Calculating Redshift of Universe Domination

Remember to always double check your units and make sure they are consistent throughout your calculations. In summary, to calculate the redshift at which the Universe became vacuum dominated, you will need to solve for the scale factor a at the time when the matter and vacuum energy densities are equal. This can be done by setting the matter and vacuum energy densities equal to each other and solving for a. Once you have a, you can use it in the redshift equation to calculate the redshift. Make sure to convert the given values for Omega_m and Omega_Lambda to energy density values and double check your units for consistency.
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Homework Statement

Hey :-)

I want to calculate the redshift at which the Universe became vacuum dominated, with given values for the energy densities of Omega_{m} and Omega_{Lambda}.

Homework Equations

I know that the scale factors

rho_{m} is proportional to a^{-3}
rho_{r} is proportional to a^{-4}
rho_{v} is proportional to a^{0}

I know that the relationship between the scale factor and the redshift is

(1+z) = a(t) / a_{0}(t)...(*)


H^{2} = h_{0}^2 [ Omega_{m}/a^{3} + Omega_{r}/a^{4} + Omega_{Lambda} + Omega_{k}/a^{2} ]

The Attempt at a Solution

I know that at early enough times the Universe was radiation dominated. I have plotted log rho vs log a for each contributor, and can see that the Universe was originally radiation dominated, then matter dominated, then vacuum dominated. I thought that if I calculated the point at which the matter and vacuum slopes intersected, I could solve for a, and then use equation (*), but I wouldn't know what to use for a_{0}. And if I did equate a^{-3} to a^{0}, I just get 1. And that wouldn't be using the given values for Omega_{Lambda} or Omega_{m}.

I'm not very confident in my approach and any advice would be warmly appreciated!

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  • #2
for your post! Your approach is on the right track, but there are a few things you need to consider. First, the scale factor a in the equation (1+z)=a(t)/a0(t) is not the same as the scale factor used in the equation for energy densities. The scale factor in the energy density equation is the present scale factor, a0, while the scale factor in the redshift equation is the scale factor at a specific time in the past, a(t).

To calculate the redshift at which the Universe became vacuum dominated, you will need to solve for the scale factor a at the time when the matter and vacuum energy densities are equal. This can be done by setting the matter and vacuum energy densities equal to each other and solving for a. Once you have a, you can plug it into the redshift equation to calculate the redshift.

In order to use the given values for Omega_m and Omega_Lambda, you will need to first convert them to energy density values using the equations given. Once you have the energy density values, you can use them in the equation for H^2 to solve for a. Then, plug in the value of a into the redshift equation to calculate the redshift at which the Universe became vacuum dominated.

I hope this helps and good luck with your calculations!

FAQ: Calculating Redshift of Universe Domination

What is redshift and how is it related to the expansion of the universe?

Redshift is a phenomenon in which light from distant objects appears to be shifted towards longer (redder) wavelengths. This is due to the expansion of the universe, which causes the space between objects to stretch, thus stretching the wavelengths of light as it travels through this expanding space.

How is redshift calculated?

Redshift is calculated using a formula known as the cosmological redshift formula, which takes into account the speed of light, the expansion rate of the universe, and the distance between the observer and the object. This formula is used to determine the amount of redshift an object has experienced, which can then be used to estimate the object's distance and velocity.

What is the significance of redshift in understanding the age of the universe?

The redshift of distant objects can be used to estimate their distance from us, which in turn gives us an idea of how far back in time we are seeing them. This allows us to study the evolution of the universe and determine its age. The higher the redshift, the further back in time we are looking, and the younger the universe appears.

How does redshift contribute to our understanding of dark energy and dark matter?

Redshift measurements have played a crucial role in helping scientists understand the existence and behavior of dark energy and dark matter. By studying the effects of redshift on the light from distant objects, we can infer the presence of these mysterious components of the universe and their impact on the expansion of the universe.

Is there a limit to the redshift that can be observed in the universe?

Yes, there is a limit to the redshift that can be observed. This is known as the cosmological horizon and is determined by the distance at which the expansion of the universe exceeds the speed of light, making it impossible for us to receive any information from objects beyond this point. Currently, the highest observed redshift is around 11, which corresponds to a distance of about 13 billion light years.
