Proving Linear Transformation of Polynomials: Let Px be union of all polynomials

Combining (1), (2), and (3) we haveFor any p(x) in Px, (x-a)p(x) is in Tthen (x-a)p(x) = (x-a)q(x) implies p(x) = q(x)then if q(a) = 0, there is a p(x) s.t. q(x) = (x-a)p(x)which is what we wanted to show: the map p(x) --> (x-a)p(x)is a one-to-one, onto transformation of Px -> T.
  • #1
"Let Px be union of all polynomials.
Choose a an element of R, and define ta : Px --> R by ta(f) = f(a)
Let T=ker(Ta). Prove that the map
p(x) |--> (x − a)p(x)
is a linear, one-to-one, and onto transformation Px --> T ."

Is the assertation in the problem correct?
If so, how do you prove it?
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  • #2

Choose [tex]a\in\mathbb{R}[/tex] and define [tex]t_{a}:P_{x}\rightarrow\mathbb{R} \mbox{ by }t_{a}(f)=f(a)[/tex].
Let [tex]T=\mbox{ker}(t_{a})[/tex]. Prove that if [tex]\Lambda\mbox{ maps } p(x) \mapsto (x-a)p(x)[/tex], then [tex]\Lambda[/tex] is a linear, one-to-one transformation of [tex]P_{x}\mbox{ onto }T[/tex].
Proof: Let [tex]f,g\in P_{x}[/tex], and let [tex]b,c\in\mathbb{R}[/tex].
Then [tex]\Lambda(bf(x)+cg(x))=(x-a)(bf(x)+cg(x))=b(x-a)f(x)+c(x-a)g(x)=b\Lambda(f(x))+c\Lambda(g(x))[/tex], so [tex]\Lambda[/tex] is linear.
Since [tex]\Lambda(f(x))=\Lambda(g(x))\Rightarrow (x-a)f(x)=(x-a)g(x)\Rightarrow f(x)=g(x)[/tex], [tex]\Lambda[/tex] is one-to-one.
To see that [tex]\Lambda[/tex] maps [tex]P_{x}\mbox{ onto }T[/tex], consider that
[tex]\forall f\in P_{x}[/tex], [tex]f\in\mbox{ker}(t_{a})\Leftrightarrow f(a)=0\Leftrightarrow \exists q\in P_{x} \mbox{ such that } f(x)=(x-a)q(x)\Leftrightarrow \exists q\in P_{x} \mbox{ such that } f(x)=\Lambda(q(x))[/tex] by the definition of ker and by the fundamental theorem of algebra.
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  • #3
In less formal terms:

Ta maps each polynomial p(x) into the number p(a).
The "kernel" of any linear transformation is the set of vectors it maps into 0 so the kernel of Ta is the set of all p(x) that have value 0 at x=a: p(a)= 0.

Let [itex]\Lambda[/itex] be the transformation that takes p(x) into (x-a)p(x).

1. Linear: [itex]\Lambda[/itex](mp(x)+ nq(x))= (x-a)(mp(x)+ nq(x)= m{(x-a)p(x)}+ n{(x-a)p(x)}= m [itex]\Lambda[/itex]p(x)+ n[itex]\Lambda[/itex]q(x).

2. One-to-One. Suppose [itex]\Lambda[/itex]p(x)= [itex]\Lambda[/itex]q(x). That is (x-a)p(x)= (x-a)q(x). For x not equal to a, we can divide both sides by x-a to get p(x)= q(x). Since p and q are both polynomials, and so continuous, their values at x=a must also be the same: p(x)= q(x).

3. Range of [itex]\Lambda[/itex] is a subset of kernel of T.
If q(x) is in the range of [itex]\Lambda[/itex], q(x)= (x-a)p(x) for some polynomial p. Trivially, q(a)= (a-a)p(a)= 0. Therefore q(x) is in the kernel of T.

4. [itex]\Lambda[/itex] is "onto".
Let q(x) be in the kernel of T. Then q(x) is a polynomial such that q(a)= 0 and therefore has a factor of the form (x- a). q(x)= (x-a)p(x)= [itex]\Lambda[/itex]p(x).
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  • #4
Translating a problem can often make it easier to solve:

We want to say:

p(x) --> (x-a)p(x)

is a one-to-one, onto transformation of Px -> T

Breaking it down into pieces:

(1) This is a map Px -> T
is the same as
For any p(x) in Px, (x-a)P(x) is in T
which is the same as
For any p(x) in Px, (a-a)P(a) = 0

(2) This is a one-to-one map
is the same as
If (x-a)p(x) = (x-a)q(x) then p(x) = q(x).

(3) This is an onto map
is the same as
If q(x) is in T, then there is a p(x) s.t. q(x) = (x-a)p(x).
which is the same as
If q(a) = 0, then there is a p(x) s.t. q(x) = (x-a)p(x)

FAQ: Proving Linear Transformation of Polynomials: Let Px be union of all polynomials

What is a linear transformation?

A linear transformation is a mathematical operation that takes an input vector and produces an output vector by multiplying the input vector by a constant matrix. It preserves the properties of linearity, meaning that the transformation of a sum of vectors is equal to the sum of the individual transformations of those vectors.

What is a polynomial?

A polynomial is a mathematical expression consisting of variables and coefficients, combined using the operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication. The exponents of the variables in a polynomial must be non-negative integers.

What does it mean for Px to be the union of all polynomials?

Px represents the set of all polynomials, meaning that it includes every possible polynomial expression with any number of variables and coefficients. It is the entire collection of polynomials, including all possible combinations and variations.

How is the linear transformation of polynomials proven?

The linear transformation of polynomials can be proven by showing that the transformation preserves the properties of linearity. This can be done by demonstrating that the transformation of a sum of polynomials is equal to the sum of the individual transformations of those polynomials, and that the transformation of a scalar multiple of a polynomial is equal to the scalar multiple of the transformation of that polynomial.

What is the significance of proving the linear transformation of polynomials?

Proving the linear transformation of polynomials is important in many areas of mathematics and science, as polynomials are used to model a wide variety of phenomena. Understanding and verifying the properties of linear transformations allows us to confidently use them in applications and make accurate predictions based on polynomial data.

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