusoid as the real part of the complex exponential is a bit clunky (and i take issue with the pedagogical reasoning behind it in beginner's textbooks).

i would express it as this:

[tex] v(t) = V \cos(\omega t + \phi) = \frac{1}{2} \left( V e^{i (\omega t + \phi)} + V e^{-i (\omega t+\phi)} \right) [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{1}{2} \left( (Ve^{i \phi}) e^{i \omega t} + (Ve^{-i \phi}) e^{-i \omega t} \right) [/tex][tex] = \frac{1}{2} \left( \mathbf{V} e^{i \omega t} + \mathbf{V}^* e^{-i \omega t} \right) [/tex]so that the understanding is that for every real sinusoid, there is a positive-frequency component and a negative-frequency component. it's not hard to see that whatever happens to the positive-frequency component, precisely the same happens to the negative-frequency component except it's the complex conjugate of what was done to the positive-frequency component. to get the real result, in a linear electric circuit, we apply superposition and ask what happens if we just send the positive-frequency component through the circuit (what happens with the negative is not different, but a "mirror image" so nothing is new when investigating that).

[tex] v(t) = \mathbf{V} e^{i \omega t} [/tex]

you will notice that for every R, L, and C in the circuit that both the current and the voltage on every element is some constant times the same complex exponential [itex]e^{i \omega t}[/itex], so that factor (which is never zero) is factored out of all of the R, L, C volt-amp equations and it's factored out of the Kirchofff's Current Law equation for every node and out of the Kirchoff's Voltage Law for every loop. then you have simpler algebraic (with some complex terms) equations that have no function of time in them.

The impedance is given by
Z = \frac{V}{I}} = \frac{V_{m}Re(e^{i\omega t})}{I_{m}Re(e^{i(\omega t - \phi)})}
Some online resources state that

Do they actually mean that

if so...
\frac{Re(e^{i\omega t})}{Re(e^{i(\omega t - \phi)})}\neq Re(\frac{e^{i\omega t}}{e^{i(\omega t - \phi)}})

What am I failing to see?

what you need to do is play a little less "fast and loose" with the math. there are time-domain expressions of voltage and current (both as a function of time), and then there are "phasor" or frequency-domain representations of sinusoidal voltage and current signals. usually we use small-case letters for the time-domain functions (like [itex]v(t)[/itex]) and the corresponding large-case letters for their frequency-domain counterparts (like [itex]\mathbf{V}[/itex] or [itex]V(i \omega)[/itex]). they map to each other, but they are not equal. there's a transformation in between in there.
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  • #4
Thank you kindly for your reply rb-j.
I did not realize that the equations
V_{m}cos(\omega t) = V_{m}Re(e^{i\omega t})

I_{m}cos(\omega t-\phi) = I_{m}Re(e^{i(\omega t-\phi)})
are wrong. In fact I'm not sure why the would be, given that [tex]V_{m}[/tex] and [tex]I_{m}[/tex] are just real numbers.

Also, the transformation that you alluded to, is it
[tex]v(t)=Re(Ve^{i \omega t})[/tex].

Knowing that small-case letters represent time-domain functions and upper-case their frequency-domain counterparts saves me a lot confusion. Thank you.
  • #5
Looks like you were already ahead of me.
Thank you again for your help.
  • #6
well, now i think i corrected all of my mistakes, so i hope the confusion is reduced.

FAQ: Understanding the Derivation of Complex Impedance in AC Circuits

1. What is complex impedance derivation?

Complex impedance derivation is a mathematical process used to determine the impedance of a circuit or system. It involves calculating the complex ratio of voltage to current in a circuit, which takes into account both the magnitude and phase of the signals.

2. Why is complex impedance derivation important?

Complex impedance derivation is important because it allows us to analyze and understand the behavior of electrical systems. It helps us determine the relationship between voltage and current in a circuit, and can be used to calculate important parameters such as power and resonance frequency.

3. How is complex impedance derived?

Complex impedance is derived using Ohm's law and the concept of phasors. The impedance is calculated by dividing the complex voltage by the complex current, and is represented by a complex number with both real and imaginary components. The magnitude of the impedance represents the resistance, and the phase angle represents the reactance.

4. What are the applications of complex impedance derivation?

Complex impedance derivation has many applications in electrical engineering and physics. It is used in the design and analysis of electronic circuits, as well as in fields such as telecommunications, power systems, and signal processing. It is also used in medical imaging techniques such as impedance plethysmography.

5. What are the limitations of complex impedance derivation?

One limitation of complex impedance derivation is that it assumes linear systems, meaning that the impedance of the circuit remains constant regardless of the input voltage or current. In reality, many circuits exhibit non-linear behavior, which can affect the accuracy of the derived impedance values. Additionally, complex impedance derivation may not be suitable for circuits with high-frequency components or when the circuit is not in steady-state.

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