Graviational effect of quarks and strong force

In summary: Can you back this statement up with some evidence?In summary, the statement is that the strong force is weakened with increased energy. However, this is not supported by evidence.
  • #1
with intense gravity the strong force between quarks are weakened. would it be possible that under extreme gravitational effects that quarks from other atoms join to make the theoretical tetraquark?
Physics news on
  • #2
Originally posted by taylordnz
with intense gravity the strong force between quarks are weakened.
Can you back this statement up with some evidence?

- Warren
  • #3
the strong force

sorry but i meant to say it is the weak force that is weakened

source of fact:

the illustrated history of time by stephen hawking (updated and expanded version)
  • #4

Originally posted by taylordnz
the illustrated history of time by stephen hawking (updated and expanded version)
Please quote the relevant passage.

- Warren
  • #5
the relevant message

the strong force is weakened with particles with increased energy for example in particle accelerators, big bang.

quoted exactly from

The illustrated a brief history of time by stephen hawking (updated and expanded edition)

particles with high energy have increased mass for example in big bang and in high ggravitational objects (black holes)

quoted exactly from

Time (by someone i can't remember)
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  • #6
I see no connection there, just a statement that high-energy particles have an increased mass. And that is only true when observing the particle from another frame of reference; if you were moving with the particle, it would not appear to you to have an increased mass.

The strong force does not yet show any sign of being affected by increased mass or gravity. I have some experience with particle acceleration myself, namely with Fermilab data. Particle acceleration does not weaken the strong force, as I believe you are trying to infer from the said statement, but rather is a probe for studying it.

Gravity of any valid strength should have little or no bearing on the formation of tetraquarks. X(3872), as it is called, is confined by its wave-function, not by gravity.

Either elaborate more on your idea, or quote more of the said passage from Hawking word for word so that we can get an idea of the context. And remember, Hawking is a theorist, not an experimentalist.
  • #7

Originally posted by taylordnz
the strong force is weakened with particles with increased energy for example in particle accelerators, big bang.

It seems to me that this is referring to the asymptotic freedom of quantum chromodynamics, in which the coupling constant runs to zero at high energies.
  • #8
All of the coupling constants do the same thing at higher energies. They never actually seem to have a point where they will reach zero, though. As is, it seems that we cannot even get the strong constant to drop below 0.1 at energies nearing 200 TeV. The principle of asymptotic freedom continues to hold at the center-of-mass, as well, and the confinement of quarks can only be violated enough to generate a quark-gluon plasma (QGP) at best; still somewhat confined, just many more degrees of freedom.
  • #9
Moderator note: I split TornadoCreator's post off to the theory development forum.

- Warren

FAQ: Graviational effect of quarks and strong force

1. What is the gravitational effect of quarks?

The gravitational effect of quarks is very small and is not considered significant in the overall behavior of subatomic particles. This is because quarks are so small and have such a low mass that their gravitational force is negligible compared to the other fundamental forces that act on them.

2. How does the strong force play a role in the gravitational effect of quarks?

The strong force, which is responsible for holding quarks together to form protons and neutrons, does not have a direct impact on the gravitational effect of quarks. However, the strong force does contribute to the overall mass of these particles, which in turn affects their gravitational force.

3. Can the gravitational effect of quarks be measured?

Due to the extremely small size and weak gravitational force of quarks, their gravitational effect cannot be directly measured. However, scientists can indirectly study the effects of gravity on particles containing quarks, such as protons and neutrons, through experiments and observations.

4. How does the gravitational effect of quarks relate to the theory of general relativity?

The theory of general relativity, which describes the force of gravity as the curvature of space and time, does not specifically address the gravitational effect of quarks. However, this theory provides a framework for understanding the behavior of massive particles, including quarks, in gravitational fields.

5. Is there a connection between the gravitational effect of quarks and the formation of celestial bodies?

The gravitational effect of quarks does play a role in the formation of celestial bodies, such as stars and planets. The gravitational force between particles, including quarks, helps to hold these bodies together and shape their structure. However, the exact contribution of quarks to this process is not fully understood and is still an area of ongoing research.

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